/fg/ - Falcom General #103

Previous thread: Armageddon Rean edition.

>Trails of Cold Steel PC out now:


>A version of the old Zero no Kiseki fan translation was leaked:


Don't forget to support the games and spoiler the spoilers!

>Latest news

- Ys VIII released, but PC release date delayed due to issues with the port: steamcommunity.com/app/579180/discussions/0/1484356232247880393/

- Sen III trailer has been subbed: youtube.com/watch?v=QGfoGCWHLgI

- The trailer for Sen III is out: youtube.com/watch?v=fr-8b6S6HOQ

- Trails of Cold Steel III's on track for Japanese release on September 28th of this year, confirmed PS4 exclusive. News/article translations: gematsu.com/tag/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-of-cold-steel-iii

- Short CS3 TV ad: youtube.com/watch?v=NYaV_GNqyCo

- Ys Seven is out on PC: store.steampowered.com/app/587100/Ys_SEVEN/

- Zwei II coming to PC via XSEED (Summer), preview stream: youtube.com/watch?v=3gVOBPNrNgU

- Tokyo Xanadu out on Vita, improved EX+ version on PS4/PC scheduled for late 2017

- Cold Steel 2 confirmed for PC, release date pending

>Older news

- Check out these Trails FC & SC updates, re: translation improvements (xseedgames.tumblr.com/post/159288714430/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-series-localization)

Pastebin (aka music): pastebin.com/G2mswYCt

Extra Stuff (Guides, links, CS undub): pastebin.com/n2G4xL5s

Other urls found in this thread:


Thank you for timing the thread nicely.

So I guess this doesn't apply anymore

Just new class 7, old class 7, Towa and Alfin/Elise.

those are the only bond partners this game.

Calvard when?

Can't wait for Estelle and Joshua to show up in the next game to investigate the situation after reading Schera's suicide note

>Everyone shitted on Rean for being afraid of his Ogre power going berserk because he only targeted enemies
>Going berserk got the entire continent BLACKED
Bravo Falcom.



He's gonna have a mixed orgasm while fighting Rean....before getting rekt since Rean is the alpha and omega now

Will you order Altina's dakimakura cover user?

He probably would like it because he's always wanted to fight someone really strong.

Juna and Kurt belong together


After Eiyuu Densetsu VIII: Sen no Kiseki IV: The Last Saga: The Final Chapter: Second Point Part 10

I find it kinda cute that pretty much every streamer I've seen always linked those 2.


>People hype up this confrontation
>Dies like a bitch to Osborne
>The real hype is actually Rean Vs Osborne
Olivert just stay dead.

Based Chinastreamer knew Rean x Juna was the better ship

Unfortuantely it's over for his dreams. Even though he's probably not dead, he couldn't save Erebonia.

Used goods

he can't keep getting away with it!

Wait for sen4 ,the return of the Olivier,feature by Bleublanc as his wingman
Why? He choose her as his final bonding event?

He tried the same experiment twice too

His headpats must feel like sex

That's because Kurt got a faceful anway

>ear cleaning scene
I know what that's about, and it's still retarded.

He will become the Emperor in the end, since there's no one left for that.

And it would have worked great but Osborne pretty much ruined it but driving Erebonia into a dark war.

Now they're gonna have to collapse their own country and Erebonia will go down in history forever as an evil empire.

>Only time Lloyd appeared was to air-fistbump Randy
>Rean thinks it's for him and fistbumps back

Cedric is still alive and I bet Alfin would be the next likely choice.

I can't wait for the next game to add Elie to Rean's harem. Best protagonist together with best waifu, yes!

We all know Weissman was the mastermind of Hamel but did he convince Calvard for it or what?

