/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

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Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones

>"Okeanos Release"
Date: September 28th, 7:00 UTC
Rate-up Servants:
5* Francis Drake
4* Anne Bonny and Mary Read
3* Euryale, David and Hektor
Rate-up CE:
5* Victor of the Moon and Another Ending
4* Code Cast
3* Anchors Aweigh


Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates(Click at NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread

>[Miscellaneous stuff]
Master Mission: Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments
Rate ups in JP FGO: img.fireden.net/vg/image/1504/63/1504639461326.jpg
Upcoming event materials: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA/edit#gid=1447471767

Friendlist: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo

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Drake thread

thinking about rolling for drake. is she actually useful for anything besides clearing doors?

>no embeds
fake thread

Post support setup

Since the discussion is usually about cow tits, let's discuss which servants have the best poopers.

>Use Free Quartz
>Get jack shit
>Use Paid Quartz
>Get multiple 4* and 5* Servants and CEs
Explain this shit

(You)r Damage Control Report

>Tickets spend
>Quartz spend
>Money spend
>What you got
>Are you rerolling?

>dude what if we went to the two-current sea three times
I just want to genocide ghosts dammit

He reminds me of simpler times

She is a 5* and basically any 5* can be good for general use. The meta is just determined by what will give you the highest chance of clearing the current content in as little turns as possible and gives the least chance of failing the mission.

>best poopers
Like, their colons? Or what?

>tfw no Drake
>tfw no quartz
Surely I will get her with the tickets from the store right?

One 10-roll, 3 tickets.
Single Euryale, some CEs. Not rerolling.

>fell for titty pirates meme
>wasted 90 quartz with nothing to show for it
I'm sorry Okita....I don't deserve you...

You could try

Im pretty sure the ass hierarchy on FGO goes like this

>Nito (swimsuit)
power gap
>Mary Read
power gap

Three tickets

>Tickets spent
>Quartz spent
>Money spent
>What you got
Nothing worth mentioning
Not rerolling

NA bros that started a JP account after the slow period what does it look like now?

Still NA at heart.

Drake and Anne Bonny & Mary Read


Just got my second Drake on my second 10 roll. Don't worry, I'll think of you everytime I use her lvl2 NP.

Why is david so pretty?
no homo

>anons that want Okita, Jack, Scat, Tamamo
>rolling at all instead of saving

Im concerned on why people are doing this.
Not even with 800 quartz you have a 100%, why you're burning quartz on bait gachas, you guys will barely reach over 400 quartz if you save everything and that's barely 50/50

thread theme

5 Ten rolls.
David NP 3
Hector NP 2
Victor from the Moon
Limit Broken Code Cast

I enjoy the poor bear more than the tits.


a Black Grail and some of the 3 star rate ups.

>tickets spent
None because I forgot to save them
>quartz spent
>money spent
$50 to get the aforementioned quartz
>what you got
A Drake, a kaleidoscope, a Marie, a JETS, a Heaven's Feel, and another imaginary element. Considering I had none of those sans the element, I'm pleased as punch.

The CE ship and 2 of the Taiga CE's from Kintoki's banner

6 ten rolls
Pirate Sluts NP2
Lancelot (I now have every Gold berserker in the game, fml)
3 victors of the moon
2 another endings
4 code casts
All in all, satisfied if anguished due to no Drake and needing to farm MORE FUCKING BERSERKER PIECES AND MONUMENTS


Fuck all
No, but I do regret rolling as many tickets as I did.

During rate-ups, the overall chance of a 5* remains the same, but the particular 5* servant chance doubles, correct?

So if there's ten 5*s available, you have a 1% shot at a 5* then a 10% at any particular. During an event however, the others go down to 5% and the event servant becomes 20%?

60 quartz, got fucking nothing. Was hoping for at least Euryale or to LB my sakura CE. Getting pretty close to just dumping my NA account.

>Magdalene, my first jing ke and shitty ships CE
ill reroll only for mommy the next year, im ready to throw 1 year of pain

yeah it goes from 0.1 to 0.2%

here's the thing. I had to get three different quartz accounts and before I saw a merlin, as one of the last 10 tickets, after rolling almost 2500 quartz total
just let them do whatever, you either get it or you don't

3 tickets
got Euryale

Fine by me

Man they really made him jusr unfunny and lame

Oh and forgot that I also got
1 Primeval Curse
3 Be Elegants
1 homu meidos
1 Projection

I know i've been slacking with ascending my servants but do you think we could still be fr-fr-friends?


>3 5* servant/CE 2 4*/ servant.CE
And nah

>play JP for 1 week and get 3 5*

I wish I was this lucky on my NA account

All that's left is to farm xp and my fantasy will be complete

210 quartz plus ten tickets gone. Everything I had patiently saved up. I was so sure it would be possible to get a 4-star servant at rate up. All I wanted was Anne & Mary. I couldn't even get the rate-up 4-star rider. I've been spooked so hard I can even believe it. Is it so wrong to want a four-star rider?
Fucking D'eon stole my chance to have a decent rider in my support line-up and in general.

