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Why do they do this? Is it really that hard to make a game use more ram/cores?
Parker White
Who /patriot/ here?
Leo Perez
I tried user, I really did.
Aaron Gonzalez
>When you play UE and a fuckton of eden incense spawns in your constellation
Isaiah Gomez
>Is it really that hard to make a game use more ram/cores? it's pretty fucking hard to implement multi-core processing in a good way low ram though i dunno what's up with that
Wyatt Gomez
>when you play riftborn and a fuckton of redsang spawns in your constellation
Brayden Hall
>When you play the UE with 50-pop Horatio bonus, 3 levels of mercurite and 2 levels of meta-entactogen This has never happened but I want to see it happen.
Josiah Kelly
Is there a way for me to fix it without lowering the graphics or the amount of planets/countries?
William Flores
>civ v >actually get an early religion for once >neither of my neighbors even get pantheons >things looking good >fucking china to my east somehow gets the second biggest religion in the game >shitting out missionaries and prophets with shit tier religious beliefs >fucking washington goes from no pantheon to getting the last fucking religion despite having my religion in the majority of his cities fuck this game
Joshua Miller
When you're bottlenecked by the engine processing things your only real options are getting a beefier CPU or breaking into Paradox, stealing the Clausewitz engine and Stellaris's source code, and optimising them better.
Cooper Gonzalez
Ah fuck I'd rather buy a new cpu than a ticket to cuckistan.
Sebastian Russell
It's because it's 32bit
Ayden Sanders
I guess there's also the option of taking advantage of the fact it's single-core by getting a second monitor up and doing something else as the years tick by at one day a second.
Liam Nguyen
Only way you'll get better performance is with a single core or some absurdly fast multicore in the thousands of dollars
Asher Jenkins
>aurora >mineral packets flying all around Sol system toward Earth >fuel production is finally at a good level Pretty comfy desu But I have never tried the military in this game, I'll probably get fucked once I start exploring other systems
Cooper Gomez
Anyone have good custom setups for each faction in ES2? I want to beef my AI opponents up a bit without touching the difficulty slider.
James Gomez
any downside to sectoring literally everything? i like it all nice and clean.
Blake Foster
You don't get all your resources and have to assign what looks like a bunch of separate governors?
Sebastian Hernandez
miss out on minimum 25% of energy and minerals
Leo Morris
energy and minerals are a plenty. as long as research remains i dont care. thanks
Xavier Thompson
No, your research goes to shit too because you have a fuckton of planets and pops.
Ethan Diaz
That doesn't have anything to do with sectors though.
Carson Lopez
What's the new meta for ship weapons in Stellaris? Lasers seem to be on equal or better terms than Plasma now, or is Plasma still the king for anti-armour energy weapons?
Michael Jenkins
I still use only kinetic and it seems to be a good all-round weapon. On battleships I put kinetic artillery and bomers which are better now.
Ryder Butler
You need more people working to get the same plentiful energy and mineral income as you would have from systems up to your system cap, so those miners and power generators and extra planets of space are killing your research for no benefit.
Isaiah Powell
Never thought of it that way. Aside from that even if the sectors suck sometimes it would be a hassle to manage 100 planets manually.
Leo Johnson
I've waited few days after dawn release so that people would come up with an ez 1 - 2 - 3 step fleet scheme, any yet?
Jaxson Johnson
That's the obvious upside, but your best [sector cap] energy and mineral planets shouldn't be sectored. Just throw something down on every tile and shift-click upgrades once they're built and they're done.
Then every time you get a sector cap increase you only have a single new planet to manage.
Sebastian Miller
If Stellaris, naked corvettes. If Sins of Solar Empires, naked corvettes. If Endless Space 2, boy, you actually have to think.
Jaxson Cox
>Lumeris are trawling through my space with their scout ships >Figure it's ok to do it right back to them >Increasingly salty messages from froggy big tits Why does the AI think it's ok to do this?
