>Heroes FAQ and links
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>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
Get rid of Arena Assault
Dori is a-dori-ble!
Hold me boys.
>Femui will never wake you up at night because she's horny and can't sleep
I hope the dancers somehow have such godawful stats that there's no reason to roll on this banner.
I can't believe it, feh is fucking dead noo
>want to play Heroes
>it's down
Shit game, 0/10
Hope you're saving those orbs for me user!
Who are (you) going to try for in this banner, if any?
>it's a Raul OP.
drinke the waer (lol
git gud
I regret coining this phrase
drinke the waer lol
None of them. I have my dancers, and I have my blade buffers.
Only Azura. Kind of wish a different artist had drawn her.
Anyone have anymore Sigurd edits like this?
She's not done too badly with those draco sheilds and Energy drops.
Olivias son
>implying I made this one
Come on user
olivia for the distant defence
>he doesn't have 7 different dancers to beat it
At least one of the Greens, and the other Green and Olivia if we actually don't get Halloween.
i need inigo
I'm going to wait for midmonth first
I want an Axe dancer. Getting cucked by Inigo isn't bad either.
Will roll green first and foremost.
the longer you delay her return the stronger she grows
40/40 offenses screencap this
Either Olivia or Inigo/Azura. Kinda stuck since I already have 2 greens on my main team, but colourless is awful to roll
Couldn't care less about Sugar and his shitty Yura art
>want Inigo
>know I'm going to roll a thot instead
Olivia AND Azura.
Last Cloud for today - goodnight /feg/!
>spending money = skill
Grey dance function and either of the green dance functions. My autism compels me.
shigure didn't deserve to get the yura treatment
Hope none of let any stamina go to waste before the maintenance.
My one and only. I'll try for my son too, but only after I get Olivia, unless I find any Greens in bottom-right.
I'll wait till the Jugdral banner reveal and choose the best one
>338 orbs saved
>probably still wont get anything
The best I could do in one banner.
No one does, also OUCH his arm looks fucked.
1 free roll on green, colorless, or blue in that order in case a certain color doesn't appear. Nothing more than that.
Updated template, hope I did okay.
>less than eight hours until everyone starts screaming about getting Inigo'd, Merric'd, and Lucius'd
Olivia. An excuse to roll colorless is always welcome, plus her art and base SI make me diamonds. I ain't touching green though, too high a risk of getting INIGO'D.
Times on the maintenance are PST, right?
Inigo is a thot
>Shigure could have been a Pegasus Knight dancer to assist flier teams
>Nope, first release is as a blue infantry mage
How much money?
Why bottom-right?
So what happens if you're in the middle of a TT run while maintenance is going in?
Am I just out of luck?
>want to roll Nephenee
Arrr lads, thar she blows!
>So shit at the game can't beat it at this point with your f2p and feathered units
How do people like you even live?
So you know you're getting Inigo?
So if Shigure is getting added, how long until we get the rest of the kids?
Less than $400, which beats my summer corrin, which is +3 at over $600.
I never got lancina and I want to quit
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours wife.
Some user wants the favorites chart redone/updated. With that I'm gonna have to change the font to keep everything unified, is this font ok and should I keep completely square borders or round them out a bit?
>he needs 7 seven different dancers to beat it
Why random empty spot, just add something like ANIMA (since not all mages are associated with an element) to help finish it up and move few of the spots around.
tharjaanon did nothing wrong
reminder to not filter him
>that uneven border on ally unit
You didn't do okay.
I want them all, but mostly Fanlivia.
Times are based on the timezone on your phone.
>An excuse to roll colorless is always welcome
I'm looking forward to an excuse to get bowbreaker more than rolling Olivia. I don't have any and BLyn is in every arena run
I really want to go for Olivia just because I really like her art but colorless hell is pain. Azura would've been nice but I can't stand her and being a good unit isn't really going to sway that for me.
Either all focus colours, or green/grey. If shigure's stats are super bad, I'll skip him.
>he doesn't know
Oh hey, I like this one.
There are way too many FE characters to have a chart like this with so few slots.
I'll probably fill this out later and repost it.
So this is the first special banner where the characters are using costumes that fit the lore instead of seasonal outfits. Similar to the CYL outfits in a way.
I hope this means they're planning for more alts that fit the lore like promoted Lords.
Fucking your mom every night gets me through the week
f2p here, I beat it every week. You should probably get good.
you can still pull her, she's just off-focus.
Waiting for Jugdral first, if I get stuff easy on Jugd, I'll go for Azura and Inigo
the slutty boy of course
I'm jealous. I'll whale more when the inevitable slaying banner comes.
Azura. Olivia looks really nice, but I've been wanting black dress water ever since heroes launched.
I only hope Inigo is not some black hole of suck, just in case I get spooked by him.
Trip back on, spic.
you're matched with players with BST only slightly higher than your own
AA is beatable for everyone with enough lvl 40 units; also you get items to help.
Money only helps you get a higher score and higher rewards but you have to beat teams more whaled than your own.
I also really like Olivia but I'm lacking a Kagero and I'll need to see her stats first to decide between rolling a few orbs or rolling none
>Japanese version of Fates constantly describe Hoshido as purely good guys and Nohr as war-centered and completely evil (Japanese Camilla is fully yandere), with Corrin constantly cries over picking Nohr in Conquest while in Birthright player is consantly reminded about how good he did for picking Hoshido
>English verson have it balanced, showing Hoshido side as good but flawed and Nohr side as troubled but not without good traits
And you complaied about trasnation, when devs originally did biggest self-insert in series.
>Tier 20 btw :)
Just some edits you can do to improve it
>put Lord beside Antagonist
>put the new slots on the side to make the image wider and easier to read
>put all of the mage types beside each other
He's still gonna be a green dancer, can't be THAT bad.
I wonder what Ninja Olivia's stats and BST will be.
If they're good I might consider actually rolling for her and build her like my old Olivia. Despite of how Ninja Olivia is stuck in the colorless hell.
But if not then I think I am fine. The dancers are cool and all. But if I save my orbs for Halloween and then save up carefully after that. I can probably go all gangbusters on the Christmas event(s).
keep them square
Not bad. That empty bottom right is really glaring though
Azura is Hayatos wife, sometimes.
I'm just glad I dont have to spend any more money for the next couple of months, probably.
It's a luckshitter meme
>keep either fodder unless colorless
Thanks, cloud.