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>Heroes FAQ and links
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When's Sylvia?
>"WOOOOOW look at all these unique B passives the new characters have!"
>*proceeds to replace them with Wings of Meme or Escape Route*
>tfw too intelligent for bait banners
Is this a good time to stop playing? I like the dancer units in FE.
>That slut
Kill yourself.
Are these limited?
Should I whale for these dancers?
Inigo is the only good one
Yes, dumb goyjin. Give all your shekeru to jew nips.
>FE Switch will have it's own set of forced marketable characters to go with the Royals and Azura
>banners consisting of Lucina, a royal, Azura and Switch!Character until the end of time
Make it stop
At least that one user will be able to make his Matt mercer team
>Turn owain gay to appeal to Fujos and husbandofags
>Turn Inigo gay to appeal to Fujos and husbandofags
Is there no end to the depravity?
How badly would I hurt myself if I wanted to pull only for Olivia by sniping colorless?
I still need a Kagero by the way.
I want to lick Olivia's armpits and then rape her!
It's not as bad after the rate switch, as long as you haven't been in colorless hell before. That way, you can get new units too, like Kagero.
It's still going to be an ordeal. Godspeed.
I seriously hope they drop the whole method of focusing on a relatively large cast of central mary sues, but that's a pipe dream since Fates sold way better than Echoes. All we're going to keep getting is the awful writing formula Fates used in the future and I hate this franchise.
Colorless hell is more of a meme than it was before, since Arena Attack and similar modes like Chain Challenge actually make multiple dancers usable.
colorless olivia isn't even good, dancer BST doesn't scale well with DD and IS still didn't address why daggers are so fucking useless
her entire kit is a mix-mash of garbage that doesn't synergize together, she's just a really good henry due to how much SI fodder she has.
what if the new baner was for pic related? Would you pull?
>tfw only have free Olivia as my dancer
>desperately want Azura and Ninian
>rolled for them every banner they're on but keep getting shit
>dancer banner arrives
>I don't have much orbs to roll
You might get 4* Klein with his Death Blow 3 for fodder.
MIGHT get.
Reminder that dancers are a crutch used by brainlets that are only slightly smarter than Rein and B!Lyn cucks.
>got Azura on Hero Fest
>rolled Ninian off-banner
I'm going to roll all the dancers and brag in your face for months.
t. jealous f2p cuck who blew his gems on the tellius units and won't be able to roll for the new dancers
>using good units means you're bad
t. salty guy who can't into luckshitting
>outright kills more matchups on engage than literally any other character in the game
>but he's actually bad, trust me
>implying people care about the B skills and not the weapon that mysterious black veiled dancer is wielding
god you're such a brainlet
>Needing more than one dancer aka the free one
For what purpose? Arena Assault? That's a non issue
>tfw i don't even use dancers much at all
Should I just not roll on this banner?
I made this post to make fun of "muh speed" shitters.
>we will be able to get 7 dancers for AA
I need luckshitter power.
I didn't know the 16 might axe that buffs allies for +3/+3/+3/+3 was a B Skill. Thanks for redpilling me user, you're so smart.
>A shitty axe user in a sea of other shitty axe users
>Muh player phase units
Uhh, cool, dude!
>A shitty axe user in a sea of other shitty axe users
Stop making me not want azura!
Holy shit you ARE retarded.
Where did I say anything about needing? I mean, I guess I need them to brag in user's dumb face, but nothing outside of that.
The brainlets are SEETHING, again...
>tfw you're posting in the wrong thread
I never realized how much I wanted this till now. IS pls. Fuck, and the artist for the Drakengard games has already done stuff in heroes. This needs to happen, I want my baby to murder everybody in my path.
holy shit I want all of them
forgot pic
Just merge 4* healers and you'll actually make some progress in that department too.
Have 5*+ equivalents of Clarine, Azama and Wrys by now that have helped out a bunch.
Reminder that only retards think dancers are good.
