Balthazar's Raffle will continue until Monday's update; talk to him in Burthorpe. RuneFest has concluded, but some in-game rewards are still available. You can earn a few exp lamps and some chips for a POH display case after completing tasks for Skillchipx by the windmill in Taverley. Both events end on August 2nd. You can also redeem the RuneFest shield from Diango with the code "back2ourroots".
Official World: 42 Official FC: "grindanfc" Clan: GrindanScape (For an invite, go into the FC and ask for one. Requirements: 1500 total, Membership, at least one week active play)
ty friend you're my greatest ally I wonder what my fucking country spammed on pol this time
Leo Morris
A lot of people knock ports for MLP references or only see it as a money printer but the story voyages have some of the best character development in recent years, even if all the action is off-screen.
Carson Barnes
Hottest Runescape character & armor.
Gabriel Torres
I wear the Lumbridge cape all the time now. It reminds me of her.
Actual best girl is DEAD
Luke Green
that black knight chick you recruit to your band of sailors before she switches to blue tetsu is nice. >obligatory rip elf musician waifu
Aaron Brown
I miss the old elf musician so much
Jaxon Gonzalez
(embed) No seriously. Stop this.
Nathan Wood
Op should have removed it, but it’s partially my fault from when I copied from my failed post
Juan Price
I purposefully left it there I want to see how long it can get
Eli Murphy
I fucking hate this game. I can't fucking kill QBD and I'm broke as fuck.
Caleb Morris
so do slayer or div or something like that also you know bosses have a practice mode right
Daniel Sanders
I've only ever fought her in practice mode. Last time I tried at combat level 119 and died several times. This time I'm combat level 123 with extremes and turmoil and I still can't fucking kill her. And each time it costs me 150+k. Fucking waste of money.
Easton Richardson
Are you using bane?
David Green
Slayer or Div doesn't pay enough. My slayer tasks pay like 1 mil every hour if I'm lucky.
Christian Reyes
You have super antis? What weapons?
Tyler Butler
Is menaphos fishing faster than waterfall? That is with the fish catch rate tier upgrade.
Xavier Phillips
post gear
Angel Taylor
Most of morvy's tasks give a fair whack more than 1m an hour, and high level div is like 2-3m an hour.
Sebastian Powell
No, last time I was using shadow glaives. This time I tried using my drygores. I can't forge the damn royal crossbow, so I'd be using rune crossbows if I were to use dragonbane bolts.
Cooper Myers
Faster than barb fishing Not faster than priff
Zachary Walker
Hunter White
Is that incandescent energy?
Jordan Ross
Post your abilty rotation
Zachary Torres
zemouregal being updated is extremely jarring against the rest of these goons who are still stuck in 2009. why haven't they put sliske's new model in here?
Aiden Hill
Shadow glaives, Virtus and drygores. I have overloads.
I have 84 slayer and don't have Priff. Not ever close.
>pic related I just bought the ascension 5 minutes ago. Haven't even used it yet.
Cameron Moore
oh you fucking idiot Melee is the worst style of combat to use against the dragon, you'd be better off using mage because that's actually valid in some instances. You need to use bane, massive accuracy buff, either get a chaotic mainhand or make do with an armadyl crossbow as a MH, pair it with the shadow glaive, or ideally death lotus darts as an offhand because accuracy only matters for MH.
I think elders are actually worth more at this point but not sure of liquidity, incans are also pretty good.
>don't have Priff. Not ever close. Well you should get that. Also now that you've got what I'm assuming is a MH asc, pair it with an offhand glaive and bane to maximize dps, it'll do more damage than dual ascs with banes.
Oliver Morris
Here they are.
Colton Perry
Dont even bother using ascencion bolts Get bane
Easton Hughes
Logan Perry
I used melee because I sold my main-hand Shadow Glaive so I could buy a main-hand Ascension, but the damn thing wouldn't buy at median price and I didn't have enough money to offer more. So I had to sell my shields, then I just managed to get one a few minutes ago. Drygores were the best I had at the time. I don't have ports anything.
I've heard about the thrown offhand doing more damage than offhand crossbow. Makes no sense to me, but okay. Priff will probably take me months. I'd rather try to make money or get some good gear.
Fuck, that's the wrong pic.
Aiden Brooks
So bane bolts > ascension bolts. Okay, I'll do that.
I looked up those rotations on Youtube. They weren't specifically for QBD.
Isaac Smith
>>I've heard about the thrown offhand doing more damage than offhand crossbow. Crossbow is ammo + c'bow, thrown is just weapon. Bane is less damage than the base damage of a shadow glaive >Priff will probably take me months. >I'd rather try to make money or get some good gear. Priff is more important than money or gear because fucking everything, and I do mean everything is in one place that also happens to be easy to navigate. Far more important for leveling and getting money in the long term than just grinding.
Hold on a second. I need to complete Ritual of the Mahjarrat to make dragonbane bolts? I thought you could buy them in the GE.
