LOVE ETERNAL! Post the last screenshot of warhammer 1 you took.
Jacob Rivera
Colton Bennett
>TODAY!!! edition >5 minutes till midnight How many threads are we gonna go through before release, including this one? 3?
Alexander Murphy
Let's have a quality thread.
Isaac Taylor
David Myers
fuck off histfag
Cooper Perez
>mfw Queek is superior to Grimgor
Ayden Fisher
>going through a W H O L E thread when us brits are about to sleep But yeah this OP seems like the best we have due to all the noob we'll accqure in the coming days > Screenshot sharing and campaign posting encouraged! Complaining without offering solutions is not!
Mason Evans
Who is that girl? She's my new waifu
Hudson Moore
For real?
Asher Robinson
Should I fight this? I feel like if I try to retreat I am just going to fuck myself in the ass. I have all three armies together right now. If I run away it's probably guaranteed I lose one or two.
If I lose three legions to the Huns I am gonna be pretty butthurt
Isaiah Parker
not for real
Xavier Reyes
Upgraded drivers. Battles and camp. map now load verz slowlz. >Nvidia.
Nathaniel Collins
Indy got her wet with that trophy
He looks like a fucking sloth LMAO
Nolan Sanchez
Why wasn't Turin invited to this FFA?!
Cooper Campbell
It's pretty dumb, but here you go.
Landon Carter
Gabriel Anderson
Jeremiah Moore
Rock the... boat?
Jaxon Brooks
>tournament full of nerds >get a ridiculously hot model whose never played a video game in her life to interview them >interview is really awkward
why do esports do this?
Elijah Adams
>Tomb Kings still not announced.
Samuel Myers
What the fuck am I looking at?
Levi Smith
(((esports))) is a spook
Henry Rodriguez
Especially with all this eye candy.
Bentley Fisher
Because that's what real sports do and they want to be real
Carson Murphy
stop using radious
Jace Collins
What does leadership (binding?) on undead units actually do? Does it just cause damage to the unit once it dips then resets?
Lincoln Johnson
Fuck e-sports.
Dominic Nelson
yep causes further losses
Ayden Wood
Mammoth with Troll crew, just because I couldn't get the bolt thrower to work and started playing around.
Evan Wilson
Has SFO gone too far?
David Moore
>no high elf trailer
Juan Moore
Just like my Japanese Animes
Brandon Reed
If it gets low enough instead of routing they will take damage. They also cannot have their leadership lowered by shit like terror
Luis Scott
BTFO some norscan shits
>the Chad Competitor vs the Virgin Players
Angel Brooks
Wait, can you get proper animations for the trolls in that? What do they end up doing up there, just idle animations?
Isaac Gray
Anyone else get a refund and a coupon from cdkeys?
I got an email that says it refunded my purchase but where's my money?
Easton Hill
You don't know what spook means, please read Stirner
Angel Johnson
Does anyone know any CD key -sites that work in North America? Already had to refund two faulty euro codes,
Robert Gonzalez
Offensive abilities at level 1 are about the same when you take into account Queek's bonus vs greenskins. Grimgor has 30% more health though.
Jaxon Scott
>like terror They're immune to fear and terror by those abilities, its the undead that changes rout mecahnics
Andrew Brown
I'm going to keep a logbook of all the heads queek takes
Jayden Wood
I'm going to poke around and see if I can get "The Chad E-Athlete vs the Virgin TV actor" for him and his brother
William Rodriguez
t. spook
Kevin Gomez
Why would anyone read Stirner? Does Queek get a mount?
Ryder Green
I'd like to know too
Lucas Roberts
>Does Queek get a mount?
Landon Morgan
Yeah, they just stand there. Ranged infantry will shoot however.
Carson Hughes
>I'm going to make vlogs of all the heads queek gives user you're so perverted
Lincoln Lewis
No. Can't say we've seen what his stats look like at Max level but between Waaagh, frenzy, and the fuck ton of WS Grimgor gets while leveling I doubt the matchup is even close late game.
Jason Garcia
Jason Gomez
>tfw thought combined map wasn't coming out til WH3 >its actually coming out in a few weeks
Connor Rodriguez
Gavin White
Joshua Baker
Jack Hill
Nolan Bell
Gobbos vs. rats is gonna be so much fun.
Thomas Martinez
Oh sure, I'll track all the times he ends up taking the shaft when I send him into duels too.
No vlog though. I don't have the patience to set up screen capture shit.
Benjamin Gray
helf trailer is coming out today, r-right?
Ayden Jones
how do i use chariots?
constant charging?
Nathan Myers
guys i cant play wh2 until next week, pls keep me posted about qt elf princess when you play
Xavier Moore
charge em in flanks then run aeay
Ryan Cruz
Yes. Don't though, because cheese is bad, m'kay?
Jace Nelson
who has the easiest campaign in 1?
Cooper Ortiz
>This game will unlock in approximately 8 hours is steam real?
Xavier Bailey
I finally managed to make a tercio.
Angel Wright
hold shift and right click and fling your mouse around
Cameron Richardson
I bet it'll be the Mortal Empires trailer
Ryder Sanders
It is now September, and the return of the true Phoenix King is nigh. All across Naggaroth the legions of the Witch King beckon to their sovereigns summons.
Surveying his skin cloth campaign map for the last time, Malekith knows to be ever weary of the roving tribes in the north; and also not to be ignorant of any ambitious dreadlords. Word has reached him that his mother has marched south without order, it is of little consequence, though the rumour that she has resurrected her cult of pleasure is troubling.
On Ulthuan his spies report that Tyrion is engaged with another cult, taking advantage of the conflict could allow the Witch King to establish another foothold on Ulthuan.
Further south where the shifting sands of Araby blow, it has been reported that the servile men of the Asrai have conquered swathes of land, the riches of this land could well aid Malekiths coffers if he chose to wrest it from them. Though another rumour, perhaps untrue, but not worth ignoring is that a hold of the ratmen is situated somewhere in this land.
Finally from out of the land of Lustria little has been heard, the most valuable pieces of information being that a notable lord of the lizardmen is currently fighting human settlers by himself, it could be advantageous to eliminate such an opponent as swiftly as possible. As for the other piece of information, it has been heard that the whoreson Teclis is leading an expedition on the southernmost tip of Lustria, supposing he survives the dangers of the land it would give Malekith great pleasure to have a rematch.
Regardless of where the first strike is made Malekith will control the vortex and regain his homeland. Domination by a best elf soon!
I go now to join my forefathers, krellposter and WEneetposter.