>tfw have better luck rolling focus SI fodder than units I want to use
I guess that's how I'll plan my orb spending for now.
Any of those qts would've been better tbqh.
Me on the top right.
reminder Inigo is better than Shitzura.
Why isn't she on the banner?
>Blow all my orbs looking for Klein before I go to bed
>Wake up to my favorite hero getting an alt I desperately need
>waifufags have to either go through colorless hell or the Wall of Inigo for their dancers
>husbandofags can get one with no obstacles and the other with considerably less hassle
Seems fair
shitty heroes
i want Camilla, my alt account got her, I'm mad.
Open the last ones boys? at 4,75%
>still no dancer Lucina
Somehow this shit Stahl worked. I doubt he killed anything, Stahl is the worst Red horse.
I'm ready
Jesus christ dude.
Nah, fuck these two quests. I can't use a raventome without accidentally killing her shitty ass, and Clarrise is such a failure she can't even kill herself.
Open both.
Enjoy your Brave Ike and Elincia.
Shiggy and Iniggy are two of my favourite kids, but only when Iniggy was voiced by Liam O'Brian. If those dirty Crimeans hadn't stolen all my orbs and never shown up, I'd consider rolling on this banner for either of them.
Why is Sakura so perfect? I mean her character is just the same tired shy cleric archetype that's been seen thousands of times in multiple forms of media but I can't help but like her.
X-overs when?
I'm probably gonna roll a Brave Ike and a Hector tomorrow.
Fateswakening characters only, sorry pal.
Azura's feet
>Urðr (Old Norse "fate"[1]) is one of the Norns in Norse mythology.[1] Along with Verðandi (possibly "happening" or "present"[2]) and Skuld (possibly "debt" or "future"[need quotation to verify][3]),
her and her little bro or was it her son
>we will soon have 2 olivias and 2 dancers
+Atk -Spd Mathilda
Neutral Neph
+Def -Hp Ninian
4* Olivia
3* Barst
Thanks IS, you gave this faggot here a valid reason to post his terrible fetish.
>4 new dancers in this banner alone
>combined with current dancers, we'll have 7
>I can effortlessly clear Arena Assault with 1 dancer and 1 glass cannon each map
I don't care how combat effective they are; I need their utility.
I want Inigo, but don't mind if I get Azura. Life's easier as a husbandofag.
>331 orbs saved
I probably wont get shit anyways
Good night /feg/
>make a retarded choice
>get punished for it
Karma isn't just limited to reddit, I see :^)
I need to rub my dick on every inch of Olivia's body
>yfw the mysterious dancer has the exact same stat sprad as Azura, solidifying her as a DC Rein counter
Just do the lunatic paralogue.
OK but WHY are we getting a dancer banner of all things? There must be an explanation for this.
Why would she be?
Bait banner
Next banner will feature a skill that nullifies all damage from an enemy if they've been refreshed.
Die in your sleep tharjafaggot
reminder than Olivia is best girl
>Shiggy got YURAd
How tragic
4* Clarisse with a +4 atk buff does 4 damage to Clarisse in a defense tile, you are just a shitter.
>Everyone will now run Dancers in their team without having to cripple it with a 4* Olivia
>AA will become even more cancerous than it already is
There is a type of Autumn festival in Japan in october that involves those kind of performances.
>Slightly smarter
More like just as braindead, look at arena, they all use the same team of BLyn+Dancer+Reinhardt+memeunit
I fucking hate exclusive units (banners, TT, GHB) so much, there's no reason not to add them to the summon poll, whales will be able to 5*+10 their units and that means more money, seriously what's the point?
Why do you want Azura?
Don't you already have her?
It's fun
>introducing multiple dancers means that IS will have bullshit modes on the horizon that will require you having these dancers to succeed
Misty best girl!
maybe azura will be dethroned if the others are so good
>Everyone will run dancers in their team that can easily die to BK or Ike and are easier to bait out
Fine with me