Nolan Nguyen
>Playing Stellaris >accidentally get drawn into a fight because I stupidly took in some morons as a protectorate >Enemy seems to somehow have fucking Jump Drive while I'm still running on Warp Drives so they can literally just sprint through my territory >or maybe that's hyperlanes I dunno >suffer multiple losses in battle as my fleet is caught out badly by them and their allies >finally design a fleet custom made to beat their asses >do so >Gain literally nothing from it, because I can't make any War Demands despite the fact that I'm now winning
Remind me to never make any vassals ever, holy shit. That was cancer. Next game, I'm going to go Militarist, Spiritual, Xenophobic and just expand endlessly.
That said, I'm pleased that losing a single major battle is no longer the game-ending event it used to be, though that might be the AI's fault.
Luis Wilson
Nice galactic real estates you got there ;)
Christopher Price
>If Stellaris, naked corvettes
Not anymore.
Matthew Ortiz
>shift-click upgrades WHAT
Nathan Taylor
>energy and minerals are a plenty. as long as research remains i dont care. thanks Learn 2 play Nothing but energy and minerals matters because nothing but doomstack strength matters, and energy and minerals is what sustains the doomstack
Joseph Anderson
I hit 20 levels of repeatable shield tech with one planet and a repaired science nexus before 2300 once, that was pretty decent for fucking people up with fewer battleships.
Aaron Hernandez
Are you supposed to be able to build shit in Sectors in Stellaris?
Because I still can.
Tyler Clark
Yes, it's a new feature because they're not completely willing to admit they can't code sector AI for shit.
Isaiah Carter
yes, you used to not be able to but changed it in 1.8 because they can't fix the sector AI
Samuel Evans
Yeah. Paradox "admitted" they were complete retards when it came to sectors.
Chase Garcia
Oh, cool.
So basically, Sector's are now just a 25% decrease in minerals and energy output from their areas?
Matthew Murphy
yeah. You can still leave them to auto build but lol why gimp yourself
Parker Perez
Cool. Might start a new campaign with this in mind.
Matthew Walker
With another possible slight drop because governors give 2% to all output per skill level and core planets count as a core sector with a single governor, but yes, they're not quite as shit now.
Hell, you might even appreciate the fact that their banked energy/minerals mean you have a higher effective energy cap for extended wars if you can front the influence to steal it.
John Gray
How I understood it was that you at the least had to let 25% go to the sectors so you can always get it from them by paying with influence.
Nathan Adams
Good to know.
Joseph Bell
I don't believe you, there is no way one planet would have survived that long.
Aaron Martin
So rogue servitors actually allow sapient life form to live a version of their religious paradise, but I see a single problem - It's ok AI can travel carefree, wage wars and protect regions of space that host organics indefinitely - but the organics actually don't benefit on the genetics aspect or the alternative when they are in charge of enhancing themselves.
Basically they're kept in a paradise but only built up around their limitations, like they still die - age and so on and their protectors consume all their resources to defend that lifestyle and to keep the peace up against other empires... like in the long run I think it's better to risk it all but take the destiny of your species in your own hands, maybe it would lead to eternal life in biological form trough complete genome editing.
Nicholas Garcia
He could if he became allies with other powers when they were still small.
Bentley King
1.8.1 when? Not going to play Wiz's third world dystopia simulator until majority of new bugs are fixed.
Mason Robinson
Well they put organics into their own version of utopia but ofcourse utopia leads to stagnation. Without struggle there is no reason for improvement.
Nicholas Howard
Which bugs are you talking about I didn't find anything.
Wyatt Ramirez
Given all the bugs, is it worth starting an Ironman, I want some cheevos and pretty much every DLC or update breaks achievements.
Carter Jones
Hello Wiz. Go and fix your game you lazy piece of shit.
Ian Ortiz
I wonder what could be next once such an servitude AI empire conquers the entire galaxy and successfully offers maximum comfort to all species inside designated utopias, it's like the machines are left purposeless, would they invent inter-dimensional servitude machines to put them in a utopia ? So an utopia-ception?
