/fg/ - Falcom General #95

Instructor Randy edition

Previous thread: >Trails of Cold Steel PC out now:


>A version of the old Zero no Kiseki fan translation was leaked:


Don't forget to support the games and spoiler the spoilers!

>Latest news

- Ys VIII released, but PC release date delayed due to issues with the port: steamcommunity.com/app/579180/discussions/0/1484356232247880393/

- Sen III trailer has been subbed: youtube.com/watch?v=QGfoGCWHLgI

- The trailer for Sen III is out: youtube.com/watch?v=fr-8b6S6HOQ

- Trails of Cold Steel III's on track for Japanese release on September 28th of this year, confirmed PS4 exclusive. News/article translations: gematsu.com/tag/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-of-cold-steel-iii

- Short CS3 TV ad: youtube.com/watch?v=NYaV_GNqyCo

- Ys Seven is out on PC: store.steampowered.com/app/587100/Ys_SEVEN/

- Zwei II coming to PC via XSEED (Autumn), official website:

- Tokyo Xanadu out on Vita, improved EX+ version on PS4/PC scheduled for late 2017

- Cold Steel 2 confirmed for PC, release date pending

>Older news

- Check out these Trails FC & SC updates, re: translation improvements (xseedgames.tumblr.com/post/159288714430/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-series-localization)

Pastebin (aka music): pastebin.com/G2mswYCt

Extra Stuff (Guides, links, CS undub): pastebin.com/n2G4xL5s





Calvard when?

Oh sh

So, did the streamer picked a girl at the beginning of the game or is the game pushing Laura now?

the first i think


Go Juna. Time to sell your body for Crossbell

So Kurt knows Crow died to save him, and seems to feel bad that he was powerless to resist the Vermillion Knight to stop that.

He also knows Kurt, and Kurt was seemingly to be his Muller until Osborne dismissed their family from their job.

He's nice enough to Rean and Kurt, but dismissive of Juna and basically implies he thinks new Thor's is unworthy of them and Rean should teach at and Kurt should be attending the real Thors instead.

He's still respectful of Olivert too so he hasn't gone full Osborne zealot just yet.

Cedric being a dick.exe

You mean Cedric right

>So Kurt knows Crow died to save him

Cedric that is.

tl;dr Cedric is extremely thankful to Rean, wants to become stronger because he's bitter about not having the power to do anything at all during the whole Vermillion Apocalypse thing and wants Rean to transfer to the main school, since it'd be a much more fitting place for a hero like him. Then he suggests that Kurt, as well, deserves a better place than Thors 2, and said he can arrange his transfer to Thors 1. Altina can go as well because he's heard a lot about her from Lechter and Rufus.

He wasn't being nice to anyone once Rean turned down his poaching attempt.

Not nearly as bad as I expected honestly.

He's mostly passive aggressive about how new Thors is inferior.

He's even surprisingly respectful about Crow and seems to be under the impression Cayanne was manipulating him.

>could have read Carnelia or hacked the Pentagon with Ash
>goes fishing with Debbie Downer instead

He used Crow and respect to lure Rean,failed.
After that he went full look down on Juna and Thor 2

When you're trying to manipulate someone into liking you it's generally a good idea not to infuriate them by insulting their dead best friend who died because you were powerless against an angry fop.

If they were a wanted terrorist who's fault it was you there in the first place he'd be totally jusified in hating Crow's guts.

Buy her game and give her back her Crossbell.

That's nice, but your opinion of Crow doesn't matter. The fact is Rean doesn't hold it against him and you'd be deeply retarded to antagonize someone you're trying to get to like you.

Until proven otherwise, this stream is on Laura route

>them abs


Swimming event and you're not Rean but the NPC.

This game throws so many curve balls I swear.

Altina seems happy she gets to talk to Rean like this.
Goddamn it she's so cute

yeah ,she has become the best help that Rean have in the school

Their interactions are so cute

Hopefully he lets his real opinion shine later on when it's clear Rean won't be on his side.

I hope she didn't die or get her memories wiped at the end of the game. That's Falcom's favorite trope recently.

I'd expect it. It's already clear he's going to need smacking around later.

Misty's voice is lovely.

Rean should leave the all this shit behind and live a comfy life with Altina.

Calling it now. "Misty" is really Emma using witch mindfuckery to make everyone hear her as Vita, and not actually Vita.

almost crossbell time
yeah it probably is.


Cedric fucking crashes soldat practice with a Spiegel.

>Cedric is the new patrick
Damn have fallen fall boy

Arteria when?

Super robot wars when?

Right now.

>robot used the same weapon as the pilot meme
this shit needs to end

Reeves has been more military academy in 2 chapters than Thors has been for 2 games

What would you rather they do?

Thors is beta academy, that's why Osborne want to make it more chad-like.

Standard weapons for everyone except the Divine Knights.

Then he fell for Elise too.

He has?

Where the hell did they even get the time to personalize weapons for these kids

No. But if he's Pat 2.0 then I wouldn't be surprised.

this needs a proper explanation.

when they got accepted into the school

It would make things more unique and exciting that way.

