/wowg/ - World of Warcraft general
Posting so we use this instead of the one with the avatarfag pic
>when the content is just right
Glad you could make it, Uther.
>when people ask for more content and you ask them if they have capped their artifact weapons yet and they follow up with silence
Top 10 sniffable Warcraft characters.
Forgot this, OP:
General Resources:
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OFFICIAL FILTER LISTS that you can use to make WoW General Great Again.
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Make sure to update these lists once you start using them and to post these links when a shitposting OP makes the new thread.
As always, add to and prune these lists as necessary so we can keep this general on topic instead of letting avatarfags and shitposters ruin this general.
>Old God raid
>Titan mini-raid
>Night elf raid
>Night elf raid
>Burning Legion raid
>fatiguefags will defend this
After Antorus, we will have officially dealt with Sargeras before retaking Gnomeregan. I can't help but wonder how players would react if you had told them this 10 years ago.
>facefuck sargeras for two raids
>wtf we are not that powerful, legion was only supposed to build up to legion defeat
>>Night elf raid
>>Night elf raid
>retaking a nuclear wasted city
i dont think we want it back
this thread is already so much better
Why does fembelf face in casterstance looks like she is trying to hide the pain like in that famous meme?
Watch your town with me, boy. You may be the waiter but I'm still your superior as a chef.
>Blizzard makes raids that don't involve demons or titans
>They are the best of the entire expansion
EN and NH are just below karazhan tier in enjoyment. I can't wait before we finally fuck off with all this legion demon shit for good
>Still shilling wowhead.
wew lad
Archenon poros guys, it's me, Turalyon but please call me Turalyon-Senpai
>This is the kind of "people" you play with.
>when you put up stacks of food at per-stack instead of per-unit prices and lose out on 6-7.000 gold as someone immediately hoovers them up
I can attest to Nighthold being a great raid. Great voice acting, fun and unique boss designs, and challenging. Plus it had good buildup with the Suramar campaign. Definitely a highlight of modern WoW.
Did you forget about WoD and that expac literally called "The Burning Crusade"?
>going on two weeks later, I still haven't done Argus.
Why is he complaining then?
i forgot what being in a guild is like. will being greeted by xD every day make my life enjoyable?
>literal defective Titan constructs are more successful than an actual Titan
Just make an alt and accept one of those carpet invites those shitty guilds throw and underleveled guildless players. I lasted a couple of days of those GRATZ DUDE and random dumb shit.
depends what kind of shit guild you are in. im in a guild where the only other person who regularly logs in is some middle aged housewife. i cant leave just in case my friends start to play again, even though the earliest that my last friend logged in was 2 years ago
You farm mounts all day and post the 100% drop one. Why?
So basically any Veeky Forums guild. WoW truly is the same shit in different flavors on repeat.
it's a sad thing that i can't get into newer graevling pieces at all
they all just feel the same as older stuff
Good taste, I like simple, small-medium sized, & sticking to the theme mounts that you could ride on forever without it becoming obnoxious
because its aesthetics please me
something you pleb wont understand you unoriginal dumb cunt
Welcome to any popular artist. They draw the same character and let colors and attachments dictate what it's meant to be. Look up any famous mangaka drawing another series's main characters.
Artists are one-shot ponies, and if they aren't, they got no distinctive style. Graevling makes comic book looking art with sexual tones and even his straight up porn is lackluster as fuck.
People pay for the reputation he has. Art whores don't care for jerking off, they just want you to know their "OC" (which is usually ripped straight from WoW with 2 scars added because they're so devoid of any creativity they hope the money invested makes the artist do the rest).
>Illidan's army
>AU demons
Heh, looks like you're done for, burning kiddos...
You thrive off of showing off to strangers since you have no friends who'd care for your venting. Your choice of prize is a free class hall mount; shit normies use thinking they achieved something for playing a specific class.
Your xmogs are shit, you can't pull the aesthetic card. Man, someone get Ralph to talk to this loner.
>Dude EVERYBODY is in need of a good tank
>Gear up, look for a raiding guild
>Every single guild already has 2-3 tanks set up, ONLY needs RDPS and heals
Thanks for nothing, faglords
i got stuck here
this small rock thing is too big to jump up
someone help
Guilds are built around tanks
you have to work your way up the food-chain unless you have connections
If you could change a single thing about your class right now, what would it be?
They need to stop forcing the le snapshotting meme and really bring the focus back to simply loads of strong, solid bleeds. Using a (otherwise) defensive proc and casting a shitty heal as part of your rotation is fucking s h i t
They need to make classes less spammy in general, even fucking hunters have to spam abilities nowadays.
everyone enjoying the weather?
it's 65 degrees outside here
my pc is loving this
Patrician taste, I enjoy the Armored HD Wyvern myself
Being able to use totems while in ghost wolf form.
