League of Legends General - /lolg/

Objectively Best Evelynn Skin Edition

Old: >Very Useful Links


>7.19 Patch Notes


>Champion Update: Evelynn Agony's Embrace



>Runes Reworked: Forge Your Path


>Ask Riot: Hire More Devs Riot


>Champion and Skin Sales


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Tomorrow we have 2 Bo5 Matches between C9 vs Lyon and Fnatic vs HKA. Come in and Have Some Fun!

I hope there is a lot of art of Evelynn whipping Ahri for being such a classless slut

Skank for life.

i love you kled and i can’t wait until the day i die. when i an finally be with you. when im awarded in heaven with the love of my life. to finally be able to touch you with my own hands, run my hand through your soft furs and touch your cheeks, put on your hat and call myself kledfag the cantankerous cavalier and have you roll over on your back and make gentle but firm love to me. I hav your name tattooed on my chest and I give my body to you as your temple. i am yours and you are mine and it is written in the stars in blood., I love you kled i love you and when we die our corpses will be buried together until we intertwine and our ribcages become locked together and a bed of flowers grows from the fecund earth where our love will linger forevermore

>when your adc picks jhin

Who is ready for funsucker to return?I'm ready.

What's wrong with being a slut?

>come back for my biweekly ranked game
>all this new crazy rune shit AND one of my mains is being reworked
I don't like change.

xth for
BEST girl
BEST boy
BEST di-gender-binary champion

Things that immediately tell you you're gonna lose this game

>teleport tf

xth for Syndra

>yasuo with weeb name

Fuck, marry, kill. Go. Ezreal doesn't count, he doesn't wear a dress.

there's a LOT of good art for league. lewd or otherwise.

is there any game with more talented fan artists?

reminder that the god of uchiha bows to no one
my susanoo skills proved to be far too superior

zelda fanartists are good

Kill all of them. They exist for monster porns.

Which female champion has the most beautiful splash art if skins included? What about the guys?

Nice, new pasta.

No thanks



Supp takes ignite for "extra damage" instead of for countering healing lanes. Or alternatively top lane takes ignite on a champ that's heavily tp reliant for "that early game kill pressure" and still manages to give up first blood in a 1 v 1

>No PBE acc
>No streamer who play Eve on PBE

ezreal can wear a dress easily user

>tfw no qt petite gf

>ez jungle in my team
>kayn in my team
>yas in my team
>people who say "trust me this works" in champ select

so will lethal tempo work on azir?

So. Blood Moon Twisted Fate or Omega Squad Twitch?



Fuck Ahri, Marry Soraka, Kill Syndra

Redmercy has a full gameplay video


Miss Fortune

Omega Squad is definitely pay2win. Get that one for sure.



Did they nerf Sej yet? I need to know if my source of free wins is going to be gone soon.

dont you steal my pastas!!

recently got an ultrawide and played a game for the first time in months, first of all the cursor for buying items wasnt visible so i restarted, by then a tower had fallen but it visually it was still standing

then i got a bugsplat

any idea whats going on/know a quick fix for this?

No doubt, which makes it suck even more that Riot didn't even introduce an alternate style for him where he does do so. Hell, they could even give him heels too and he'd probably have sufficient agility to handle them.

>ardent censer nerfed
>janna nerfed
does it mean i can go back to playing zyra and brand?

I love the winter.

I think that they both have better, cheaper skins. Probably the Twitch one, though.

>Supp picks Bard
>starts W
>takes ignite and plays like a pussy

I hate Bards

Is Sej even in need of nerfs? I can't think of anything in her kit that's too overloaded. Either that, or I'm not playing her right.

>ywn own this skin if you don't already


>very easy
>highest win rate
>second highest pick (after Lee)
>seeing professional play
Yeah, she'll get nerfs.

>but she isn't even overloaded

her winrate

This splash is the cutest

i want a Teitch bf

>I hate Bards

t. Orc

What's his best skin?

Just tested it and currently it doesn't work on soldier autos

which one of you autists is this jinx?

Well, I got their fragments back to back from chests but neither one appeals to me, particularly. I'd agree the Omega Squad one is best, though. I guess I'll go for that one.

I love Sona!

Who do you love user?

>not a limited time shop offer
So there isn't a rush, then, right?

>open my shop
>whistler village
>pick it up
>they reset shop

I wonder if the Omega Squad Chromas are too new to pop up in the essence shop thing.

Gotta admit that all of Twitch's new splashes are absolutely top-tier.

Maybe i need to find someone to love.
Maybe that's why i'm a bit lost at life.

>Redmercy has a full gameplay video
to bad its shit
he does nothing, his kayn and yi carried it home

My beloved husbando is my own OC (do not steal).

I love Kled!


> Stopped drinking and have been winning so many games recently
> Really want to finally get gold this season


Any hopes for me anons? Tips would be nice to :)

I still think sonas basic splash is one of the best


worst skin

Still Sandstorm w/some of the chromas.

>tfw your husbando is someone else's oc

i'd say sandstorm = SKT > project > academy

theres no way 50% base AD Steraks buff makes it to live right?
haha...right guys!r....right?



Project because its slick and the fucking colors are wonderful

>Shitty blue emo hair
>Shitty blue eyes
>Ugly as fuck face
>Model has a crown shit blocking everything
worst skin by fucking far

improve cs and die less

Fizz carrying his team.

Just one more loss before I get demoted to plat 3 for the third time.
20 minute game btw

Best guy!
Evelynn is cool, COOL.
wtf kledfag

The Dark Sovereign.

Just keep spamming Miss Fortune.

Still Sandstorm and the chromas, I think. Project theme/aesthetic just doesn't appeal to me. Oh, and it costs more.

>deathfire teitch

Shibbs ?

you still alive ?

You should literally be banned from the entire season if you disconnect more than 5 times, so tired of fuckers with shit internet ruining my games

>the bigger they are the harder they ______

Which champion do you HATE?

That stupid polar bear.

What should I do to cs better?

Anything else ? incase she gets banned


eve got nerfed to modest merchant tier


>t-there's no way the change to Veigar's already low cooldown, 100% ap scaling W are going live, right? h-haha

If they ever actually fought, wouldn't Cami win in like 5 seconds? Agile trained assassin vs dumb kid

>unironically hating Ahri
Did she cuck you, user?

just stop missing cs, practice in customs without runes if you're really determinded, else just focus on it more in-game. And stop being indecisive in the mid-game. Don't walk back and forth, not knowing what to do, push a lane properly and then rotate somewhere else, always take camps when they're up and you have nothing else to do, always be active

So far that seems to be the only negative to the update. Well that, and the fact her ult was actually sort of usable already and we don't know how good her new ult will be. That warp is quite far and could make it so she has to save her ult just to stay alive, whereas before she'd open with it.

hey fuck you volibear did nothing wrong

>tfw someone sends you a friend request
wat do?

So as of right now, which runes stand out as especially powerful? Would they still be good if they tweaked their numbers?


>can bind shit to keys
>can automate what should be a timing based kit
>can do this without consequences
the moment they take away rebinding things the way it is now i see all rivens getting that winrate shitcanned

had to put up with a yasuo who could
>into a q
>but with a flash timed to whirlwind
>so he can make a figure 8 hitbox
>and ignite
>all within a fraction of a second (specifically 0.2s-0.3s if im to believe that replay at 0.25 speed)
>but only because things are bound in a sequencing way
but really, this game will improve in quality the moment this shit goes away


>implying this happens to me

What are the chances Riot fixes Tango Eve's model to actually reflect the fucking splash