That annoys me. It took the better part of a chapter to find the material and get the best scientist around to craft Valimar's personalized weapon, yet they just instantly made scaled up versions of everyone else instantly.

Altina needs to get pregnant.

Same reason why the school sold Tachis in CS1 and 2 despite Rean being the only weeb

you misunderstand me, the kids can have all their unique gear on hand but having the same fucking weapon but 20x the size for their mech is ridiculous

Yeah but any weaponsmith worth their salt can build a regular sized weapon, as opposed to a giant mecha sized one which required a significant amount of effort to get in CS2.

Osborne allocates a good portion of the national budget to provide comfortable robo life to the kids. He's a good man

Also note that only the PCs get these. When the other students use the soldat's they've got the standard weapons.

Its been long since CS. Advanced technology and shit happen in a couple of month. Everything is possible with Osborne.

Aren't the other weapons made out of cheap stuff? That was why Valimar's sword took forever to make, cause it was made of rare shit and said rare shit was hard to work with.

Valimar needed crazy magic sword because he's a crazy magic robot. These assholes are using MP grunts that would of course have the same weapons as they're being trained with already.

You're comparing Zakus to Cybuster

But wasn't that specifically because it was for Valimar which is a special divine knight as opposed to soldats. Plus its been a year and half since that time.

Has the streamer died?


He is on phone


Technically he didn't actually NEED a katana built out of Zemurian ore, they just decided to go the extra mile.

Ordine didn't seem to have a special ore double sword and it was still just as effective.

You mean Gespensts and Huckebeins ;_;.

No he did have Zemurian Ore. I mean, who do you think supplies his machines? It's Ouroboros tech and knowledge. In fact, Vita knew about the shrines way more than Emma and Celine did.

It seems at least, based on the one fight Rean used the regular Soldat, that the Soldat's have a standard weapon mode for PCs in them who's fighting style won't scale up to giant robot size.

His options where build a weapon for him or get good with a different weapon real fast. They still need a zemurian weapon it was just easier to get a weapon that suits him.

Any update on Musse? I feel like she's older than she looks. Suspicious

They never say where Ordine got it's sword from at all actually, and it doesn't have the runes or the special shine that Valimar's does.

Nor does Crow tell him to get a Zemurian ore weapon, just a sword that's like his personal one so he can use Seven Leaves training. In fact he seems impressed by the zemurian sword, which suggests his isn't made of the same stuff.

It does though, when Ordine buffs itself, the blades open up and shows sigils like Valimar does.

crossbell time

Please post Alisa when she shows up again Bros. Gotta go to sleep.

>In fact he seems impressed by the zemurian sword

Or it just means he's actually impressed with how the sword turned out. It was a very nice sword and Crow is hardly the type who wouldn't give his buddy George props. Man this was a weirdly cordial rivalry.

Good night. forever

Why's everyone ignoring the fact that Valimar's tachi is made of Zemurian ore, you know the metal so rare that each time a they see it everyone is amazed.
The standard soldat sword is also a giant sword, and they can chain-manufacture it just fine, designing the tachi was easy, the hard part was the material, and the new class VII don't have any giant Zemurian weapon here.

Since Crow's sword is an ancient weapon, I just assumed Ordine's is the same.

Or maybe that they have blueprints of all weapon type in their factories and you don't need Zemurian ore for them

Yes. The logical answer is that he learned the double saber for Ordine rather than coincidentally being a master of an ancient weapon.

I wonder what ever happened to Val's old sword. It seems like an awful waste to just throw it away. Plus I bet Laura could make use of it.

>Laura gets a divine knight but it's armed with a spear so she takes the old sword
>Gaius gets a divine knight but it's armed with something else so he takes the spear

Time to refine that Zemurian ore. Couldn't even beat Gigas kek

So does Randy know that Rean fought against Lloyd? And was he cool with it or what did he say?

They threw the CS2 sword? What did Valimar use now?

I better wake up to hear some hype shit going down in Crossbell, unless half of it is just going to be doing errands like any other chapter before we get to the good shit

of course its going to be errands for the first half, but it will be fan service in nature for people that played the crossbell games

>First two chapters are oldfag pandering
Nice time allocation, Falcom.

He had the double saber first. He used it with Vita's power up combo technique to finish the trial solo. As for how he got it, I assume Vita also gave it to him from Oroborous's stock of artifacts (Gideon probably also got his flute there)

Of course she could have known ahead of time Ordine would have a double saber and gave him the double saber because of that (they might even have been intended to always be paired) though that raises the question of why Ordine was sealed with a weapon but Valimar wasn't.

Right, Vita would have guided him and probably knew what weapon he should learn. There's no reason he would have picked that weapon in Jurai. Valimar's weapon was probably taken to a royal vault or something.

He still uses the one they made in CS2. They meant the Spiegel sword that they coated with Zemurian Ore as a test run for making the real thing, which Rean uses against Scarlet but later gets replaced with the prototype tachi, which itself gets replaced with the final tachi.

Oh shit it's Campy

Which begs the question of what happened to the original sword

so do you think lloyds new outfit will look good or not

>There's no reason he would have picked that weapon in Jurai.

Could have just been the only ancient weapon they had that didn't require being a demon or that also might drive you crazy.