Props to OP for ensuring thread pasta is updated. Reminder that Lilly and Emi are sluts, Shizune is a loveless ice queen, Hanako is a moeblob and Rin is best girl.
Jackson Howard
kys rintard
Elijah Gomez
>Rin is best girl. You fucking what?
Oliver Stewart
i guess i'm a cripple now haha
Samuel Watson
We did it guys. We finally did it. I'll be expecting my Yamaku enrollment paperwork in the mail.
Juan Sullivan
we'll all be able to get qt katawa gfs, lads
Joshua Torres
Christopher Johnson
Benjamin Murphy
Cute Lilly! I've never seen it before.
Lincoln Jackson
Easton Wright
There are many Lillys in my... collection
Daniel Hughes
As do I, nearing 1000, though I'll never be satisfied. I haven't seen that one either, actually.
Aiden Young
I come bearing gifts then
Robert Carter
Nobody else?
Henry Bennett
Nope, she's all yours
Isaiah Kelly
for Rin
Michael Lopez
I want to boop Suzu on the nose
Liam Ward
Easton Thomas
Andrew Taylor
John Lewis
Hey, we're ahead of the projection.
Joseph Hill
Emi is a slut. That is her best quality though
Michael Edwards
Do you unironically enjoy NTR? Serious question.
Evan Nguyen
i love how you guys are still here
never change keep doing you
Nathan Bailey
Only reverse/yuri NTR.
James Brown
>not being a virgin before meeting you = slut
Former Hanakofag?
Robert Diaz
>not being a virgin before meeting you = slut >NTR
>neither of those things mentioned in Really makes you think, huh?
Jaxson Green
Fair enough.
Dylan Miller
>Nobody else? Oh, there's been plenty others in the shed.
This is a blue board on an amish cow rearing tip sharing forum, deviant.
>more vital sub-sub communities >flawed calculations God, this guy. I forgot about him until now.
You too, user.
Noah Peterson
my work here is done for today
oyasumi, ksg
Julian Torres
Thomas Williams
Night man, hope no one kills you in your sleep.
Angel Rogers
>tfw DDLC has a general thread on /v/ Are we about to be replaced?
Alexander Rogers
Worse, we're going to merge with them.
Evan Jackson
Haven't visited one of these threads since early 2012
Is the paul allen poster still around?
Jaxon Martinez
Don't tease me like that
Jack Mitchell
Logan Foster
>Still talking about this VN.
Ethan Lee
ksg mansion when
Thomas Allen
>failure to find a sexual partner does it mean everyone before sexual initiation is a cripple?
>that moment before you realise this aren't Rin's hands
DDLC android port WHEN?
Luis Flores
Is DDLC unintentionally the KS2 we've all been waiting for?
kek I blacked out shitposting about literature club last night too
Jackson Hill
Yeah that was a hoot. I probably shouldn't play it that drunk again. I saved over and now am perhaps slightly further ahead than what I can remember reading.
Nathan Scott
Wait have you not finished it yet?
Matthew Nguyen
Aiden Howard
>lilly will never hold onto my arm it hurts
Angel Bennett
Sorry went grocery shopping. No, I haven't yet.
Josiah Morris
I just want to go grocery shopping with her and help her pick out everything she needs.
Adam Brown
You gotta wrap it up, shit gets fucking crazy.
Michael Nelson
>yfw hanako steals then wears rin's panties
Adrian Ross
That'd be nice. Like Hisao said, it's all about those small exchanges of happiness.
Jeremiah Gray
Nathan Campbell
why was this edition named for hanako?
Ryder Hernandez
Working on it my man.
Jonathan Perry
Fluff, you fat bastard! Show yourself!
Isaac Wilson
Caleb Peterson
>so much Lilly x Hanako >so little Lilly x Shizune true pain
Jeremiah Ramirez
>mfw there's lilly x anyone who isn't Hisao
Samuel Nguyen
Dominic Wood
>Ara Ara, such fine breasts you have Hisao.
Colton Campbell
>your pussy tastes better than your cooking, Hanako
Dylan Nguyen
both seem overdone to me
Luis Gomez
Sebastian Scott
no bully
Owen Edwards
no bulli You should draw it yourself! It's still better than self insert
William Gonzalez
Wow I haven't seen that image in years.
Camden Turner
nope, no bully. i'd still no doubt cum inside her
i do what i can
Joseph Hughes
>It's still better than self insert I'd rather have this than any yuri.
Joshua Bailey
That looks so much like Hisao I didn't know it wasn't until a week or two ago. but I also resemble that soooooooo
Jason Richardson
Ruh oh.
Nathaniel Collins
Colton King
Honestly I probably wouldn't have saved it if it didn't look like Hisao. So I guess I'm a hypocrite like that.
Nathaniel Thompson
This is actually my fetish. Jesus Christ, who fucking made this VN.
Easton Kelly
Cooper Cook
yuri is way more enjoyable to draw desu
Christopher Rogers
i hope you like pain and confusion followed by shortly after
Leo Evans
I don't think I've ever been this excited about a piece of media before. This is going to go full PunPun isnt it?
Angel Wood
I've seen this picture so many times, but never got around to reading it.
Why did she hang herself?
Logan Thomas
Imma say don't stop after the pain. It's explained rather easily. Also don't forget to check back for txt files!
Brandon Diaz
Liam Baker
Its a long story.
Ryan Murphy
When it tells you it's over, it's really just begun.
William Mitchell
cause she was sad
Lucas Cook
Oh shit its about to happen isnt it.
Luis Diaz
It's too late now.
Anthony Smith
nuuuh, it's just a poem!
Easton Young
i think I need a drink.
Jackson Lopez
Blake Flores
Yeah, probably.
Jackson Long
she's in on it, too
Hunter Wright
Okay quick, do i hit the "New Game" or reload the most recent save? Does it even matter?