/dg/ - Destiny General
Other urls found in this thread:
>Loot lockout is intended, just not on Lost Sectors or Cayde stashes (So it is for the other 99% of the week)
>Bungie has absolutely no fucking clue what makes the MIDA so good, and chose to rub the players noses in it instead of dig deeper
>Factions will not be staying, there will be no way to work for them between rallies/
>People cried about clan rewards not giving power, only giving unique rewards from shit they probably haven't even done, so Bungie called the 10 power thing a bug and are giving out free raid and trials tier powered items for free
This game is a complete shit, and the only game where I can say with 100% confidence that it has been irrevocably ruined by fucking casuals.
Reminder that Calus has been 3 manned and you have no excuse for not beating him.
>ruined by fucking pvp
600 rpm SMGs or 900 rpm SMGs?
There are people who play Destiny who don't have at least one slutty hunter. Blows my mind.
900 RPM SMGs with the perk to turn them into 600 RPM SMGs
Neither. Auto rifles are better.
>Implying Sony will EVER get their shit together with their god-fucking-awful servers
PSN is such a goddamn joke. Can't even change your username, making a party is a fucking hassle hidden behind multiple menus, and the servers are so fucking bad that they disconnect constantly.
9th for 25 days, 8 hours, and 3 mins till a BEST version releases
>ruined by casuals demanding pvp changes even though they wont play pvp in this one either
So what is your favorite exotic weapon in the game so far? It doesn't have to be the best, just one you enjoy using or think looks cool or whatever.
Who dat
Reposting for fellow writefag
Ah well, I didn't save it, but it went something like this
She's perfect because she's just hot enough to fuck, but bitchy enough to hatefuck into the dirt while her falcon watches. She's been lonely with only Devrim to keep her company, so she needs it bad, despite how much she hates it. She needs it so bad, that she'd even let you stick it in her ass, but then again, she wouldn't be able to stop you. And deep down, she doesn't want to stop you.
She'd hate it and scream and writhe, but deep down she loves every second of getting assfucked by a Guardian, protector and champion of a city and way of life she despises.
That's why she's perfect, user. Because she's hot, sure, but because you can hate her enough to grind her face into the dirt with your cock pounding her ass raw.
I can expand more on this, like the encounter leading up to it, or I can do something with Sloane. Maybe some cocky warlock gets a lesson in humility.
Sweet Business b/w War Rig.
Riskrunner probably
For looks though I really like Graviton Lance's ornament
Niggers, that is all.
I love her so much guys
>Have Graviton Lance
>It's shit
>tfw no Holliday gf
There is no way im buying D3 on Day 1. Bungie is so out of touch with D2 that its not even funny. Their problem is that they view Destiny as a product, not as a game they should care about, hence the "We look at statistics and we can see nothing is wrong" shit
Alexandra Gaier
>jack fuck about solo queue or improved matchmaking
>jack fuck about mods
>jack fuck about buffing max impact SRs
>chest lockout is intentional
>dupe solution is most fucking likely going to be fucking DLC if ever
>(((Jon Weisnewski)))
>in charge of Design
that fucking oblivious, stupid SJW cunt needs to be fucking fired
fucking dead game till further notice
>making a party is a fucking hassle hidden behind multiple menus
>create party
Normal NF pls
The other writefag here, should we flip a coin on who writes what or what?
>Checked all four planets
>Checked everybody in tower
>Can't find hunter arms or legs that can do 2 recovery
Literally everything I've seen can only get 1 recovery for arms or legs on hunters. 6 Recovery looks like the absolute max without mods. Fucking stupid.
I just spilled 1L of water on my bed.
I am so fucking retarded holy shit .
so whatever happened to the ahamrkara?
>no mother of awoken queen gf to proudly shout "God save the Queen" for
I'll set up a strawpoll.
>He still wets his bed
This fucking general man
>part 1
>7.5 hours
Anybody want to post some good male exo faces?
Im about to make my titan up in this bitch
At least you're not joff
Why does she look sad
So have you guys realized this game sucks now or is it still much better than Destiny 1? Have not had the money to afford it until now, but am still on the fence.
What the fuck
It's ruined by esports shitters that want this game to be like Halo. Standard perks means less random variation in weapons, making PvP more fair and predictable. This is the type of shit esportsfags love. That and other meme shit like same start and 4v4.
1 litre of piss is a fucking lot mate
no its water. I spilled a huge jug of water from my desk onto the mattress. Fuck me I've got no time to dry it before bed either.
Explosive ammo auto rifles when? Explosive ammo Sweet Business when?
She just realized there's no way to turn back the Awoken Cancer and Become Human again.
