/twg/ - Total War General

OP Trimming edition

Total War: WARHAMMER II - Enter the Vortex
Total War: WARHAMMER 2 – System Specs:
Total War: WARHAMMER 2 - Welcome to the New World
How the Combined Map works

>FAQs and General Info

Workshop for Warhammer 2 hasn't been enabled yet but will be. Manually installing mods still works.


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>little blue frogs tied to chameleon skinks


Around High Elves, watch yourselves!

Darren is having a pretty bad time playing the Lizardmen.. Show him some support chat :^)


Skinks? Man dey best rename dat shit to STINKS cuz dey fucking sucks!

I want a high elf bf

Saruas are basically cheap Chaos Warriors. Their really strong.



Not to be the guy who bitches about doing it wrong, but you're completely missing the point of the Skaven if you're trying to hammer and anvil with them.
They're a super aggressive rush army. Play them like beastmen who happen to have ranged support.

are halberds decent this time around? do temple guard actually do stuff or are they a meme like chaos halberds.

The Virgin Skink

The Chad Saurus




>tfw using Sword Masters

Ive decided to babysit todbringers bastard son. How canon would the lizardmen alliging with an empire faction in lustria be?

>Tfw no super cute skink bf

>"Do not self thy essence short. If you die, you die. Take as many of the enemies servants as you can with you. That is my will. See that it is done"

Lord Mazdamundi is fucking awesome.

>Level 20 hero perk makes it so they can never die only be wounded.

They are good, Phoenix guard are the best infantry in the game. Temple guard will beat any other lizardmen infantry.

Are lizardmen chill with humans?

lizardmen are not "chill" with anyone
they just do whatever the old ones told them to

I think they beat them 1v1, they can take on multiple units at once and win.

They really shine in this since none of the other factions have good mid tier infantry.

So I notice that in addition to basically getting the best spell from most winds, Teclis can also learn all the map wide "on cast" buffs as well. Anyone know if they stack? Because that sounds strong as fuck.

But the old ones made dwarves and elves as well, so are they chill with those

yeah, although it would have been better if they were in their old constant forms instead


If you're not part of the Great Plan, you're irrelevant. It's not really chill or anything. Just dont touch their stuff and maybe you'll be okay
They've worked with Helves quite a bit in the past though

Did they drop denuvo with this release?

It's cracked already.

Where are the Warhammer 1 keybinds saved? I want to just drag and drop into Warhammer 2

No, no one likes anyone in Warhammer.
The lizzers just don't go out of their way to fuck with people unless they get too close to their temples.


Spears and Halberds don't count?

god damn. Martial Prowess fucking sucks.

Anti large Cavalry meme elfs have none they get BTFO in any cav fight

First impression. Helves are fun and I cant wait for blood and gore, it's too clean. On the other hand all the battles in the jungle against lizards feel really colorful.

Only best elves get anti-large cav

I misread the original complaint then. I thought you wanted anti-(large cav), when you meant (anti-large) cav. My mistake sorry

Frost phoenix is alright. Good for debuffing and terrorbombs.

>Tomb Kings still not announced.

>950 hours in Warhammer 1. It's been a great game.
>I know I'll start as Kroq because that looks fun. I'll play VH like I always do.
>turn 60. Can't get anywhere.
>start again as Mazda because it's still lizards.
>Ok that's enough lizards. Maybe I need to learn the new game a bit.
>Worst elves on hard.
What have I become?

too right brother!

I'm just so relieved at how differently these factions feel to others we've gotten before.

Im loving it so far but they really dropped the ball on the skaven voice acting, its not supposed to sound like that at all. Shame, but i guess its hard to write like how its "supposed to be" for every single conversation and quote, probably too much work

>All the best casters in Warhammer 2 get "Greater Arcane Conduit" in custom battle
>it's an upgraded version that is now PASSIVE and gives them increased regen all the time
>for some retarded reason it's not in the campaign, they just get the regular Arcane Conduit
Was this an oversight or something? They finally put in a way to distinguish awesome casters from normal ones and they made it EXCLUSIVE to custom battle...

Yeah Teclis is probably the strongest caster out of all the ones they released.

Having -80% cooldown on all spells is great, he can use chain lightening on a 5 second cooldown and it costs 9 fucking mana and triggers all his lore elements.

Dragon Princes have fuck off high stats anyway, no bonus needed to deal with large

> be queek
> crushing kroq'gar all the way up to his last settlement, temple of skulls
> my province on the other side gets attacked, have to send one army to defend
> last army cant take kroq'gar, and they have the rite up so my single army is attritioning and cant keep up siege
> offer peace, I'll just come back later, he accepts with green chances
> start to walk my second army back to help defend
> kroq'gar walks along next to me
> follows me into my area
> waits for me to pass a city
> declares war and attacks city


how the fuck do I beat this


dude just make it cold lmao
like nigga get some ice hahaha

Pray that Sotek offers you a reacharound

High elves are such a fucking meme

Dragon Princes? Wow! 70! fire ward save! Totally useful!

Everything helves do delves do more efficiently, not better, but not more efficiently. Helves always have meme values on their units whereas delves are just specialised murder machines.

