
super tourney is on now

Other urls found in this thread:

whos casting

tasteless and artosis

guess ill watch some

getting void ray all inned was actually much worse than dying to dark templar
absolute cancer

is this what agdq is fighting

i'm watching sc2! i haven't done this since obama was president and i'm here everyday

yo im getting forza 7 ads on twitch and they aren't clickable, it's like the streamer is watching them

that newkirk map is just the bottom half of metalopolis

Are people still playing this game after BW HD?
I kind of want to buy LotV

the bw hd hype died off quickly
still easy to find games in sc2

go for it, queue times are still nice and quick

hi guys...

super tournament is on

piggyback broadcasts

i cant disable html5. it sucks, i been watching ads for the past few days

one of the all time greats

hit c for the chat to show up, only have to do it once


Brood war is superior in every way

sc2 is easier than bw though
not every way
0-6 today

why cant you disable it? also i wonder if something like ublock protector or anti adblock killer works

wording this post

Adblock doesn't work with HTML5 anymore. The ads are in-stream so the only way to block them is to block the whole stream.

kinda wish I was a person who typed in twitch chat and watched sports
I unironically say ignorance is bliss though so I'm not much better than those people

what about ublock origin?

mmh just use livestreamer lol

sports are government mind control

my gf is a gumiho


well gooked

well gooked


i'm so fuckng gay

why are you so fucking happy

probably because maru is up next

i make myself sick

looks like all my predictions are coming true...

does anyone else really hate day9? fuck that guy

i dont watch or play hearthstone so i dont really ever think about day9

who the fuck is charlie williams the 3rd and how did you find this channel
things like this are the reason this general is literally in a different UNIVERSE than all the other shit generals on this website

yea this universe is the plane of despair and broken dreams

enjoy your stay

i'm circling the drain

while you're leaving the house regularly, we're staying home alone again on a thursday night...
doing in-depth charlie williams III research so that we can eventually learn how to talk to strangers in public & how to handle police interactions


please kill me


evens: conjure the princes and kings of hell
odds: don't go full retard

all righty then. it's time...

gsl is spamming my youtube alerts with starshit
time to unsubscribe

day 11 of nofart
it has actually changed my life, talked to 3 chicks last night at the movies and got 3 numbers, it's like I have way more energy and charisma due to keeping all the gas inside me
would recommend if you aren't nofarting already, nofap is great and all, but nofart is a GAMECHANGER!!

i suggest you try nobreathe

been trying that and apparently its impossible to willingly kill yourself

woah hugh hefner died

was he an sc2 pro


really tired but I have to go somewhere x_x

just say you're not up to it and don't go...

you'll regret it later if you dont go...

we already talked about that

Broadcaster Subscriber N33bl3t: my pc specs are
SupOnzk: yes
Burlaczech: @N33bl3t stop smurfing, play vs real enemies
Broadcaster Subscriber N33bl3t: i7 6700k
Broadcaster Subscriber N33bl3t: and gtx1080


the guy down voting all the interracial nigger porn that pops up on this amateur porn site i check is doing gods work
mad respect

>the bw hd hype died off quickly
Brood War HD was for Koreans to keep playing the game on modern machines without shitty workarounds and for them to have something to stream that didn't look like ads. It was never about attracting more casual foreigners.

*rolls back expectations*

and no one said otherwise, bw cuck

the bw:HD hype died once they decided to name the game "starcraft remastered"

yeh hes a hero alrite

Trying to get back into Starcraft but I've just been casually playing the BW HD campaign.

How's LotV's meta right now, pretty balanced?

what site

at first every major streamer was like "fuck yeah! SC2 is shit SC:R is the future I'm gonna stream SC:R loads" a week later "SC:R is hard as shit i'm gonna stream SC2" fucks sake i was so hyped up when demuslim was playing

demuslim said before it was released that he didn't plan on playing it for long and would continue to stream sc2.

there are no sc2 streams... so no sc2 streamer could have said that...

How dumbed down is LotV compared to wings of liberty?

like shit compared to piss

ssozi_sojin Fresh




just bought the sc2 battle chest
can someone explain the whole war chest thing to me?


imagine her handy j's...

first of all
who is your favorite girls day?

is super tournament on this week

its either until sunday or on sunday...

why are there no succesful nigger sc2 pros?
gee i wonder..

hey theyre doing their best

stupid racist idiots

based maximum nigger

racists need to fudge off

i prefer race realist

gooks and niggers are maybe more racist than whites actually so...

talked to an african from gambia today
asked him if he misses his home and he said yea
poor guy has to deal drugs to make some dosh

would be cool the be a warlord i suppose

what would you do in a foreign country full of racists

lol at this sub4.0gpa human

downloading porn rn

africa break: