League of Legends General - /lolg/

loloo x veigar

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Why ship those two? Other than "wow they have hats"

So is Azir back to being the Fun Sucker?

anyone got a PBE account they don't mind sharing? NA if it matters

Cute mage yordles
I like that ship too

dunno tried him first time in ranked and the damage loss is noticeable on Q so i don't really like it
also the changes will probably kill the AP heavy item build and only the morello into whatever the fuck will be viable


xth for Syndra

Oh wow that ACTUALLY killed me

New Evelynn is a total qt

How would she react to being kissed in her cute button nose?

sex into murder


Best booty.

>Still no new missions


First really soft like she actually appreciated it, then something like "My turn!" and you get your nose torn off by spikes.
But really I think she would be intimidated by how vanilla it was and blush really deeply and sort of submit to you, at least emotionally.

>yfw you're so strong right now

>Come back after 3 year break (near when Bard was released I think)
>Used to main ADC so that's what i'll play now
>Discover the absolute MONSTER that is Twitch now

Holy fuck, how can I play any other ADC now when this shit is most fun i've ever had


Also, don't suppose there's a ADC tierlist (or just some instalose champs I should avoid)

>deadguy69: group

>has tons of money
>doesnt fix his shitty look and his teeth

I dont understand this, did never anyone tell that to him

>inb4 but muh personality

he's already look 10x better than that monster in 2011

OH MY GOD, that damage

Does Eve ever have sex without killing her partner?

Lolbabs, how would you fix the abomination that is current state Kindred? I genuinely enjoy playing them, but due to Riot being a small Indian company they're bottom barrel tier.
Maybe revert the heal removal on W.

I got secondary role every single game in the last 15 games, first being mid and second top. Is there a reason or just unlucky? The problem is i have 60% winrate mid and 40% top

I don't think he gives a shit
neither would i desu

Is doing nearly no damage as Rek'Sai in the late game normal for her? Seems like no matter what I build her damage goes down the toilet in favor of being an executioner with her ultimate

>jungle camille

Prove it
Show him a mirror

>laner gets utterly destroyed
>"no summs mid"


>get into lobby
>guys says he's in his promos
>play the game accordingly
>as soon as he lost his lane he claims he was autofilled there

OBJECTION! You see, your Honour, you can't be autofilled during your promos!

If you wouldn't suck you're waifu's penis then she's not really your waifu.

He has everything he needs man, i think he would gladly spend the money he could spend on surgery on food instead or some shit like that

>splitpushing bot
>user (bruiser): Teleport - Ready
>team starts rushing baron, when they see the enemy team instantly start engaging, meanwhile the adc keeps hitting baron and getting hit by it even though its still at half hp and by the time i finish my tp only the support is alive

Wolfs Frenzy slows targets down a little with each bite, either that or Wolf does that dog thing where he bites and latches onto someone and starts thrashing about to do continuous damage instead of doing a baby tap

Ultimate prevents allies from dying at the usual threshold and enemies inside receive more damage from incoming attacks

though just augmenting Kindreds abilities might not be enough, a rework might be needed to save them

But she doesn't have a penis.

Well, at least I learned how to NOT shade fire.

I used the model for reference rather than the splash because HOOOOLY FUCK they are so much different, even for Riot standards.

Avoid as adc:
corki , quinn, graves and ezreal

If you want another broken adc, go:
tristana, koq'maw and xayah

Very nice, user. I'm proud of you.
Would you like to draw another one?

TF looks alive enough

I bet she's actually vanilla as fuck with people she likes

not canon

real evelynns have boobs

Can we go back to having OP's that have helpful link about the patches and upcoming changes
nobody cares for your autism

I like it, thanks a lot

Kalista and Lucian are the only fun adc's left

She says all her exes are dead, so no probably

TF and Eve aren't even a couple in the new lore

how is the best boy looking with the new runes and masteries

All waifus have penis.

Idk, but his new skins is probably the best of the year
>futuristic yordle
>has pistol
>throws it like a boomerang
>gurren laggan drill
i wouldn't be suprised if it was an 1820


which ahri skin do i get

>all lanes breached
>turrets just got destroyed
>Nexus being slapped to its destruction, the game's about to end fair and square
>eyyoholup22 has initiated a surrender vote
for what purpose

Let's do something different today.

Try to guess to which game's OST I'm jamming right now and I'll draw ANYTHING you want.
Note: I'm shit at porn, women and machinary things, but I'll draw it anyway if you want it. I won't draw anything MLP or scat related, but that's all the exceptions.

Clue: it's a game released this year.