>cant fit both games on my ssd
fucking load times

That's for the poison. They stick their darts or javelin in the frogs mouth


filthy rats btfo

this stupid fucking purple effect better HECK OFF

Do you still get Norsca for free if you buy now?

>mfw slowly crushing another Delf faction as malekith
>they keep asking for peace and offering more and more gold every turn
>decline, loot and occupy every city, enslave all captives
Heh, nothin personnel kid. Just what you get when you declare war on me *tips oversized helmet*

Btw the hydra is BOSS

>Dick around too long trying to Unite Ulthuan
>Both the Dark elves and lizardmen are on their last ritual
>Intercepting forces are doing jack shit


God damn, the lizards are fun in battle but the campaign is a fucking shitshow.


What difficulty are you all playing on? I don't seem to be able to get a good start as anyone.

Some thoughts after 10 hours of Kroq-Gar:

I fucking love the rituals with the chaos invasions and interventions and the further escalation of diplomatic penalties the more rituals you complete. Finally a realm divide scenario that's not stupid. The AI is much more agressive and I've already had a lot more defensive siege battles than before. Bravo CA.

However, the race for the vortex itself is a joke. It's not even close and I don't even prioritize in ritual currency. "You can finally lose the campaign" my ass.

O-oh my

normal and its still hard for me. note: I beat most of the other campaigns in TW1 on VH at least

It's on Legendary to boot. I've killed about fifty thousands of these rattos and now they're my best pals.

They live in my attic, i.e the chaos wastes.

Queek or Skrolk?

>when mazdamundi gets his fuckin powerhouse mount

feels gud

Is anyone else...really getting into the geomatic web? It was my least favorite mechanic before the game came out, but i'm loving setting everything up


plague bitches are for homos

It varies. As long as they're not on lustrian soil they, like any warmblood, are secondary concerns. Since Mazdamundi discovered that destroying chaos is the last order of the old ones, that takes precedence. Therefore, the lizard man order of business is thus:

1. Destroy Chaos immediately
2. Remove outsiders from Lustra
3. Recover Lustrian Plaques and relics
4. Enact the old ones plan
5. Exterminate all races not in the plan

So, Slann will ally with humans if chaos is an immediate threat, but if not, move to immediately remove them from Lustria. If the warmbloods are not on Lustria, trading is acceptable to reacquire stolen relics (this is why skinks travel the world sometimes trading gold for old rocks). If there are no relics to be had, then they enact the old ones plans. If there are no plans to enact, then they remove warmbloods

where is the cheapest place to get gaem now?
i got fukt by a keysite and only have 39 burgers to spend right now

Great... yeah... no fucking problem

Datz wot da fildy Skavun deserve. Though, nun o' dim are as gud at schemin' likez da truu bigg boss o' Eight Peaks

Difficulty? I'm like turn 60 on Malekith L and I'm abit behind in the race. Starting catch up now.

What turn are you on?

>are gigantic reptilian carnivores chill with tiny little meatbags?


Planning is fun user
t. german

I had the same kind of experience, only I got blown the fuck out as Morathi and then switched to Kroq


Hard is objectively the best difficulty to play on. Any higher and you have to resort to shiesty no fun stuff in order to win

This may sound strange but is anyone else missing the Empire?

I really liked blasting things with cannons and watching my dudes somehow tie up the scariest things in the setting until the reiksguard squashed them.

>Ruin relations between Saphary and some other faction I forget the name of
>Won't go to war with each other
I hate this

>dark elves have better firing lines than dwarves


darkshards and reaper bolt throwers are so nice

Only on Hard, turn 92, third ritual completed.

>be high elf
>Be general of the high king of the high elf
>Every other fucking high elf faction hates you and won't even engage in commerce

Gee I wonder why they don't have a global empire anymore

Darkshards are the best core shooters for sure.

But reaper bolt throwers are total garbage

Wonder what will come out on top when the combined map is released - Dino spam or Mammoth spam? I'm putting my money on lizards since they have dinos with frickin laser beams.
Anyways, be sure to thank Kek for giving you the authentic Jurassic Park experience.

Anyone else immediately notice they fixed ranged infantry so it can fire over your lines now? At least with helven archers, arrows will arc over my lines heads. They also don't lose target anymore

Are High Elves as shit as thought?

I haven't played skaven yet. Why are they interested in the vortex exactly?

very hard on Morathi
currently defending against like 6 armies at turn 60

>Close victory
The ai walked its arty right up to my front line. And a single stegadon attackin an archer agroed his entire army which I then used comet against several times. The AI is as dumb as ever.

reaper bolt throwers decimate infantry in the early game. in this malekith start the bolt thrower is getting 100+ kills per combat.

I think this is the same for the lizardmen too. As Kroq-Gar I simply cannot confederate without spending huge sums of money. Ironically Skaven and Dark Elves are the only races to actually confederate in my campaign. Shouldn't they also hate each other?

In my campaign they are a ritual behind Skaven and Delves. They are pretty bad desu


They want to siphon off its power and summon the great horned rat or at least a greater demon of it

High Elves are supposed to be the most well trained army in the world. In game they're just the Empire replacement

SFO needs to hurry up