And now what happens to everybody at this point really?
Rean = plunges the world in darkness after killing the beast
Crow = regains his memories and tries saving Rean
Millium = dead for good as her soul is used to forge Valimar's new sword
Alisa = new orbal gear
Gaius = stigma and officially the 8th Dominion
Emma = Vita/Roselia's wand
Ash = in a coma after shooting the emperor and his head starts throbbing
Kurt and Juna = very clean and no secrets whatsoever
Musse = irrelevant in the grand scheme of things other than being Cayenne's niece

Wonder why Ouroboros is working alongside Osborne when Osborne declares to Vita that he's taking it over and BTFOs her and Ouroboros? We all expected that it was gonna be a 3-way war ad not Osborne just straight up recruits some of them with him to work alongside him.

>Cedric being Osborne puppet
>Olivier maybe dead
>Father killed
>Rean being Mcburn 3.0

Only if she recover her sanity after that shock x4

Cedric will outlive his usefulness and die or become an outlaw after the truth comes out. He has no charisma or friends to follow him.
Not sure about succession laws in Erebonia though.

Would there even be any succession laws now at this point especially since Osborne's pretty much the leader of Erebonia at this point?

So did Osborne get shot again and was revived then Ash shot the king? Who is Ash working for really? Is he actually working for Osborne?

Sorry guys, I managed to sleep when speed stream was just starting. Thought I was gonna catch some of it when I woke up only to find it all finished and him starting a new game plus.


Law really doesn't matter. If they want to stop Osborne now they've gotta go full renegade, attack and destroy their own government, after which anyone can rule when the dust is settled.

Really though, in the end Erebonia will probably be dissolved or become another wrecked burnt out dying state like North Ambria.

At best they become a republic and abolish the royal family and nobility for good, because they've literally just caused nothing but problems for everyone.

>Emma = Vita/Roselia's wand
wait what

>Who is Ash working for really? Is he actually working for Osborne?

Osborne just set up to go after the Emperor because of Hamel, then shoot him with a Calvard weapon so he could have an excuse to go to war.

He wasn't really working for anyone, although Osborne used some mind control to help him along.

He was basically just another Crow. A guy looking for revenge.

I mean when Osborne is dealt with and all. There has to be someone in charge after that and Olivier is the best choice.

Apparantly when the witches master their power their staff transforms into one like Vita and Roselia have.

Emma gets this during the fight against Mcburn.

Don't be confused, she didn't transform into a wand (I know it can be confusing because of millium), she inherited the wand.

>The guy who spent most the series jobbing
>Leading a Erebonia

At this point Osborne has the entire government and military and Oroborous and all the citizens on his side.

After going through all those guys to get to him, there might not even be much an Erebonia left to lead.

>tfw we couldn't add Tita to the harem

>the guy who founded Thors II
>implying they won't be the heroes who save the day

So is this the new power level ranking?
ALL OF ME Rean>Kevin>Ogre Rean>Joshua=Rean>Estelle>Lloyd

It's not clear to me that he was looking for revenge. We don't know what the thing they put in him did other than some form of mind control. They wouldn't have assumed that a small child would grow up to make an attempt on the emperor's life at a specific time without any intervention on their part until he arrived in the room.

Yes , Rean right now Cs3 end is at Mcburn Blazing demon powerlevel...heck he could even put a good fight 1vs1 Arianhrod or Aurelia.

So yeah, Rean needed to start the end of zemuria to reach divine blade level.

Rean punished intensifies

>Ending isn't about Crossbell being returned.


Too early, dude.

That reminds me, did McDude use his sword at all in CS3 or did he just shoots fireballs the whole game

I'd agree with that. Considering how quickly he powered up I wouldn't be surprised if normal Rean was Kevin level by the end of Sen IV.

fuck off Juna

He used it during the Emma, Laura, Gaius fight

He only summons it after the boss fight is over and Laura Emma and Gaius hold him off.

Nop,he went beisball mcburn i think,maybe off camera..

He did.
He will probably lose his edgy mode and Valimar. And without them he's just a good swordsman.

Divine Blade Rean incoming.

Valimar maybe, (although I doubt the Divine Knights can be destroyed) but the only way he's losing Edge mode is if he dies, since that's his freaking heart.

