I love Lissandra!
League of legends general /lolg/
I need a new username summoners!
pls assist me
Draven mains ww@
Jinx is cute and cuddly
Tyler1 is cringe incarnate, how can anyone like that faggot
How soft are Elementalist Lux's tits?
Let's fix Kindred! All ideas welcome.
Revert heal removal on W
what compels you to post this dumb avatarfagging shit day in and day out motherfucker
>Mercilessly bullying your enemy laner for 40 minutes for having their jungler hard camp you while you shitstomp the game with your team that never got ganked.
>He asks you to stop so you start bullying harder.
If the jungler needs to sit on top of your ass for 20 minutes and you still lose lane you should uninstall your life.
What role do you play and what's your best champion?
Support leona
Draven will be dead to me until he gets his bleed back, or at least get a fucking bleed related skill, he is supposed to be a "blood brother" "
>inb4 blood rush
what are lolg's thoughts on welding?
Lux is cuter, cuddlier, and tighter
Do I unlock??????
Seems like a good skill to have since it's useful in a variety of situations.
What does this have to do with LoL?
Who /Shurima/ here?
Literal autism. Some of them have been at it for years.
>xth for syndra
>jinx cute and cuddle
>muh icefu
>lew lew
>ayy draven kewl guy :3
And so on.
xth for Syndra
it's pretty shit
Necessary and useful in metal and thermo plastic material fields
I haven't played for a while and apparently singed is good now
do I still have to proxy or can I just lane with him now? also how is that new champ that makes items
Reminder that this is the definitive Illaoi page
he's not good
>"buy runes woth ip dude it's a better investment!" they said
haha look who's laughing now niggers
if supports are so easy to climb with why is most of lolgen silver?!?!?
Ornn is a steaming pile of shit. Don't buy him.
The Q changes are ok.
The rest is meh.
Draven had been balanced for a long time.
Deaths dance was a broken item.
He does need buffs.
Even those needs to his passive was uncalled for.
>>Riot balancing
Isn't he the guy who becomes a beta orbiter around girls?
Gumi is not only being a fag
But he's also being a liar?
Kys lmao
stompin ain't easy
Just let the furry stay dead for now.
inb4 support is boring
Summoners pls i want a new name
I'm so glad Kled is pregnant with my children!
He's a support jungler now. Go botlane and take smite. Steal jungle camps and gank. It's crippling to the enemy jungler and your jungler doesn't need to steal camps because catch up xp. Plus you have a higher income than the other support so you're more beneficial to your team. It's broken
Whats a good Ahri rune page with the new runes?
> /k/
how about huge faggot
Is it just me or reworked Xin Zhao top is pretty gud?
Incest fapfics fucking when.
brother pls i dont want buliing i want a name
obama did 711
>Buy runes
>Use them for years and win games and gain elo
>Riot gives you compensation because they're now being replaced
>This is bad
> trump paid taxes LUL
> inner circle
you may be challenger
but you are also a faggot
>Not even top 10
Sit the fuck down, kid. You're garbage
Of that list I think Lissfag is the most dedicated individual. There's multiple lulufags and jinxfags.
im not gumi you fucking retarded faggot theres more than 1 draven poster
>inb4 wow nice lies lolololol hahaah
kill your fucking self boodrum
Nice lies lolololololol
> im not gumi
You're not the only one. His W is a really useful tool and lets him trade in ways besides I'M GOING IN
>hit q on creeps twice
>charge, knockup, w
>does good damage
>guarenteed to proc heal and crit
>can disengage with the slow and knockup
have you been maxing W? That seems to work best for me
>pic related
Graves buffs when
I have dumped countless ip into runes over the years and I'm pretty happy about the changes. Having multiple rune pages for many seasons gave me an edge against my opponents because most people literally have/had like four pages while I have 10+ with lots of variety on them.
Glad they're giving compensation for them, excited for the abundance of blue essence i'm about to have and for these sales as well
The softest
None because Ahri sucks dick.
Buff Caitlyn
Graves revert back to original when
never because riot hates Graves
You can replace Absolute Focus with Transcendence if you want.
>no firmness
how embarrassing
so which icon from these (2) do u have?
are u one of the elite few who has both?
you did get them, right?
Well "not gumi"
Youre acting pretty gay rn and you havent proved me wrong so ur gumi.
I have shadow assassin
shadow assassin is way more fun that rhaast
Nothing like laying on a soft pair of breasts
i thought the missions were only for people who owned kayn and didn't realize he was on free week until it was too late.
>pierced nipple
Nothing says they can't be soft and firm at the same time. If you lightly touch them, they feel soft. If you push, they're firm and push back. One is texture, the other is consistency.
Fuck you auto correct.
Draven no need buffs.
Draven no needed needs.
Lower cavemans no know how deal with draven.
Lower cavemans no team brain
>not electrocute
Pretty much the only good keystone on her
Lulu is my STAR!
>riot is going to buff janna, more tears will flow, then gut her
>rather than dealing with the fact that assasains blow dicks and tanks rule and Janna shits on tanks
>rather than dealing with the fact that Ardent Censer is complete fucking cancer
Pure support archetypes always come under attack first in games and it's getting pretty boring desu. The changes she's getting now are just weird, i dont really get what they're trying to achieve.
Just gut Ardent Censer, bring tanks into line, Assasains will start to see play again and things will rebalance.
pierced nipples are great you coward
I really want to write a lewd fanfic, but no one here, odd enough, seems as inclined on Diana x Leona as me
I like this build personally
Phase Rush doesn't sound have bad though.
I'm pretty sure gurofag is into anything
If it's well written, people will like it.
Get tastes
>cheap shot
>ravenous hunger
you want sudden impact and either ingenious or relentless hunter.
>Spamming the good doctor for free wins in the jungle
Feels good
You build gunblade/lichbane Ahri?
I have both. I'm using SA right now because Kayn is my husbando.
Which champion are you trying to learn, lolg? For me is Azir, Riven, Vayne, Singed and Sejuani :3
dont like this at all desu
you already have your passive for sustain, and cheap shot is really quite low damage, its meant for sustained damage i believe.
Sudden Impact is pretty nice on her because you dash once and can cast all your spells in the uptime afterwards
I wanna fly with Lulu!
When is Illaoi getting some QoL?
Ekko buffs when
All of them. Sucks being a silver shitter. I still don't know how to properly farm midlane with champs like Kat. I usually just try to not die and just roam when I hit 6 and get fed. It works at least half the time.
Just watch a hentai and copy what their doing into words.
I can even suggest an easy one to use.
Heimer, it's unacceptable that I can't play him even though I love all yordle boys that aren't Corki.
I can play Corki and I hate him.
I wish I was good at my waifu but I can never seem to do anything
LeBlanc and Ekko. I must become what I hate
When are the lunar skins available? I'm guessing on the chinese new year like the warring kingdoms ones?
>Diana growing a cock and going to town on Leona in a moonlight pentagram
Fuck you her kit is cool and fun and melee carries are fucking garbage at the moment anyway