Help me /fgoalter/. My will to go on is gone now that my prospects of having a whimsical pirate adventure have disappeared forever. It's so dark. The only thing I can see to do is whale myself into poverty and then drink bleach until I can make it to Chaldea.
I'm drowning in silver CEs and Servant dupes. This isn't the ocean at the ends of the earth that I hoped for.

>During rate-ups, the overall chance of a 5* remains the same, but the particular 5* servant chance doubles, correct?

>So if there's ten 5*s available, you have a 1% shot at a 5* then a 10% at any particular. During an event however, the others go down to 5% and the event servant becomes 20%?
Basically the servant with Rate Up takes precedence, there's no official data but stadistics point to the Rate Up servant having a 75% more chance to appear IF you roll a SSR.
You still have 25% to get fucked.

So it's like
>1% to hit SSR
>75% it will be the one in rate up

well done.

damn I really want that NP 2 oni but the rumors are killing me

Considering giving away my alternate account that has np2 pirate sluts

All my Servants I can't even ascend at this point due to having no way of getting pages or homu babies, so we can be friends. Sent.

So apparently doing some research, the reason BB is a lolicon Otaku is because in Japan there was someone called Blackbeard (unsure if it was some online ID or some stupid nickname the cops gave him) who was a lolicon Otaku.
So yes. Japan is so out of touch with the world outside their island that they made the most famous pirate act like some two bit criminal from their oversized Archipelago


You need Gorgon and Medusa Lily to be complete

For some reason with 4 four star servants I still get unfriended so I'll add you m8.

You can get 10 pages right now thanks to Blackbeard interlude

Does anyone have a spare account with lancelot? I lost mine a month ago and decided to get into fgo again, but having to clear france to unlock him in the story gacha makes it really hard to reroll for him.


I'm so goddamn good at this tutorial.

Can anyone confirm that the very first chimera drops talons? Am I wasting AP abandoning the fight and redoing it?

Also, can anyone confirm that for the dialogue option "France?" and "Rome?" while exploring the labirynth island always has Mash condescend you?

if i got yuri duo to NP3 should i bother wasting homus on them

Cow tits > DFC

$0 cad
>what I got
some decent 4* stuff like Lancelot and some so-so CE's, nothing I need or wanted though
Yes, but so far my rerolls have been beyond garbage, I'm even thinking of just buying a starter account with one of the 5*s I like

Door farmer > One-trick pony

parvati sakura (((soon)))™

Why is NP3 the breaking point?

I'm glad I got on JP since it has made it so I don't need to roll for Drake or Nightingale

Lets be friends, added you

Yes which female servants have best intestinal tract used for defecation.

The dude probably means ass.

Altera (Titan) when?!

>grailed Liz
Please post your FC fellow Lizbro

>Yes which female servants have best intestinal tract used for defecation.
Saber Alter, obviously. All that junk food has to be processed into mana efficiently.

jack every thread until she can be adopted

I accidentally did a 10-roll with Quartz on this shitty shit banner fucking kill me, I was just trying to get to the FP gacha

I have little clue what the newer CEs do, but I'm pretty sure I should update the ones on my Support page. Also, I didn't grind the Summer event outside of just doing the main story quests in it, so I'm guessing I'll need to replace these with Servants I can actually ascend. I have 2030, but who would I even put it on with these guys? Also, I was thinking of playing JP more since I had a chance of getting Merlin, but all I got from the rateup was Lancer Alter, so now I'm just going to play NA until it slows down again.

>Vlad critting on an art card for 56k

742 206 532 If you have any space.

I like big Tiddy servants and no one on my FL seems to have Drake.

>liz in the background
What the FUCK

How is grailed Liz? I can't decide to grail her or Ushi


You should grail Liz because she's strong and cute!

>letting your 2 daughterus near a confirmed pedo
ummm jackfags?

Quit logging in once every two days.

Sent I have Drake and Orion and will be going for big titties in the future

From gameplayfag perspective, Ushi would be a better grail.

I didn't bother watching Apocrypha past three episodes, so could someone explain why Vlad is sewing in a lot of fanart? Is it something he's associated with in the show, or in FGO, or is it just something one fanartist did and then people picked up on?

Vlad, Imaginary Element, 2 sexy Rins

I grailed her because shes cute and I dont plan on rolling for scathach. I would choose lizard because her animation update is great but since thats so far away follow your heart user

>what I got
Euryale, Tamano Cat, and a Code Cast

I am alright with what I got, more then i expected. Saving the rest of what I got (176 SQ and 5 tickets) to stock for Scath

>quartz spent

>what I got
Code Cast

It wasn't awful. I'd rather have the quartz, I think, but it could've been a lot worse.

You should have grailed Cu instead.

Wait for Halloween

210 quartz and you got just a single D'Eon?


Who BOAT here!?

Anyone that is out actually worth Grailing?

He's more interested in little boys. Plus, he'd never bad touch them. The only person whom he does that with is himself.

I started to be way more active on my old JP account.
Need more scales for arthur.

She's stronger than him. Andersen wouldn't fuck them anyways, he didn't even have sex with the prostitutes he'd visit.

>abort anyways because no gold chest
>chimera actually drops one this time
>Bersekrer EXP
fuck you /alter/