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dancing buffs are useless stop
you dance to escape combat not to attack again most of the time so the buffs are useless
Send good luck vibes my way please
Xth for shit banner.
Gronnblade inigo and Blarblade yogurt
>Azura the only one with a free b slot
So the other 3's b slot buffs are useless with wom being the preferred skill
>tfw luckshitted Neph and Elincia on the PoR banner
>saved to just under 200 orbs now
>somehow this new limited banner leaves a foul taste in my mouth
I don't know why, but this is a letdown to me. Inigo is another Oscar and Mathilda, and Shitgure has a large pimple for a nose. Azura has the very same sub-par Kaya8 art except with a veil. Fuck powercreep, I'll roll for the lewd Olivia and keep saving.
unless you're a true brave chad and can remove all the red from where your units are by killing the enemy units first
b tome valor tho
So no Halloween limited characters?
>want to roll for Azura
>shares an orb with faggot Inigo
Welp, guess that's another banner I'm skipping.
So this is the first half of this month’s Gauntlet?
>Literal powercreep
>Unlikely to ever see buffs to already existing characters and skills
Next we'll get pay-exclusive powercreeping characters.
I can't wait.
>footfags are going to be even more obnoxious than they already are
>olivia's weapon has the same mt as a silver dagger+, but with BoL3, Seal Def 3, and Seal REs 3
They're just going to keep releasing better versions of old weapons now, aren't they?
Serving your Empress is never a waste.
why? you never used Reinhardt for tempest?
I liked the music in the trailer
Why are all the dancers here sluts why can't we have beautiful well dressed dancers like Ninian or Leanne
inb4 they have villager BST.
>everyone else gets BoL3 on their weapon
>prf weapon never introduced in limited banners
>azura gets prf weapon that combines blaze/gale/geyser/whatever dance 2
I though lucina was nintendo's favorite? I guess it's actually azura all along
>another limited time Valor skill
They need to cut this shit right the fuck out. Granted its one that I think nobody on the planet needs anymore but still
It's not power creep you autismo.
>healing can fail
>enemy dancers
Thracia 776 is some next level memery
>Inigo is the only character I like out of the new banner
>His skillset fucking blows compared to everyone else because Shigure and Azura get all the dual/spectrum buffs
Thanks ISIS.
Azura is just dancing Lucina
>darkgreyclouds posted that artwork only a day before the banner announcement
>there are shitters who actually use dancers.
Olivia's art and design are just amazing.
Easily the best out of that banner.
No blue mage worth using actually needs more SP. Farming with them has always been easy.
What's your plan with that build? I'm genuinely curious since I thought mine was silly.
>Wanting that slutty dancer
Ninian is the only true dancer choice. She's pure.
>there are people still think power creep isn't real
This is the Halloween banner but it seems more like a festive banner to me, wonder if the second part of Halloween will feature all the costumed Heroes then?
At least for Olivia and Inigo, it seems to be the standard Awakening dancer costume. Olivia feels shy about the outfit even if she is proud of her job
If you had been in charge of Warriors, what would the roster look like?
m-maybe there will be a midmonth costume banner
Lucina is good looking though.
no headless horsemen
no cute pumpkin lolis
no handsome vampires
no sexy witches
>Green magic dancer sucks
Azura feets!
What did Camilla mean by this?
>she's just my little sister
You people are dumb. Halloween will start on, you guessed it, fucking Halloween.
And she has Distant Def and the +atk buff B skill. I might try for a couple of her if I'm lucky to get Distant Def 4 on my Yuria.
>leaving reinhardt in enemy range
Enjoy dying to melee blues.
I was honestly thinking I could use a second dancer that wasn't Olivia.
>Rallies are completely irrelevant now
>Buffbots like Erika and Ephraim are only good for their BST advantage
>Weapons with BoL 3
Yea, no, not at all.
>+12 stats and an extra turn
This is not okay. All other dancers and buffbots are garbage now.
>torn between holding onto my 25 orbs for dancers or go for more Elincias
>decide to go for Elincia since dancer banner is a month long
>this happens
What does it mean??
Yeah but she's a funny slutty dancer. I rolled for Ninian too though and never got her. Just give me someone else. Olivia is shy to the point she annoys me greatly and I don't like Azura. Just give me a cool dancer.
I can't wait to see his Odin level Atk and laugh at retards like you that think he'll be good because "dood he can kill reinhart!!!!!!!!"
They look the same
Ranged dancers will be way more terrifying to deal with than Azura. Much less predictable.
Halloween is October 31, I think we'll get a Halloween banner past this month.
Is blade tome Lilina any good? I just had a second Lilina cuck me out of Elincia, merged her into my +atk one and now she's got 41 base atk. I've already got a +spd Tharja who doesn't dissapoint, but I feel the urge to use Lilina now that I merged her.
Azura somehow has even less of a personality than Lucina and is foot fetish fuel while Lucina appeals to people who like boys with vaginas instead of dicks.
>Shitnigo and Shitgure can now refresh units
>Lewyn still not in the game
We could've had a bard with Forseti!
Who cares, slap TA3 and Raven on him dumbass.
>Halloween banner running after Halloween is finished
That's stupid and no other game does that.
I know, right?
>Defiant Atk/Vantage Blade Tome
Holy shit is this ingenius or completely retarded? I genuinely can't tell.
Not really? Easier to bait ranged dancers than melee ones
>Nils never ever
It's not fair bros
I still prefer Nephenee over these dancers. I'm sorry, I just love her too much.
>haven't played this game in months
>thought Olivia would never get another card after that pathetic giveaway
>this banner
What do I do /feg/?
"Inigo was a mistake"
>Halloween banner going after halloween
Use Lilina!
Won't they just behave like healers?
Olivia will save daggers
unironically worst boy
I can't wait to get Olivia with my free roll :)
Understandable. I'm skipping this banner, not even for Jugdral specifically, but for characters I actually care for.
fuk dis gay game powercreep real
It's only a game, why do you have to be mad?
>they don't have the damage artworks
Oh well, at least it's clean and no watermark
>we can only have 1 banner running at the same time
Nothing stop them from adding halloween banner in 2 weeks.
>tfw fucking called it
My father's brother works at IS
Does anybody have good screenshots of Inigo's artwork? for scientific purposes of course
Wasn't there another banner that had two new ones running at the same time? We might get the real Halloween banner in a few more days.
you don't pull colorless
>Azurafags are just going to dance their panic ployed blade books and then cry about the seal
I cant wait
>implying it won't be glorious Jugdral powercreep instead
If only it was just +2 Atk.
If only.
Isn't the movement priority for ranged AI different for melee? What a nightmare arena will be.
The summer banners had overlap, but I don't think the first one ran the whole month
Let's look at it objectively, how much merit is there for a Green Dancer anyway?
Green Azura or Inigo would actually mean they can bait Reinhardt but then, I wonder how necessary is it
Theres quite a lot of me who wants to not roll, but Azura just looks too good
Gay dogposter
If they're standing next to Rein/Lyn, you can't easily bait. And if you don't bait, the dancer is no longer guaranteed to move before the ranged.
I hate the purple/magenta color on this outfit, the OG Nohr one didnt have it. I know they want more contrast, but I think this doesnt work that well.
I think Inigo is the best dancer of the bunch, just because you can slap TA + Raven onto him and tell Reinhardt and CYLyn to fuck off.
>Blue mages
>Needing SP
They already kill everything anyways
>he doesnt know about Favaro
I kinda want a Bard at this point, though there's so little not counting alts.