I'd believe this if the game shipped with dedicated servers, private matches, a real competitive playlist, or netcode that was worth a shit.
Can I get a quick rundown on this?
"Water", of course. I bet you have lots of filled up 1 litre jugs of "water" around your bedroom.
>he doesn’t sleep at his desk
Ah fuck it, which one do you want?
I'll start writing based on what the results are an hour from now
>he doesnt drink a gallon of water a day
of course I have water hanging around you fucking subhuman
Only twice a week tbf
I'll sleep on the floor I guess
>7.5 (SEVEN POINT FIVE) hours
>they didn't even finish
Games """journalists"""
Gotcha m8
I know that "-insert character- said -racially charged comment-" meme gets thrown around a lot but devrim just said "fuck you." to me. It MIGHT have been a sound glitch.
how to check faction levels?
Not sure why you're hating, it's still ahead of some of /dg/'s best players
Is a better game in every aspect.
God damn femHunters look great in skin-tight stuff.
Nigga the higher the score, the better you are
>35 reasons why warframe is better than destiny
Wearing his bias on his sleeve.
Picked FWC on my Hunter, who should I pick on my Titan? I don't have a third started yet so I can't really cover all bases.
That's the funniest thing about it. Bungie tried to emphasise the competitive changes to crucible since the start of the year, like designing everything around 4v4, showing super icons at the top, 4v4 only, etc. But they missed out on so many fucking fundamentals. It's a joke. They tried to cater to the PvP crowd and couldn't even meet the most basic of requirements. They also fucked the "we want to have casual fun in crazy 6v6 PvP" and the "I'm autistic, so I'm going to grind 12 hours for a piece to to min-max my gear and increase my stats by 0.01%" crowds in trying to satisfy sweaty PvP fags with a limp dicked Destiny 2.
The only thing they really did right was open up more activites to more of the playerbase and made getting end-game loot easier thanks to clans.
I dunno man, I like the fixed rolls. I just miss was a more robust system, and if you did have to have random rolls it should be an armsday thing.
>f2p p2w trash
>16.5 hours
Literally double the time of GB
What's joff's defense
>My first act as emperor was to send the Consul into the wasteland. The white sun would burn away his nigger form—a fitting symbol for the revolution that was to be my reign.
What the fuck?
>you can gear lakshmi talking while standing next to jalaal
This shouldn't bother me as much as it does
>skip to random point to avoid HEY GAMERS LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE
>One of the reasons is 'slow-mo' shooting
>you can gear jalaal talking while standing next to lakshmi
This shouldn't bother me as much as it does
>play solo crucible, quickplay or competitive cuz no friends
>conistently go 2.0+ k/d
>have a .35 win/loss ratio because I'm constantly teamed with total shitters and can't carry hard enough to win
>you can give lakshmi the gear while standing next to jalaal
This shouldn't arouse me as much as it does.
>I dunno man, I like the fixed rolls.
I'm not a fan because it fucked gear aesthetics. In Destiny 1, I could use whatever I wanted, knowing that I could easily get the stats I wanted, especially as vendors from TTK onwards sold pretty decent gear, like IB stuff. I had different arms for different purposes or looks but all of them were viable and suited how I wanted to play.
Now? I get another chest or arms and I know to scrap it. I can't use certain pieces of gear if I want to spec my stats a certain way. I always have to tend towards a mix of certain items. If there were 2-3 rolls for each piece or a small pool of potential perks per gearset, that'd be better, IMO.
Anybody have any male Exos that look good? Im bout to make a new char
Show me them fuckin exos, give me ideas
Reminder that this warframe fag got so upset we told him to stop shitposting he actually made a thread on /v/ about it.
What internet faggot should I throw money at to get this drawn
The only artists I know of are ones I know of because they're insane.
The dick only makes it better
>Sloane is MtF
Some sperg that says he worked for Bungie wrote a thesis about how he cried himself to sleep and that we didn't deserve him or some shit because people didn't circlejerk around his posts.
I guess the pussy is just that fat
>user spergs out because he doesn't understand how armor works
Shadman maybe, I dunno, he'd seem like the type that would do this. He loves anal rape.
Holy shit this might just be an exciting night
this isn't looking good for me, can't say i've ever written tranny shit before
Yeah, for armor it kind of sucks, but you could fix that with better mod implementation. If it just had one intrinsic point then most of your stats came from mods you could build what you wanted.
Sloane's a woman, write her a woman
>believing him
user I hope you seriously don't. I take it sports bras are just imaginary things to you.
>kill confirmed
>return to orbit
Never written gay or futa before? Neither have I, but I'm willing to give anything a shot.