Josiah Smith
>patch notes >"Crises" >"Unbidden and Scourge are now a bit less vulnerable to fleets that have been hyperspecialized to counter them, though countering them with the right weapons and components still has a large effect"
Anti-Swarm ship design, discuss.
Robert Thomas
They would probably stay doing it till something gets disrupted. Might be a good idea for a movie desu.
Wyatt Peterson
You know, looking back at mass effect writing, cycles of evolution and extermination by machines might be better outcome than ****utopia**** like that.
William Bennett
Fuck you buddy I'm going on a holiday to spain.
David Ross
the lumeris actually reduce my enjoyment of ES2 whenever i encounter them literally no other faction is as warmongering as their AI - even the cravers demand tribute before they become aggressive, but in every single one of my games WITHOUT FAIL the fucking fishtits has been at war with at least 2 different people as soon as she meets them. no attempts for peace and trade agreements, no shrewd diplomacy, outpost selling, or jewish tricks, just war declaration and fucking sneaky.
i really wish there was a feature to disallow certain factions from spawning when you set it to random, just so i could ensure that i never have to deal with her retarded ass ever again.
Eli Stewart
Yea it's very fascinating and an idea in-tune with our mind state and technological capabilities we have within the domain of time where statistically we don't self-destruct. Humans living in habitats just to pursue their passions if they have any, otherwise maximum security, maximum comfort just live for sake of living alone.
Juan Taylor
I think the best thing would be to let civilizations follow their natural growth, stagnation and finally decline and dissolution phases. I wonder though if the same rules would apply to space civilizations,
Bentley Wilson
Is there a way in ES2 to have an observer game? Let the AI play against itself and watch?
Alexander Thomas
Honestly I think people might get fed up with total security and maximum comfort. I mean you wouldn't be building anything or producing anything only consuming sort of. In a way it sounds to me pretty pointless to live like that.
Kevin Sanchez
Is there anyway to reliably get Psionic Expert scientists? I'd like to play Psionic Materialists, but it's impossible without that trait.
Noah Nguyen
It's pure random so there's no reliable way.
Sebastian Gonzalez
There's no reason to dissolute unless the physical universe no longer allows any form of consciousness - meaningful interaction and so on. Or if it's impossible to actually abandon this universe for another when things darken out, really why get overwhelmed by complexity of life and not desire to preserve and push it forward no matter what
Nathaniel Adams
>Humans living in habitats just to pursue their passions if they have any, otherwise maximum security, maximum comfort just live for sake of living alone. The mistake here is you assume "pursue their passions" is something non-material or euphoric. What if following your "passion" can cause AI-built utopia to crumble, even as a side effect?
Connor Wood
Lets say one empire/people conquer the whole universe, they get complacent wihtout enemies technological advances slow down and before you know it they are stagnating. You really should read dune it has this exact situation and to fix it the emperor of the human empire deliberately fucks everything up sos that humanity scatters and starts to struggle again so that new ideas and technologies are invented.
Cooper Martin
Yes non-material, picture a rich person either that retired early or that inherits his wealth - will surround him with the best of the best that others produced, will not lift a finger - yet will enjoy his life and not for a moment wish to cease being - hell most of such guys are scared of death and when they get older suddenly donate huge sums of money to medical research.
The AI is also many times smarter than you and in intellect and ambition is the equivalent of you traveling a river with a small boat, while they travel the space trough wormholes. The organics could always experience the pleasures of virtual realities, where they are free.
