League of Legends General - /lolg/

I made you item edition

OT: Eyosongive.us

>7.19 Patch Notes


>Champion Update: Evelynn Agony's Embrace


[YouTube] Evelynn Special Interactions youtube.com/watch?v=NrRbNAYrh2Y

>Runes Reworked: Forge Your Path


>Ask Riot: Hire More Devs Riot


>Champion and Skin Sales


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>Auto early to harass
but doesn't that make my lane push and then have their jungler come rape me and make it impossible for me to all-in them since I'll be pushed to their tower?

The Azir rework has to be the single best rework in the game. This is so fucking fun, they brought out all the potential his shitty old kit had.


xth for Syndra

Is there anything worse than a 4 stack of people in normals feeding, and you're the one carrying, but they still shit talk you because THEY can't be bad, ohh noes, because they're all friends, so nothing they do is bad, but when the one that's carrying dies, we spam ping her because we are friends!

Jinx is cute and cuddly


I want to cuddle Jinx's pussy

xth for breast metal waifu

They made him very balanced with the short range, too.

Hope he becomes popular again.


I like it.

yes namefags with shit taste in anime girls


This is literally worse than normals. Kill yourself.

Why does the balance team get to keep their jobs after months upon months of complete ineptitude?

This doesn't even include the recent patch where her winrate went up by a considerable amount.

>tfw you will never get to slap your balls against Soraka's huge and heat-filled grapefruitsized pair as you take her from behind while you stroke her monstrous horsecock until her meat hose starts spraying star goat unicorn essence everywhere

every single day is a struggle



Will Riot ever make a more perfect waifu than Elementalist Lux?

>tfw you will never love tap this


more like farming in dota

>get battlefury and spend the next 20 minutes running around your jungle like an autist yelling at your teammates to stack ancients for the 30th time


>Get Radiance and pick illusion character or buy manta to do some MULTI LANE FARMING?!?! then lose anyway because you cant actually play illusion heroes (the latter does not apply if you are Alchemist however because that hero is practically retardproof )

furry skank*

There's not enough magma fanart.
I can't get off to this.


I feel you man, as much as I like Dark Lux there needs to be more of the other forms.

They actually just made him even more retarded
The problem wasn't just that he outranges a majority of champions in the game, it's that he does it reliably AND has the safety to boot. But now they added the extra burst damage on his w so he's can 1 shot people when ahead point and click style.

How do fellow Jinxfags feel about Ghostcrawler accidentally confirming that Jinx and Vi are sisters?

Not that it wasn't fairly obvious before, but-

mash your keyboard, start rotation with E tho

>ywn be cuddling jinx in public and have her discreetly put your dick inside her without anyone noticing

you don't
maybe press e/w on the nigga who steps forward

>Immortal Journey skins on front page of store
>not actually available in the store yet
Nice job rito

>start with e

>Ghostcrawler accidentally confirming that Jinx and Vi are sisters
How is this surprising to anyone? Literally how?

>Not that it wasn't fairly obvious before, but-
this basically. Doesn't change anything

Having a pushed lane is good if you have an aggressive jungler, as it let's you answer faster and stops their laner from helping generally. If your team has say a Sej and they have an Elise or Lee then yeah, probably don't push the lane and just wait for Sej to get there while trading with just abilities.

How come the vast majority of streamers on twitch are spanish now?

>ardent censor on Taric can fully heal a half health late game Nasus
>while still being a front line tank himself
What the fuck is this bullshit, I love it

Where? Also this doesn't even raise eyebrows.


Citation needed



I'm just confused though, if I'm supposed to heavily harass with autos interweaved with my abilities doesn't that just push them to tower where they can safely heal or farm under turret?

Jinx would find it funny when you try not to react and give away whats happening

Yeah right, next you're going to tell me that Lissandra is a servant of the Frozen watchers

Who can I play in each role to achieve this feeling?

why is autofill a thing?

why hasn't riot realized that support is a shitty role that no one wants to play despite all the support reworks and item reworks?