I think they implemented some sort of map designing algorithm instead of hand crafted, I've encountered far more scenarios in which i'm trapped than in previous expansions
your opinion is trash but good thing you can tell it on a anonymous board since your are too much of a bitch to bark like this at people irl
Whoever the fuck thought no cooldown no cost instant melee attacks on melee classes like furious slash was a good idea should be fired
Whoever the fuck thought making shadow priests this mobile with this much burst and dot damage AND the best defensive cooldowns in the game AND giving them a great stun should be fired
>best defensive cooldowns in the game
give back 90% damage reduction on dispersion, blizz
OCs were a mistake
>the new trinket system from antorus
so everyone has to have one of these trinkets, so you now essentially have only 1 trinket slot. and some healers will now have ZERO trinket slots because they need to use velen's
then you need to have the 6 different trinkets evenly spread out in such a way amongst the raid in order to have the most "uptime" for the pantheon buffs
this also means people will be forced to use certain trinkets that are less than ideal for them, like if they want arcano 2.0 but other people have higher priority for even though it's going to be good for a lot of specs
this also means that splits will be even bigger of an advantage than before for mythic progression guilds, as well as normal and heroic even after the first initial weeks
whoever came up with this system and thought this was okay is retarded, but i guess it fits with all the other rng bullshit with legion
What you said was ok, no need to samefag angry reaction pics
suck my dick italian tranny
woa woa woa!
dont need your opinions on if what i do is ok or not you bitch ass cock mongling fuckin faggot ass motherfuckin nigger
This expansion is seeing one of the worst imbalances of trinkets yet. It reminds me of fucking vanilla sometimes. If the mere existence of the Unstable Arcanocrystal wasn't enough to convince you then yeah this shit with these titan trinkets is fucked
Speaking of which, how high ilvl does a trinket need to be better than an 880 arcano?
Some truth to what you're talking about but making it easier for bigger / more organized raids is perfectly fine.
You're also delusional if you think we ever had much choice in trinkets for raiding. As a caster, I have two BiS and theres no reason to replace them at all until the new raid comes out, where I'll just have two new BiS with no reason to replace those. Regardless of how many shit trinks they add.
for once I like they're trying new stuff and synergies among your raid seems an interesting concept
would you hoard glorious legplates if you could trvel back in time to wotlk or something?
dude there are way more valuable shit that was lost with cataclysm than those shit legplates, given how some items are impossible to obtain and some highgly sought after you could get several gold caps worth off a few transmog pieces
>obsessing over that shit
diversify your bonds nigga
>Unstable Arcanocrystal
I'm still baffled by this thing, how in the FUCK has it not been nerfed yet? When other powerful trinkets in Legion have risen to the top like the Draught of Souls they got promptly nerfed, why has this uber-powerful item just been allowed to hang around and be objectively better than everything else?
This chart I posted is for MM Hunters in ToS. Not the most comprehensive list by any means but I think it accurately shows how fucking good Arcanocrystals are for some classes at least. Fuck, an 860 arcanocrystal is better than a 940 alchemist stone. According to this chart at least, a 860 Arcanocrystal is better than a fucking 930 Bloodthirsty Instinct! That's goddamn insane!
>I'm still baffled by this thing, how in the FUCK has it not been nerfed yet?
To be nerfed they would have to think its overpowered. Ion specifically said he knows its overbudget in terms of stats, but thats okay because its hard to get
Because Ion is colossally out of touch retard
new goblin models soon
>To be nerfed they would have to think its overpowered. Ion specifically said he knows its overbudget in terms of stats, but thats okay because its hard to get
gigabear is right, as always
>SURE it's got too many stats and is by and large the best trinket for most dps specs... but Withered J'im only comes up once every two months, right guys?!
Does... Ion even KNOW that they drop from relinquished?
>Does Ion know that if you spend a huge amount of time grinding argunite you have a non-zero chance of getting a hugely overpowered item, and that autists will feel compelled to spend time in-game doing just that?
I'm sure Actibli$$ard is well aware.
But user plenty of people have gotten them. Heck I got 2 880 ones back on the BS and 1 910 one recently. Sorry your luck is terrible I guess?
how does playing a shaman look like
>Boss Drop : Archavon The Stone Watcher
>hey guys i got lucky so that means the system is working perfectly
>new raid isn't even out yet and casuals are already crying about it
I didn't reply specifically because the fact it was bait was obvious. Come on now
I'm really and honestly confused what you're complaining about? Even if I got a titanforged 940 arcanocrystal or even just a regular 860 one, the fact remains that they're really overpowered for what they are. So are you saying that because it's not easily farmable that it's ok being hugely overpowered?
is there anything worse than someone who logs out in the middle of erp?
I think they know it's OP but I think they want it to be the metaphorical carrot on a stick that keeps "hardcore" players (who likely already have their BiS legendaries) grinding shit like Argus. Remember that their metric for success is playtime now, not sub numbers. If raiders spend 2hrs a day grinding argus for a 1/1000 chance of a 50k+ dps increase from arcano, that's a win for them.
that means you made them cum too fast
>bow visible at all times, quiver included
>nearly all the bows in the game look like utter ass
>no on-screen indicator for marked shot procs despite it being a core talent of MM
>entire class gutted just so they could make 3 specs
fantastic class fantasy, blizzard
Uh, ok? It's still a way to get an arcanocrystal, and if you get it the relinquished way it's guaranteed to be 910 at least. This is like saying that nobody will ever farm a 1% drop chance mount.
>no on-screen indicator for marked shot procs despite it being a core talent of MM
You mean like.... besides the big fuckoff arrow above their heads?
>people laugh at dh for having only 2 specs when hunters and shamans have 0
2 people with 5 decides what my main/alt is going to be.
still rude to just ninja log. 7 times in a row, diff people
Female gnome hunter
Troll/Dwarf Protection Warrior (Male)
Female Nelf/Draenei MM Hunter
Have you considered the possibility that you're really bad at erp?
Like really really bad.