/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2170

>Recent News
Ezecrain(Light) the main man of the upcoming scenario event
Story Rackam and Eugen 5* uncap
Lyria and Siero Voiced Stickers
New Main Story Chapters

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Schedule for September:
8/31 - 9/8 - Lonesome Dragoness
9/9 - 9/14 - Touken Ranbu Collab Part 1
9/14 - 9/21 - Touken Ranbu Collab Part 2
9/22 - 9/29 - Guild War (Earth)
9/30 - ??? - Violet Violence

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

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host baka hl

>Shiva x Europa

Poor 20 meats.

>not being able to clear NM100 in under 6 minutes
Pathetic leech

I'm doing it lads, wish me luck

Is Percy Shiva's personal onahole?

If Shiva has four arms, how many dicks does he have?





Ranbow crystals are so beautiful

>no good SSR drops from daily magnas for 3 weeks
Arigaton RNGesus-san.

Nice source

>no siegman and alexia

I did get two skeletons

nigga fuck you

At least it's usable, I guess

|Does anyone know how much scaling a superstar's attack buff gives? Like, is it still alright even in a non-raid?

Also does it affect raid members? idont want to fucking buff those dipshits, I gotta get my vice MVP chests. Also what would be a good sub-skill for them if I'm trying to just hop in and get chests? Rage III?

Fill in the blanks /gbfg/

Me for strong and cute.

RoB when?

Wish I wasn't dumb as fuck and I would do it.

Chococats in the top left corner!

I really want to roll, but i know that i will just get Ainz.

Can someone teach me on how to use motocal? I'm trying to find the HP break point of my current build to the one where I swap 2 of my 0* Celeste claw into 2 3* Celeste Axes.

What does the Rank tabs mean? Also I couldn't find a way to compare 2 different builds.

Thank you very much!

Yeah, i need that too.

>Nips can get free sparks with easy bet rigging.
>still nothing done about this.

cute should be on the right retard

Who /hyped/ here?

everyone lend me your TOOTS

Cute should be on the right you know

Super buncles are great, problem is they kinda suck before M/FLB and they compete for one of the most scarce resources in the game to get there.

No but I'll RATTLE for you.

add the builds you want to compare to the enmity graph and open it




My dude this thread is not an isolated /v/ for you to use we are here to talk about the mobile video game Granblue Fantasy


I know that there's maybe a handful of you out there, but does anyone have a grasp on gold brick drop rate from UBaha HL? Is it luckshitter only odds?

I went hard for Quatre this GW (40 box) but if the two GW5s can get me get me prepped for UBaha HL that much faster and into brick farming territory I'll just spend 3 bricks on him and retain the ele-changed daggers for CR mainhands.

i could use it on a xeno rerun i guess

>tfw no titan

Well, finally a realistic result. Seeing all of these Shiva, Europa, Hirano, often together, it'ss so unreal.

Just luck shit one user. It's easy.

>tens of thousands of baalfest farmers with no enabler summon to use their new shiny overpowered grid.
kind of poetic to be honest.

>tfw Zephyrus is your only primal

Ah I think I get how Rank works.
But Is there a way to show more than 10 ranks? I want to see every combination possible.

all those so called luck shitters having shivas but i never get to see anyone having them in an actual coop room

>tfw Titan but mo sunlightes


People flock to post their good pulls for free (You)s. Very few people care enough to post their Sirens here.

Has anyone contacted Cygames support recently? If so, how long did they take to respond to your initial request?

>Have a TItan
>just MLB'd it earlier today
>Farmed everything I needed from Baalfest
>Only SSRs are Eustace and Razia

I hope every /gbfg/ crew won their match and is going to win their next one!
Because mine did and mine will too!

Luckshitted an Agni from Star Gacha, how much harder is it to farm for an F2P Agni grid versus a Colo Magna grid? And how much better is it?

>pay2lose element

That's not bad. Just use Jamil and suptix Ayer next time one rolls around. Razia is the tank for your two attacker and eventually you can replace Eustace with a Lv100 Cag (but not until 100)

>Luckshitted an Agni

>tfw no titan
>didn't farm baalfest
>got delivered an alexiel by star gacha
I made a grave mistake.


You farm twings and athena spears, but f2p agni isn`t much better than colo. (i don`t know if it`s better than colo, you have more multiattack but the crit is worse)

>rolled titan last month
>won't ever mlb him

>no alex
>no titan
>full baal axe pool

literally no idea what you mean, try playing around with the "Remain HP Ratio" to have other grids show up in the top 10 list


EBBC7458 uBaha.

>got last stone this gw
>was so excited that used all 3 stones to finally mlb varuna asap
>forgot that I farmed baalfest and could have possiblly rolled titan in gacha
>afraid to do scam gacha and the upcoming legfest in case I get titan now

Dont worry you wont roll him.

Just save for a spark and you'll be safe without feeling awful.

My Socie broke.

Too many dickings

Daria in GBF when?
Fuck shadowverse for making her leader basically impossible to get unless you're a luckshitter

Fucking never hopefully, she ruined the game for me big time.

Fuck off

I hope no more SV shit ever comes to GBF

Got her on my free packs.

And I rucking hate rune with a flaming passion.

>Wanting the turboslut who ruined that game here

I dont know this character.



Marisa looks good here

0-4 kill myself
5-9 back to work

are the chances of getting Titan better if I spark during a leg fest or roll for it now

Can I have your account before you end it please?

fucking rip user


Ubaha 20% 7 spots left

This is your baha hl MVP starter pack

That's one way to be free
Until you are forced to farm wind GW in hell for all eternity

always legfest

>rank 1540 in pre
>last battle is a top 30 nip whalenaut

anyone else want to cum in jamil's anus haha

Someone, please tell me what the last few posts are talking about. Google translate tells me one of them is talking about crying and the final one about fish.

Actually my bad, I think it actually is better now. But I'd advise to wait, especially if you need SSR characters.

So gbfg what is the MO of the betting yakuza? Does it have a pattern or something?

>rank 1540
Huh.. I've never seen anyone passed rank 200

gw matchups are based on round results

Thank for the Angel anima.

post id cutie

I'm not playing shitverse again until they do a goddamn Granblue expansion

Cag leader fucking when

if you knew the pattern would you share? you would only be lowering your own bet's value. no, there isn't a pattern they just communicate and decide what to rig.

This meme needs to die

Second last one is saying they're out of meat. Last one is just an acknowledgement.