You perceive such a habitat trough wrong metaphors the appropiate one is Garden of Eden - man doesn't have to work the land and sweat in order to eat, he just collects the fruits from trees, it's the oldest and most desired metaphor in all cultures in a form or another.. the lost paradise where you're taken care of by a supreme being and you just focus on social interactions, creative endeavors. Maybe you disagree but majority of humans don't and actually dream, some live in that dream constantly about such a lost paradise .. also look at the progress of social classes - first generation starts as 24/7 hard workers in agriculture, low tier industries - next one takes natural sciences and work 8 hr + everyday of their life just so that their children due to the financial stability of their fathers be free to do w/e they want, usually purse artistic / creative endeavours where they would probably work 24/7 again but out of passion and not obligation.
Also look most of worlds breakthroughs came from brain was not trying too hard, usually in shower, walking in park and so on.
Logan Rodriguez
Well the servitude empire doesn't start with war in mind nor competition their sole purpose is to always provide the best living conditions / society / security to their gated organics - it's a constant struggle for perfection. Their ideal is such that never reaches its potential.
Angel Rodriguez
If you play Fanatic Xenophobe, is it still possible to (grumpily) join Federations and stuff?
Benjamin Jackson
As long as you are not a Fanatic Purifier, then yes.
Christopher Morgan
I was talking in more literal sense. What if a passion of certain individual can result in destruction of utopia, should AI remove said person pre-emptively? If yes, then it stops being an utopia and becomes just another police state, but governed by AI. If no, how would you expect a super intelligent AI to be a good goy and cease to exist?
>Also look most of worlds breakthroughs came from brain was not trying too hard, usually in shower, walking in park and so on. Define "too hard". Mendeleev for example spent so much time thinking about chemistry he was dreaming about it. Sure he wasn't a slave-tier exhausted, but I wouldn't call this state "casual" either.
Camden Mitchell
Benjamin Bell
Jackson Sullivan
>Commonwealth of Man and the UN in the same game for once. Neat, this is actually the first time I've seen this.
Luke Ramirez
what did he do this time?
Jordan Miller
Same thing he does every day, Pinky. Be a twat.
Jace Cruz
are wiz and johan somehow related? they seem to be toatly retarded concerning the same things.
Adam Sanchez
So if you have a science nexus or dyson sphere you can't build another. If you take a system that has a megastructure what happens? Is it destroyed or what?
Zachary Watson
it's an employment condition at paradox
Isaac Garcia
Remember when the voice packs for Stellaris came out? People complained that the militarist one sounded like a rabid warmonger, and a lot of people like playing their militarist factions as being more disciplined and focused than that.
Wiz immediately accused people who didn't like it of being sexist, because it was a female voice actor voicing it.
Jace Robinson
To be honest, I saw Johan being used as a scapegoat on /gsg/ for everything, but I never saw a reason for it. Meanwhile, Wiz gave us .
He knew, mate. He just thought it was something new.
Joshua Rogers
Im from gsg johan has locked threads and encouraged the current dlc policy you now see. He is or at least was the creative directer for the new generation of games so the streamlining and casualization is his fault. Plus he looks the funniest.
Connor Harris
What type of robots are most fun to play and why is it assimilators?
Logan Long
Haaa, that's why. I kinda hate him now, too. DLCs kinda ruined CK2 and apparently, they're also ruining EUIV.
Why do we say CK2 and EUIV and not CKII and EU4?
Juan White
I say EU4 and CK2. Much easier then typing out the numerals.
Isaiah Jones
Am I swimming alone, then?
Cooper Flores
Most likely.
Easton Phillips
A little help?
Aaron Green
The fact that pops with Stellar Culture Shock don't breed is retarded.
Aaron Reed
They're so traumatized they forget to fuck.
Or, similar to the Chinese, they panic and have a "one kid only" policy.
Wyatt Carter
>ES2 world generator doesn't support 90% of systems being isolated I'm a little disappointed.
Liam Lewis
it stays around. you can abuse this by releasing your system with a megastructure in it as a vassal, build a new one, then integrate them again. Repeat for profit, though its not really worth the effort.
Joshua Clark
I found very becoming fond of Zdzislaw Beksinski's works. Any strategy game with similar aesthetic and a keen sense of despair?