That won't be happening anytime soon.
Robert Adams
>questlet tries to do qbd quests are some of the most important content in the game you want anything good, you gotta do quests
Elijah Diaz
Time to quest. The Royal Crossbow can wait.
Charles Turner
are you buying bonds, goy? how do you have overloads and turmoil and can’t kill qbd? you don’t even have noob quests completed
Hudson Nelson
I'll have to be making no progress, forever just to get the stats required. I was planning on doing it during the next dxp weekend.
Thanks for the link. I'll restructure my ability bars.
Good to know. Thanks.
Kayden Barnes
Jayden Barnes
why the fuck are your stats so unbalanced
Cameron Morgan
I'd do quests no problem. But each quest needs hours of farming the most boring skills on Earth before I can start them. I trained herblore over the last 2 dxp weekends and turned a profit. I used that money to train prayer. Dragonbones and chaos altar.
Caleb Jenkins
Half of the skills in this game are horrifically boring to train. I avoided training all the mindless, monotonous ones.
Samuel Hill
You have 2 options. Train skills you don’t like so you can do quests and unlock good stuff. Or Don’t do quests and be stuck not being able to kill the easiest boss in the game.
Your choice.
Asher Price
>I avoided training all the mindless, monotonous ones >81 woodcutting
Sebastian Cruz
What exactly do I need to kill QBD? Just the dragonbane bolts?
Alexander Flores
I haven't touched woodcutting in over 8 years. It used to be my highest skill back in the day when it used to make you really good money.
Adam White
You’ll need 77 Mining to mine the ore, Lunar Spellbook, 82 Smithing to smith the bolts, and then 80 Fletching to feater them. Good luck.
Adrian Anderson
Quitting this game for good is seeming like an increasingly better option. I only ever comeback for dxp weekends anyways. Even then I don't have fun grinding away abilities.
I should just go back to playing fun games.
Hudson Green
Yeah, you should.
Jason Scott
I hear Guild Wars 2 isn't very grindy.
John Stewart
I quit awhile ago and I have thoughts of coming back and I have to talk myself out of it.
Isaac Nelson
why do the mahjarrat stand like that?
Ryder Thomas
>tfw you realize runescape is junk >inb4 m-muh below average quests
Jonathan Carter
It's just way too fucking time consuming. It's fucking ridiculous. That with a 10+ year old account and how many fucking days of playtime and I still can't do shit.
Noah Collins
You’re just not doing it right. People have maxed ironman in less than a year. Way less than that, actually.
Hunter Martin
I actually was pretty lazy for awhile when it came to Runescape. I have a 10+ year account as well. Only before I quit did I make an effort to max which I got very close to doing but the game is not fun for me anymore. Yet it still calls to me.
Gabriel Ross
Just max it. What’s left?
Alexander Ramirez
>I avoided training all the mindless, monotonous ones. >81 wc >55 dg I'm confused
Cooper Robinson
Thieving, Agility and Runecrafting. All above 90's I did consider a lot of getting back on, maxing and then leaving again. But that means I'd I would actually have to get back on.
Logan Evans
If you don't mind watching YT/Movies etc. on half your screen the mindless ones become bearable.
Jordan White
Why when you click on a combat ability do you stand their with your thumb up your ass until it's on cooldown sometimes? It'll queue it up sometimes, but it'll also freeze if there's as much as a quarter left until cooldown too.
Dominic Hill
Spotted stealing shit
Carter Hill
>half your screen >only having one monitor
Connor Walker
Austin Jones
How do you know which thresholds are most optimal? It doesn't mention those.
Lucas Martinez
Keep going in the quest. They all revive to updated models. As to why Zemmy is already unskulled, I'm not quite sure.
Blake Bailey
Thieving is AFK for near 5 minutes straight with boosts at prif. Agility is just clicking one spot with a proper camera angle and never actually needing to move the mouse. Runecrafting is either mostly AFK at runespan, or 200k-300k/h with abyss. If I remember correctly. Maybe more with souls, but that's questlocked behind a rep system.
Andrew Evans
Multimonitor systems often add latency, have questionable compatibility with older programs, terrible sync off primary They are generally, overall, a waste of space, power, time, and effort. I'd opt for one good monitor over several, even if they're all good too.
Aiden Gomez
>this level of sour grapes O, im laffin
Jonathan Ross
>herblore and prayer higher than any other skills Just buy keys and bxp on some of the others. I mean you're already willing to spend irl money on buyables.
Levi Edwards
>150 days of extended dungeoneering challenges left until level 115 someone fix this minigame
Samuel Nelson
Do Sinkholes too.
Landon Stewart
no, I hate group content
Aiden Mitchell
It's not like you have to hold hands. It's the kind of group content that Mario Party is.
David Wilson
>I hate group content >plays an MMO N-nani?
Luis Ortiz
>runescape >an mmo the concept of mmos was invented after runegame was birthed and the label haphazardly slapped on
Oliver Jenkins
>a role-playing game that is massively multiplayer and online It wasn't haphazard. The game fits the literal definition of the genre.
Jackson Johnson
The definitions of abbreviations and/or other terms whose names escape me right now, are often not literal especially when it comes to shit like this, there are plenty of influencing factors (good example is the differences between how japan and the west view the definition of roleplaying, one as acting the other as d&d); runescape is not like other mmos because it is from a time before wow destroyed originality in gameplay design and codified in the eye of the people what an MMO really is.
So when people say MMO they mean something that was influenced by wow where group content is essentially a mainstay of the genre, whereas runescape is essentially a solo game with chat slapped on top, mostly because of lack of skill of the gower brothers.
So yes, people who dislike group content play runescape because runescape is a solo game with chat, not an MMO as is popularly understood.
Owen Davis
Enjoy your sweet lemons. I have 6 working monitors, and have used multimonitor setups in the past. It's seriously not worth it.
Many older programs will only ever fullscreen on the primary monitor. Some will change the resolution of ALL monitors when doing so. Getting actually decent sync on ANYTHING on a non-primary monitor on Windows can be like pulling teeth. Especially if they're not all the same exact model set to the same EXACT refresh rate. Unless you have a separate dedicated card for secondary monitors, just having them enabled can cut into performance on the first (Dropping frames, lower framerate in general, desyncs), both by eating up fillrate and keeping up sync. Even in the best case scenario when they're completely unused for anything but the desktop.
Honestly, if you want to multitask it's most often better just to get a separate laptop. I'm sure an old x200 ($50-100) or some shit could probably handle RS at 20fps, good enough to AFK with. Then you could even bring it to the shitter with you.
Aiden Richardson
I like to argue with my friend that the Souls series is a JRPG by literal definition. Fun times.
Not that user btw.
Connor Reyes
but youre right. People who pigeonhole JRPG to only be turn based fantasy game from japan are bakas.
Austin Miller
>runescape is a solo game with chat, >literal hours upon hours of group content
Your argument is that it isn't an MMO because it's not what most people think of as an MMO. That's idiotic. Most people think of platformers as relying heavily on jumping. Is Spyro not a platformers because it relies more on gliding and charging? Most people think of competitive shooters and being based on modern age humans or in a scifi setting with plenty of violence. Is Splatoon not a competitive shooters because it takes the genre in a different direction?
MMO's existed before WoW, and even before Runescape. Just because WoW homogenized the genre doesn't make gggames that ate more unique a different genre of game.
Gabriel Edwards
So uh, do you guys think the raffle is until oct 2 or ends on oct 2 or whatever, cuz if i have a chance for a godsword im saving all my tickets
Easton Lopez
is there somewhere i can find some runescape porn
Cameron Sanders
He's only sort of right. Souls is a western styled eastern made rpg because it features things like character creation, nebulous backrounds, etc. more d&d-esque. The witcher 3 is an eastern styled western made rpg because the story is a series of setpieces and you play the role of gerald and have basically no player agency. Both of those are a bit of a stretch but they kind of get the point across.
When someone says an MMO, people have certain expectations. Runescape goes counter to these expectations. The argument here is essentially the same one about the definition of a sandwich, which is whether or not the technical should be used over the vernacular when defining things.
Also, the group content in runescape (bar newer group content i.e. the newer group bosses) isn't group content on the level of what is expected from other mmos. You don't actually have to socially interact with people when doing stuff like stealing creation, or pest control, they're just there, they happen to just be doing the same thing you are and possibly on another team.
Colton Roberts
>boss needs more dps than one player can output >group content!111!!!
Grayson Clark
desu, i'd like to see an anti-dps boss where you have to maintain a range of damage and each turn you go over or under it gets buffed or healed.
Jason Fisher
Everyone would hate that, no matter the game. By everyone I mean dps babies.
Evan Thomas
>boss has shoehorned instakill mechanic that requires another player oh wait that's every group boss shit game
Jeremiah Bell
>im cool because i prefer solo content user maybe people like scaping with others.
Nicholas Hall
exactly. the bossing triangle needs to change. But god forbid jagex do anything on their own without checking in with a thousand polls to make sure the babies don't reee
Camden Myers
>I don't understand good design its ok user not everyone can be smart
John Scott
I just want more skilling content. Anything.
Every new boss and slayer monster that jagex adds makes skills even more useless, boring, and forgetable comparitavely. Remember when they said they would add a skilling boss? Remember? I remember.
Joseph Gray
>Remember when they said they would add a skilling boss? isn't that what hostillius is gonna be?
William Scott
A lot of games could use that idea, but I guess this one the most.
Wyatt Taylor
what kind of retarded shit is a skilling boss? >Requires 99 mining for phase 2, 99 rc for phase 3 and 120 invention for p4