Sports edition
Sports edition
Other urls found in this thread:
I feel bad for the user who put alot of work into the links only for lissfag to get rid of them:
>7.19 Patch Notes
>Champion Update: Evelynn Agony's Embrace
[YouTube] Evelynn Special Interactions [YouTube] Evelynn Special Interactions (embed)
>Runes Reworked: Forge Your Path
>Ask Riot: Hire More Devs Riot
>Champion and Skin Sales
Join us in the /lolg/ Official Stream, find the link on Eyoson
I want to BREED Evelynn!
>tfw we broke up a month ago
>tfw I miss her body more than anything
>tfw she turned out to be a childish naive bitch
>tfw no drive to plow through solo queue but afraid to sleep after dreaming about her again last night
I never asked for this. This is what waits on the other side when you finally get that 8/10 girlfriend. Fuck my life, why am I so weak that I get destroyed by that shit so badly. Why did I have to make her important.
half those links are dead and the other half are shit
xth for breast metal waifu
Please stop throwing volleyballs at people
You're only allowed to throw rocks at people
half the links are dead. fix your shit before pasting it ever again. reee
The thot is indeed pretty hot
xth for Syndra
Are there any matchups where I should absolutely not pick Cassiopeia into them? Or can I just safe lane? Do I still take corrupting pot on farm lanes?
>throw anotha roc
>LeBlanc will never use her illusion magic to tease my dick with phantom sensations while I'm at work
>She will never magically edge me all day only letting me cum when I get home and put it inside her
why should I live
Yasuo or Riven? I've played both maybe once or twice ever in a pvp game. both seem really strong right now and I wanna try and learn one of them
leaving towards Riven since I like her dashes and stun
>Implying Kayne can compete with fat Mundocock
You've contracted terminal cancer. End yourself painlessly imo.
wtf is up with karthus' winrate?
Best couple
Longtime use and he's not a firstpick.
>sample size
one tricks and people not knowing how to play against him
And given his pick rate it looks like only mains are playing him
Only people who play him are dedicated mains.
Alright guys, I have 635 RP and have just opened my shop. Should I buy any of these, or should I just wait and use the RP on something else?
>it's not even the real LeBlanc
>it's the clone
>she cucked you again
>tfw Ekko ults backwards and gives you a free kill
I know both are typically played by toxic players, which is why i want to play them, so my team will a) not have the feeding Yas and
b) so my team won't have the toxic Yas/Riven
Blood moon jhin is a sexy skin
twitch and jhin
Why is Sona so superior?
BM Jhin, the rest are meh
The right three are good skins, the huge discount is a nice touch too
Superior to what?
Lulu is probably jealous of her because she lacks something that Sona has.
she's so heavy
>Ywn be a fluffy male yordle and have wild sex with a psycho crackwhore
to all other women as a waifu
to all other people as a person
just in general
BM Jhin is his second best skin after Highnoon
Sushi TK is probably the best 975 skin in the game desu
>70% off two excellent skins
I'm pretty jealous.
Friends I just had a game with a xin zhao who started threatening to shoot everyone in his house up if we didnt let him win , then going into grim detail about how he would commit sucide
Can I call the cops on this kid somehow? Im genuinely worried , because in 24yrs I can tell this wasnt your standard x dee
High noon's effects are too similar to classic imo
Brand is my favorite champion
Guide to achieving Plat for all you lagging behind in the climb:
>Play jungle (any jungler)
>designate the shitter player (usually obvious by their Riven/Yasuo/Vayne/Ahri picks)
>keep walking in to their lane even if you can't get a kill out of it
>shitter player tilts off the face of the earth and starts yelling in incoherent english in all chat about camps and cheesing
Scientifically proven method.
not your responsibility
riot will unironically intervene
they have entire staff for this
post screencaps.
You didn't cuck out and give them the win did you?
press the report button, and type in that he was threatening self harm as well as shooting shit up. ez ban.
>Ez has a bunch of cs ahead of us
>He builds no damage
>Just get BF
>End up outrading him regardless
Just fucking remove this piece of shit champ.
What does this general have against panth and panth pickers?
whys it frowned upon?
but what if i suck at jungling?
>not winning with freelo toplane man of maximum damage
twitch tv/riotgames
Today's matches decide the last two teams to get out of Play-in.
>FB (TR) x ONE (BR)
>WE (CN) x YG (VN/GPL)
I'm going to MARRY Annie!
He's too popular.
He'd be Kindred-tier if Korea didn't have such a fucking hard-on for him.
I think a kit & itemization rework is pretty inevitable for him at this point.
alternatively pick jarvan and make the enemy bot your substitute for shyvana's pussy.
>be Mordekaiser
Then you can play the Annie of the jungle (Warwick), the Janna of the jungle (Ivern), or the S5/6 Maokai of the jungle (Sejuani) and just let the champs play themselves.
Been maining jhin lately, really love the champion/abilities. Was thinking of a poke comp with him, what do you guys think would be good?
I really love having a leona/thresh/blitz support, but hes so damn squishy.
>bronze the webm
ive never been so fucking angry
He's literally the only champion in the game that builds Muramana. Shit's going to change.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA results.
Another lobby is up.
I want to molest Lulu in the botlane tribrush
Make her happy, son in law
>Be Morde
>Kill anything in lane and take early dragons
>Game goes past 25 mins
>Now kited by everyone and useless in team fights
What's in the next one for me?
Elise is the better SUUUUUPPPPAAAAA GARRAXY waifu and also not 10
why would you get angry at video games?
no me
lulu is my waifu
thanks user I'll keep that in mind in case i get autofilled jungle
a fat nut
>I fed the hardest on my team
T-Thanks for the carry
>get a lucky ult off on the ADC/Yi/Jax/etc
>someone else on my team kills them
>murder the entire enemy team with their own mate
You'll get a lot of fun out of it.
Play him mid.
He isn't a good bot laner in the current meta, but he's very effective against most mages - once you've had enough practice with him, that is.
Take him there.
Leave her alone!
I'm going to take her to Disneyland for our honeymoon.
Why are yasuo mains the most toxic arrogant pieces of shit to ever walk the earth that afk or leave if they get the slightest hint of a loss/start losing in lane?
Yasuo and zed mains are the fucking worst kinds of people.
I rather they just remove his ad ratios and just make him a proper fucking mage then some bullshit pussy ass adc who forgets to auto.
Post more webms like this.
I need more than fun!
I wanna do so many lewd things to Annie
This is optional but you can also acquire friends
soft boobies
Im going to taint her forever
>run the enemy team down with their own Yi
>they didn't anticipate having to save their hard CC for him
She's so lewd and cute
What are you supposed to build on kindred?
So far i've been going AS jungle item, mercs, shiv, bork, IE, and LW