Let's see if one of you is a lucky man.



riven butthurt was a music for my ears
riven mains are always so salty

>worst stats

Do better man.

Popstar unless you like the SG Voice Over

Should I max Q second on Janna or first?


E first, then Q

Its Nier Automata

Injustice 2?

It's funny because I AM listening to Nier's OST since my roomate is playing it in the living room, but no.

Is there anywhere where you can just buy a PBE account or are all these account selling sites just scams


Since you didn't say we couldn't have multiple guesses I'm gonna say it's one of the games on this list: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_in_video_gaming#Game_releases

Since I won, I'd like this image but with new Eve, thanks.

aw geez user, is it the Breath of the Wild ost?

if so, howzabout this but with Karthus saying it in somewhere resembling the Shadow Isles

Danganronpa 3

Is it the Sonic Mania soundtrack?

Lolg help me find a midfu!

>lose lane
>game goes down the shitter really fast
>save Yasuo and gets a clutch double
>turn the game around and win
>enemy adc adds me to duo
friendly reminder that even if it feels like 1v9 have faith in your team

>blind pick fill aka taking whatever's left to me
>jungle, ok I'll go rakan I've had some fun with rakan jungle and people humor me from past experience
>zac support types ... then tells me to go support, tell him to not be silly but we both wind up with smite in load screen anyway
>decide to make the best of it by going to enemy red buff and giving it to our tryn, say as much in chat
>zac at blue buff starts walking towards us
>no way does he have time to go back to do his buff
>he scares off tryn with his gooey presence, then watches me damage the enemy red buff
>he isn't actually doing anything, just watching me slap enemy red buff
>I walk off for w/e reason, zac follows me
>all the way to our own red buff
>memory a bit fuzzy, he eventually went away after I solo'd our own red buff for him to kill it at 1 hp since I failed to kill it with smite but he at least goes off to jungle on his own past this
>tryndamere screaming bloody murder for 30 minutes at both of us for being "immature fucking cunts" and an assortment of other sweet nothings while he fed
>zac starts pinging him when he's alive/dead
>trynd turns up the frequency
>reported tryn as soon as game ended, start wording up zac's report
>after finally fitting the character limit and conveying what zac did as best I could immediately get greeted by instant feedback report that had been in the background apparently while I typed
I just wanted to play rakan jungle in blind lmao

>"Let's change significantly him so that people who already like this unpopular champion have to change, while also making him objectively worse"

They literally just Aatrox'd him.


t. lastshadow

orianna if you like brainless champs

Defend this...

Is there a /lolg/ club/group?

nice name

Nice blog

>we're going to rework Azir because he's a cancer blight on the game and when he's good he can do literally fucking everything
>didn't remove his dash
It's like they don't even understand what's wrong with him

thanks for reading about league of legends from the common man's perspective based on his own experiences

Start the long road of being Cassiopeia's husbando

Horizon Zero Dawn.
Can we get one of these saying "Teamfight soon fellow champion."?

No thanks.
Brainless is not fun imo.
Hmm I will have to think on it.

Zac has Merc Treads as his only MR.

Diana has Lich Bane and Void Staff.

What's not to get here

They were listed as friends in the old riot site. They're also the two mentally deranged yordles.

>Diana 14
>Zac 12

Why aren't premades and smurfs being eradicated RIGHT NOW?
These "people" obviously don't deserve to live.

Orianna is not brianless.

Ryze, this version is fun as hell and makes you need to plan

>triple infernal
>insanely fed ap carry
>ap jungle item for some reason on zac
kill yourself

Ryze is already on my list of mid champs that I enjoy playing. Just looking for a female one now. Thanks user.

I tried getting into the game, but I cant. What do?

I generally suck at farming, that leaves me behind, then I suck even more, then the game is over. Meanwhile 1 or 2 dudes in my team wrack everything and get non stop kill announces

holy shit did riot really nerf vayne?
lmao she is so shit now

user, don't start a fight about pulling shit out of your ass with the guy with a pencil.

Nope. New clue: it was a sequel.

You practice farming. The entire game is based around farming as if it were second nature and then the rest of the game happens around that.

Why isn't smurfing illegal? Why are these subhuman retards allowed to exist?

If Cass has a poor early game, scales hard, is extremely item dependent, deals DPS rather than burst, doesn't roam as aggressively as most midlaners, why isn't she played bot lane?

She builds different items but E is a glorified auto attack and she's a ranged DPS.

Orianna needs Brian to her life desu

Also is it just me or does the thumbnail of this image look like shes crying