For all we know Rean could become full divergent like Mcburn and Osborne

Doesn't use in the boss fights at all.
Class VII got stronger, but they can still only stall at most.
They're probably gonna setup him and Rean in Sen IV.

Daily reminder that without Lloyd's stubbornness this timeline could've been avoided.

*His father heart and since he need to destroy it to kill Osborne,Rean gonna need a new one.

Pd: anons are right,i missed the first two final fights,didnt know he used his sword

>Estelle saved Joshua
>Kevin made peace with his past
>Lloyd saved KeA
>Rean gets cucked 3 games in a row
What did Falcom mean by this?

They hate him

Crows heart

This. They should have kept the reality rewriting powers.

Tita belongs to Agate

Yeah, but he will get his happy ending. I'm sure they will find a way be it magic, homunculus heart, thaumaturgy or some other miracle shit.

>Rean getting "cucked"
>Thx to that sen is getting a 4th game

Falcom cucking Rean is the perfect excuse to extend this arc.
Hoping he receive some good reward or at least get a heroic death

I can't believe we spent 1/4 of a fucking game making that sword and it lasted 1 game before getting wrecked.

Someone post the ending song

But Crow was stabbed in the heart as well user.

Hell, what's up with Falcom and fat guys being bad guys and hearts getting destroyed?

So what are the odds of Towa being the grandmaster after Crow, Angie and George?

It's about balance, in return for his powers and his way with women he isn't allowed to win in the end.

Since the goddess is in human ,that could explain her short size ¿
But she probably is a divine blade¿ because why not? Everyone at this point is something behind something of something

Falcom going fifth layers of plottwist steel

At best she will actually have connection to Nayuta. I just can't see her being anything other than moeblob unless they pulled another George on us.

>Since the goddess is in human
Hol up when was this mentioned and why am I hearing about it only now?

I'll upload if nobody else does, but my recording still has that flickering from before.

Anyone got a screen shot of Laura and co fighting A-hod and McDude?

I still can't believe Alisa's dead father is the leader of Nebula. It's like what if Estelle's mother is really the grandmaster.

someone should go dig up that grave already

Check two previous threads.

Only a theory ,based in cs2 cd drama , about a story of the goddess taking human form because she was feeling bad for not being able to do something with how people were being with eachother and wanting to take part on that struggle¿

Maybe they went memetheory ,check the translated text in cs2 webpage

>Julia Schwarz goes dig up Lena's grave
>ambushed and shot by Maybelle

*gets shot by Rolent fat mayor*

>Not Tio from Rolent

>Osborne's secret is that he's a Fate Stay Night x Harry Potter crossover
What the fuck

>Alisa = new orbal gear

Man I can't get over how retarded that thing looks

>Laura's arc in CS1 is pretty meh
>Laura gets nothing in CS2
>Laura gets nothing in CS3
The state of Laurafags. She's gonna solo arianrhod, she'll get her own divine knight, fucking kek.

Amazing, easily the best song of the Cold Steel trilo-err, of all the Cold Steel games so far.

That's a 4:1 profit user

So what the hell was up with that scene where Claoim Solias possesses Altina and makes her go crazy with the Goliath?

That didn't seem to really have anything to do with anything.

just proves how much bullshit padding CS2 was

Wasnt a image when she was revealed,fighting Aurelia? Or that happens in her bonding event?? Or Kondo leave that moment for cs4??

Reminder that Patrick will stay forever cucked, Elise just can't resist her brother.

>SC and 3rd: Leave Osborne to me
>CS1 and 2: my plan to defeat Osborne... it's called the High School on Airship Plan
>gets BTFO'd so hard he loses a lot of power and his most trusted ally while Osborn becomes more powerful than ever
>CS3: my last plan failed, but I'm not giving up... I'm putting all I have into the High School on a Train Plan!
>explodes and Erebonia goes to war

>Team Rean still couldn't stomp a single Enforcer despite having a huge party
post your face when Team Bestelle from 3rd is still the strongest.