It's not surprising at all, everyone saw it coming.
It's just the fact that they finally gave away the reveal in such a shitty, unexpected and accidental way.


Kled - Top
Warwick - Jungle
Talon/Zed - Mid
Vayne - Adc

Jungle Jax

I can't find the source on that one. where can I find it?

The root is good in aram. Start ROA.

Rotation is something like Q-W-Q-E-Q.. Or just start with W if you catch someone off position. Team will usually jump on the bandwagon. Remember your short range so hit and run often.

how is janna after nerfs?

There are literally multiple goldstuck healslut mains on the riot balance team. why do you think the most broken items for the last half year have been support ones.

Talon Top
Kayn Jungle
Renekton Mid
Jhin AD
Sion Support

They're available now! I wouldn't even check for another half an hour if I hadn't seen this post. You have my thanks.

Wards are your friends. As well as general map awareness to see where their enemy jungler is.

It could have been posted on the football field during the super bowl and it would have been received just the same.

It's not THAT surprising.

Best couple!

If you get the wave to hit the turret, it will bounce back and push towards you, which ends in that chunked out laner now being overextended if you just last hit for a few waves. You don't have to keep them pushed unless you fucked up and they get a freeze.

lmao what
Quinn's vault is a second lower CD than spin at max rank
>but muh cd reduction on crit
requires you to be able to hit something in the first place

Better than ever, just with a tad bit more effort. Heck, it's not even that, you can just take effective action now that isn't shield-spam. It's quaint.


But user. Ezreal is gay.


>ywn be dommed by Pentakill Sona

>hidden in the grass
Jurassic Champion when?

Is my jungler supposed to tax my lane when he only gets the assist? I got the kill credit. He says it's to even out the gold

>this triggers the Ezfag


Should I bind attack move to left click?

Hey guys. user making the fighting game here. It's day 2 of the contest thing so I am just going to repost the link. goo gl/forms/8vcH3dcrmazx1Byw1
Just put a period between goo and gl. Hope you are all having a good Day so far!

burst on his w?

That fic is nice, but it doesn't feel as domm as I had hoped.

It's also really short

I like that other sona one from the morg writefag but that's not Pentakill

Fuck yes

>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3



absolutely disgusting

Second game in a row my top laner goes 0/9/something
This time he went afk at 15 mins.

What's up with that?

is top lane ali a thing now?

w-wew l-lads

how would hecarim work with his design? that's an insane hitbox

What happens when you OTP but you get counter picked? Do you just go in with your usual pick anyway or do you keep a pocket pick to cover your worst MUs?

sounds awful desu

yeah that's literally the other one I mentioned it makes my dick diamonds but IMO would be better with pentakill sona.

Try to find edgier fanart
Pro tip: You can't

>tfw no duo partner to mentally degrade me and humiliate me after every mistake I make
I-I just want to learn in a fun way..

My last top laner had the decency to afk after 1 death. Thanks Xin, I guess.

gib ip chromas

Why can't the balance team be players in D3 or higher elos so they dont fuck up things everytime

Jesus I'm glad I stopped playing adc. I got autofilled into a support now and I understand the shielding support cancer. Played vs Karma that didn't even harass with q. Like barely at all. Just stood behind her sivir and spammed shields and rushed censer. Felt so stupid they just cleared minions run away with shields and speed ups when in danger and waited for the jungler. They even ate a shitton harass because they couldn't dodge for shit. Did not matter at all. They could back off when they wanted.

>I pick Xin
>get fed and win
>Teammate picks Xin
>feeds off their ass
>enemy team picks Xin
>feeds off their ass
He's not that hard guys..

>Try to find a smaller art
>Pro tip: You can't
Well you got me there...

If Cho'Gath never wants to stop destroying things, Kog'Maw never wants to stop eating, Kha'Zix never wants to stop evolving and Vel'Koz never wants to stop learning, then what is Rek'Sais obsession?

A real OTP learns how to use their pick in all matchups and every role.

I mean, I guess its a considerable lore update. Yay confirmation...