>Heroes FAQ and links
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>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
Previous Thread:
>tfw wanted Olivia because of her gorgeous art
>stats are revealed
>esport faggotry gets embedded into my mind, see her as pure shit
Pls help me, /feg/
best not catch you gettin your grubby hands on that new banner boyo
>gorgeous art
So we're all going to free-roll on green and then ignore this banner, correct?
So, what do I do with a -atk Nephenee?
She's still the most useful dancer.
Azura does have some powercreep, but that's mostly for blade tomes only.
I want Soren and Lucius to take turns getting spitroasted by their mercenary boyfriends!
This is now a racist thread.
Don't worry, I won't be rolling on a trash banner.
>Implying I want Shitzura
Enjoying a nice snack!
She is a good healer, give her something like watersweep to further help with being pure assist. Outside that both her A skill+res stat make her good for baiting, her speed is 34 good enough to survive alot of units, and she's still a dancer.
She may have shit stats, but she is still and extra dancer.
And it´s not as if dancer are used for anything other than dance.
The real problem is that you have to go through colorless hell.
kill all white people!
No can do Nini, my dick new Aqua and Olivia flavors.
>performing arts banner
>Shigure, Axe Azura
There go all my orbs.
Where are they going?
You're the only dancer for me Ninian.
Now where the fuck are the herons?
To get actual clothes for Corrin
So do you mean Gauls, Saxons, Anglo-Saxons, Goths, North African, Slav, or Nordic?
>Not Lucius
Mickey's sex dungeon!
Who else here rolling for Axezura? Do you think the Genealogy will have us feeling stupid?
What the fuck was everyone expecting? They're fucking dancers. Their stats don't matter. Remember what you used to tell yourself before going to sleep every night? Dancer IVs don't fucking matter.
Marth x Minerva when?
Alright, where the fuck are you all? What's your score?
Also was anything else leaked in the update regarding future content
New dragons when?
>most of his lines have an unnecessary generic Brit accent
>this single line makes him a Londoner
Nothing to worry about, dear. Dragon meta will soon be upon us.
Nah, I'm going with colorless.
>She's still the most useful dancer.
There hasn't been a new dragon released since March. Myrrh when?
I don´t give a shit about granpa games, so I don´t about the Genealogy banner.
I am worried about a possible Halloween banner tho,
left or right?
I can only hope I'll get both. I'm telling myself I'll stop if I'm INIGO'D but even if I get cucked by him, I know my dumb ass will keep rolling for green Water
Never, she wants to make a new kingdom with Kiran.
Felicia is the cutest! Holding her in my arms! Giving her little kisses on her cheek! Whispering sweet things to her! Holding her soft hand and going everywhere together! Falling asleep while cuddling her! I love Felicia!
Truly best gurl.
Minerva is going to make Kamui her new whitewing and by that I mean have sex with her
It was a day and then a night
the stars just looking fair and right
Robin was sitting by a stream
Tharja no longer next to him
To check for her he went and shriveled
and he was looking fairly triggered
because as he entered the room
up in her ass there was a broom
Gregor was forcing he was grabbing
but did he finish? was he cumming ?
and if he did how many times ?
i think you can tell by her eyes
Robin asked what's going on
Tharja told Gregor to go on
Robin's complains just were ignored
while she was moaning on and on
Tharja just didn't give a fuck
She knew that Robin was a cuck
Robin took out his litle boner
and cried and fapped right in the corner
You might think this is maybe porn
But it's the story of Tharjaanon
we've got trouble
i'm considering it
unless it's got finn i wouldn't mind missing out on a seisen banner, and they'll probably save him for thracia stuff
>the Conquest Azura song remix that was in the trailer isn't in the asset dump on gamepress
What the fuck man. Can any /feg/ dataminer confirm if it's not there either?
As soon as Hone Dragons hits the gacha, everything is fucked. Myrrh will destroy this game.
This is my score, holy shit this TT is brutal compared to previous ones.
fuck off
>Can dance
>Has some buffs on dance
>Can heal
>Can bait non-raven mages
>Can equip Kagero's dagger
>Can dance
>Might be able to tank ___ mage
>Can buffs on dance
She literally has more uses than any other dancer, bar Ninian for dragon memes.
You laugh at Azurafags now, but your waifu's next.
Yeah, with that team I bet it is
>>Can equip Kagero's dagger
She has 28 attack lmao
Anyone have a link to all 4 dancer stats?
>Doesn't understand how "effective" works
No wonder.
The main problem is boredom, really.
I got you
They don't look particularly comfortable
Niggas and bitches
That's still 50 effective attack before A skills/natures
I want to be next, love me Ike!
I mean the score. Look at the rank and cumulative, all the previous TTs very few people cared to score high. And on that team only loose-wheel happens to be candy man.
>implying Ike wouldn't happily suck the summoner's dick if asked
I love you
Bruh, my +atk kagero can barely kill things and she has nearly 15 more attack than that build would have, + the atk raise from fury.
Such a shame, it's so out of place, its not like his character grew up around brits
Shigure is a steaming pile of shit
Oboro barely felt racist compared to everyone else, she actually gets along with Corrin and any of her Nohr supports really fast
>making up fake cultures when it's clear as day that white people have no culture
dragon corrin's design really grew on me
Liam's too busy voicing coldsteel on sanic
I'm just doing HM farm now.
Trying to get 15 orbs for tonight since I failed to get Ike again
fuck off
>+Atk Kagero can't kill infantry units
Maybe with TT/CC inflated stats in their last maps.
Best girl
>Corrin is overdesigned as fuck
>Fae is just a fucking chicken
Who thought these were ok
So /feg/, loli dragons or loli vampires?
Supports are badly written because they have to incorporate so many forced romances for the children character possibilities
For Corrin it's kind of sensible she warms up to him so quickly because it's revealed he's actually the queen's kid, someone that oboro really likes so it stands to reason that she'd be more forgiving toward her kid.
Fuck off snownigger.
A mage dancer mate. Not all bad
Fuck you guys, I'm giving Olivia a poison dagger from my -Atk Kagero and you can't do shit about it
I'll make her work, no matter the cost
Give her wrath to Burger King
Inb4 Halloween banner next month but it's more Fates garbage.
monogatari is overrated.
Who is that mystery character on the right?
It can't be Azura, she wears a white dress
Is my +def -res 4* chicken good for anything?
Even if the cost is your life?
Cute Sakuwitch!
Does Kiran get to watch?
I said can barely, meaning she just makes it. If you're gonna like like 10-15 damage lower than what do you think will happen?