That one beta who doesn't flirt loudly and frequently with the secretary / HR girls / female interns in front of the...

>that one beta who doesn't flirt loudly and frequently with the secretary / HR girls / female interns in front of the rest of the office

Guys, we have lots of fun on this board with this Chad / Stacey joking which obviously is a huge exaggeration, but please tell me you at least aren't THAT beta guy in every office? It's so damn pathetic to see that same type of guy act like a bomb will go off if he jokes with the women in the office. Everyone can see it.

One intern even said in her weekly review meeting with me that she avoided working longer hours because she may have to come in to more frequent contact with one of those types of guys. That's the only time I have advised an intern to work less (I work in finance).

Is this the petty shit that wagecucks keep themselves occupied with during a working day?

Lmaoing @ your life

I'm an aspy so yeah I'm that beta guy because I really don't know where to judge the line at when it comes to flirting so I just stay on the safe side and don't.

This. I think your post is more suited for r9k.

Or he could just be gay and not give a flying fuck what the stacies think.

> Exact kind of guy OP is talking about.

>be me
>Obnoxious coworker always talking to me about girls and getting laid
>Always trying to push me to make moves on girls
>I'm fucking gay
REEEEE. Straight people are the absolute worst

Is this the shit people really think about?

>implying I want to make time for such nonsense


I fucked one our receptionists last weekend.

I take it you've never worked in a real office

Chads are just fucking stupid. They assume every guy is straight. The only way they will leave you alone is if you are a flammer and advertise your gay.

Fuck you, I work in an office as an actuarial consultant and basically nobody talks to me. Nobody talks to anybody here. It's so quiet you can hear a pin drop literally every day. I have no set hours and no boss either because my company has purposely never had any shareholders and believes in freedom. Thus the profits come back to us and they are unbelievable, as are the salaries.

I used to hate this job because nobody talked at work, at all.
Now I just think pathetic fucks like the OP weren't successful enough to get a job like this.

No lol nobody with an actually decent salary thinks about this kind of crap. Only stupid fucking interns.

Most people aren't gay. Did you know?

>hey baby, ever wanted to turn your log splitter into a log spitter and shitting on my face?

Yup. I am that guy. No more flirting for me.

I'm like that. What should I do? I'm 25 virgin as well and still watch anime.

Funny thing is, someone is going to read this, try it, and get btfo by HR because they're so awkward. Kek

Give him a real angry blowjob. That'll learn em not to mess with you

>be robot
>has a job
>think he is able to post on biz now

Fuck off.

i work in an office and avoid being in the same hallway as women
baaad news brother

Generally I assert my dominance over any female in the office by emptying the printer paper and waiting for her to walk into the printing area where I have strategically stashed a ream of paper on the highest shelf. I walk in right as she notices the paper is empty and proceed to use my superior height and strength to get the refill paper, putting my muscles in full display. Then I hand it to her but drop it a bit early so she has trouble catching it and so she has to load it herself

Iunno m8, flirting in the office is a bad habit imo because it can come off as extremely unprofessional if you happen to do it in the wrong environment. When I am at work, I think about work. You aren't the guy who adds his colleagues on facebook, are you?

At least theyre thinking of that wierd guy, OP is just another normie