/divg/ - Divinity: Original Sin General

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Patch notes:

Item Crafting List: rcfox.ca/DOS2Recipes/
Skill Book Sellers: divinityoriginalsin2.wiki.fextralife.com/Skill Books
Skill Book Crafting: divinityoriginalsin2.wiki.fextralife.com/Skill Crafting

Divine Ascension (soundtrack, concept art, artbook, lorebook, a map):

>tfw Arhu gets focused by everyone
Just run man.

>If your character has higher initiative than The Doctor, he overwrites your characters turn to turn into a demon

amazing game

>First arena match on tactician
>These level three faggots are running around with 60 armor and tier 2 skills.
Managed to barely kill two before I was destroyed.
Fuck that nonsense though.
>Fat dwarf wand bitch outranges my huntsman with her normal attack
Oh fuck you.

I heard people complaining about not being able to win easier fights but completing that damn arena underleveled. I don't get it. I waited until I was a level above them before I took them on.

I just started this game. How long does it take until I can choose the pet talking talent if I didnt start with it?

>Can't brutally kill Dallis and devour her soul
trash desu

You get the next one at level 3.

Ini in this game is completely screwed. I have no idea what they were thinking.

I guess I will too. I'm only 900 XP away from hitting level 4, I just can't figure out what the fuck else to do in town right now.

Saved Amyro, watched Gawin get fucked by Magisters, killed frogs crocs and turdles, tattled on and then saved Stingtail, killed Red Prince assassin, found Withermore...

Did you kill the two magisters at the front gate? You might get level 4 off that.

Level 3, or have Ifan in your party. He gets Pet Pal for free, regardless of what class you assign to him.

Anyone else get a bug in act three at the place with the 4 shreekers where the Black Ring guys can't take damage?

These black fucking mirrors in that dreamworld horseshit are impossible solo. That cunt of a granny crits me for 3k and then I'm just mad or terrified for the rest of my short life. Can you shoot them with a bow? Don't have enough invis potions to run and gun in melee.

try approaching from another side

Is there a downside to eating souls? I mean gameplay/story wise?

Man, teleportation adds so many cheese options to the game.

That sounds like a bad idea.
Is there really no punishment at all for just openly murdering people?

Can get you the villain tag if you care about that
I got it after eating the mistake's soul

should I break the jars or can I take them with and do stuff with them later? not really looking to eat souls and shit.

Is it okay if I eat the souls of evil fucks?

Nah, was how I got the tag in the first place. Only ate Mistake's, sallow meme, and traitor paladin man

this, except i did that one tiger and the lesbidin too

Circled around up from the top and it was still the same going to try loading a save from earlier

>tfw almost everyone dies taking down that faggot Doctor and Fane has to stage a rescue mission

What did you think about her song?

Objective complete

The other prisoners don't give a shit and no magistrates path close enough to intervene.

I managed to keep the fireslugs from murdering me thanks to Ifan's pet pal.
Is there anything more to this Queen Slug thing? Doesn't seem to have a quest or anything, so I guess its just a little random fun thing?

How the fuck should I fight against the Kraken, Braccus Rex, Kemm, Isbell und Mr. Skeltal already weakened by the battle before?

>Body parts just stop having dialogue when eaten in act 4

Man they really did rush it

Windego never showed up in the Fort Joy Ghetto for me, I met her, she freaked out at me, I killed her.

Did I miss anything neat? Seemed like a batshit cunt.

what's some good skills for BIG crit 2h?

Whats a good stat distribution for 2H?

>Dwarf in doctor's basement is the bard from Driftwood
>Tongue has been cut out and he cant talk
>I guess I'll put him out of his misery
>Someone, help!

ya sorry I said it like that, i meant like what's good along side a 2h warfare crit build(pyro/necro etc)

If you have pet pal as Red Prince you can get betrothed to her.

maybe some necro, definitely poly
YUGE 2-H, warfare and STR

don't worry too much about crit chance, a 3 socket amulet will get you +36% with the right runes. Just get some 2-h skill so you have that sweet multiplier when the time's right.

I am on the knife edge of buying this game right the fuck now.
But before I do, I want to know: are there multiple save files/character slots so I can do a solo campaign and an online one with some friends who I'm still trying to convince to buy the game?

Pirate it and try. If you like it, buy it.

Multiple slots, but they are not sorted by character

Don't have a decent VPN and I don't feel like tempting fate.

I don't think she shows up at the ghetto, only times I've ever seen her was on the ship and right after escaping the fort.

>rate my shitty male elf knight in fort joy

Then buy it and try it for 2 hours on steam.

Just wait until you get to the second arena.
Just a tip: DO NOT wear a certain armor set if you go with the blindfold challenge, since the blindfold is considered a helmet.
My character started the fight crippled, diseased, burning and slowed until I got naked.

>tfw nobody gives a damn about seeing or fighting with/against a completely naked lizard
I expected some people would at least fling shit at you for being naked.


>The only brothel in game is exclusively lizards
>It's also a set up
The switcheroo in the first game was better than this

Yeah, I can't argue with you there, that's a pretty solid plan. Doing that as I post this.

>you can't just fuck a lizard girl and get away with it unless you're playing that red faggot
Well fuck you too, Larian.

Youll regret it later, Elf strength gear looks shit

Why aren't you playing a qt lizard girl and getting all the pussy and dick in a three-mile radius?

>No orcs
Praise Lucian

Whats more worth picking up till I scrounge more shit, Barrage, Tactical Retreat or Skyshot?

What do I press to highlight items I can pick up? L shift only shows sight radius for me

All elf gear looks like shit. Fucking treeaboos.

TR is fucking key to success as a ranger.

yuge? what's that


>mfw I wish there was a way to become an undead during a playthrough by some spooky black magic

Elf gear looks really good on undead elves though.

What do you guys do with all these FOOKIN books????

rip ;(

>When you gut Sebille with your own backstab
heh....lucian did nothing wrong.....

Read them

After reading them?

>Larian didn't give her a ghost form for closure

Because I'm playing a male lizard knight, and don't really feel like impersonating a whorish lizard girl.

Still, it kinda feels awkward sometimes because our party has a female lizard healer who heals/buff be to oblivion, always prioritizing me when things get tense, and providing me with anything I ask for. We're also both having our pyramids connected to each other.
I guess it's as close as it can get to feeling like I have a lizard wife.
But the charm is utterly killed knowing the person playing is a Jason Statham lookalike.

I have a backpack exclusively to put every book and keys I come across.

Except Yarrow, but she should not be there at that point in the game.

>That part on act 2 where you face 2 dwarven ambushes back to back

If I wasn't cheesing it with my summoner I would've been mad.

Do enemies in tactician have a much lower chance of tripping on ice? I've yet to see any of them fucking fall down.

I'm on classic and I've yet to see more than a single enemy fall down in spite of whenever there is ice, they go fucking nuts all over it.

Do you guys think we'll get dlcs or a full-on expansion? I'm usually against dlc shit, actual expansions are cool though, but I'm loving this game so much I just want more.

I feel when it comes to ai and slipping on ice they fucking cheat. I spent an hour just tossing a magister in a massive ice field just to see how he would get out of it. it slipped maybe 4 times. every other time he either walked out fine or used his movement skill on cooldown. other times he just fucking sat there. didn't do anything, no potions. no skills just ends his turn in the middle of a field of ice.

Tested on classic. haven't tried on tact, might try it when I get to a higher level. I know a combat encounter I missed I could use.

An imp and orc companion add on would be nice
idk about actual expansions

>muh mother tree wants to conquer the world!11 KILL HER
>make Sebille a new mom who is beloved by all elves and rules wise
>muh prophesy will burn down the world!11 KILL SADHA
>RP becomes a great dad who taught his children how to behave themselves, everything is great and peaceful
Is Shadow Prince utterly BTFO?

>not killing the mother tree and him

Fuck elves and fuck lizards

>Mother Tree, Sebille, and Prince aren't all rotting in the ground
grim future you have there, friendo

newfag here, how do I get source points now that the overly affectionate lady took off my collar? I want to go back and bless those levers the rat told me about.

Is deathfog supposed to be invisible to anyone except sourcerers/godwoken or is ai just that dumb to always run into it trying to melee my undead character?

I've tried using a barrel from prologue at Dallis/Alexander at Fort Joy entrance and it worked way better than expected, every single magister around happily ran into the cloud. And after combat my cat ran in too, rip.
Actually, Yarrow ran into the fog too so I guess it's worth checking whether it gave more or less exp than her quest would.

In the room with the cursed lever there's a giant glass thing full of glowing green-blue liquid. Maybe take a closer look at it.

>is ai just that dumb

You're asking if an AI that runs away from a character with attacks of opportunity to another character with attacks of opportunity, does their action and then the next turn runs back is dumb enough to run into deathfog?

Answer is yes.

t. Shadow Prince

T.Red Prince
btw, your princess has been GOD KANG'D

He will be SEALED soon, so no one gives a fuck.

What the fuck is that question mark?
It worked fine with the other vault but not it doesn't seem to work. What am I missing here?

Try it with the character who has it in their backpack. Might be a coincidence but Fane had it and only Fane could use it.

Thunderstorm or Meteor Shower?

Yeah that was it. Ifan had it and I was trying to combine with Fane.
That's fucking stupid. Thanks.

Bone widow

>tfw have your entire party in electrified blessed blood mist

Just for shit and giggles, how many elements can you combine in a single terrain effect?

What's the AP cost for swapping weapons in combat? Considering a hunstman/scoundrel split that goes ranged/melee depending on the situation.

What can you get from the Genie in driftwood? whats the best options.

>Can't dye armour
why is this allowed?

I think 1 AP per slot
Two daggers would be 2 AP then

I killed Griff before I recruited Sebille.

Now she wants to talk to Griff. But he's dead, and I already ate his hand.

Is Sebille's quest just fucked now?

In the world of Rivellon, that Jason Statham is a qt lizard waifu you must cherish and protect!

So I'm at the temple of Zorl Stissa, looking for an entrance to do Red prince's quest, I went inside the cave but there was nothing on it
What am I missing?


No it can progress later on regardless. I killed some NPCs Ifan wanted to talk to but it didnt matter and I completed his quest anyway.