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when THE FUCK are they going to give new missions? Its been like forever
Remember when missions were supposed to give free skins :^)
>tfw you'd easily be challenger if it wasn't for your retarded teammates holding you back in bronze V
s m h
I want to fuck Yordle girls
When where the first set out? It should be a week later
dont joke around user
there are people who are unironically bronze 5
Is Vi /ourgal/?
>very cute (this is important)
>puts criminals behind bars
>doesn't care about PR; just wants to dish out police brutality
>likes donuts
5 facts about Illaoi:
She's cute!
She's strong!
I love her!
In theory they kinda do, 3 orbs = random skin
Or with disenchanting 4 you can get most of them if you get a nice one
i want a Valkyrie illaoi skin with raindow tentacles
Ugh, thiccer
> Those two wastes of space on Singed and Yorick
It could've gone to Irelia and Taliyah dudes.
Lulu skin when???
shut up sexist
R:leap of faith
[removed]: Harsh Lesson's cooldown reduced to 2s
[new]: Prophet of an Elder God has no cooldown
[new: spacejam] tentacles spawned by Leap of Faith slam once upon spawn, centered on Illaoi's location
>pick my main
>enemy also picks my main
>he plays my main better than I do
I'm gonna make ANNIE be my WIFE
>singed and yorick are wastes of space but taliyah and irelia aren't
lmao Singed is play more than both those irrelevant sluts anyway
>not learning what he did better then you and surpassing him
look at this shitter
and laugh
>Annie will never give you a pantyhose footjob while taunting you and calling you a perverted freak
Wich girl has the stinkiest fart? I'd put my bets on braphog Sona.
That's a good thing. Now if you'd hit your main's skill cap that would be cause for concern.
the one with the unhealthiest diet. Maybe Jinx
Well, you're a sick bastard whether or not you're called out on it. I hope this helps.
Probably Sejuani, you know she probably lives on a man's diet.
I need a job
>pick my min
>shit on enemy mid
>after game im looking at stats on opgg
>the guy i shit on also plays that champion i picked
>but has 2/3 of my games
it must feel really awful to get your pick stolen and then to get shit on by the thief
i felt bad after i found out
xth for Syndra
should i buy xayah or jhin? i've played jhin on freeweek and it was pretty fun, but i've never played xayah
Yes. I don't understand why anyone plays Summoners Rift.
>pick my main
>enemy also picks my main
>we have vastly different playstyles for the same role
>with vastly different builds
>instead of one-upping each other we just fucked around all match explaining why we do what we do
i love bard
i want lulu to fuck me in the ass with her tiny cock
So does lolg hate champion mains proportionally to how good the champion is?
Hard to say if you've never played her. Xayah is strong as fuck though, so I'd probably get her
user do you have a permit for posting best girls?
is she good on late game?
>Riot clearly okay with making sexy skins
>still no sexy Illaoi skin capitalizing on the T H I C C meme
Why are you the only player with a border
Only bronze shitters play ARAM
udyr died in the following panel
dude thats fucked up
ARAM is more fun than Summoners Rife
>Ask riot whether they're removing champ shards from hextech chests next season
>They don't know
Sure going to be fun getting ip/blue essence from hextech chests because they aren't going to remove champ shards from them
Do you really think Singed has more of a following than Taliyah?
What are you on? I've come across plat and higher players in ARAM. Had one game against a Challenger. That was a day.
The statistics indicate it yes.
Gold V. Yeah sure there are some good players in ARAM, but most of them aren't wasting their time with a casual mode.
I fought 3 Uol members in ARAM once
they actually play aram a lot
their manager fed his as off on rengar
kinda puts things in perspective when pro (or related) players feed and make mistakes in your games
Gee Janna, how come you get TWO hotfixes?
>any of these
Taliyah would've been a good fit for Immortal Journey, I feel, so perhaps next time. She and Irelia would make a good contrast to Yi and Fiora's one-sword (ultimately) style. Ornn might pop up too, but he's too new.
They 'needed' those base elements: master, student, keeper/sacred treasure. Of all the other champions with a staff of sorts, none really have the grace for it like Janna. Lulu could've been a Yoda-type, I suppose.
VIKTOR actually could've worked as someone who uses energies more than the blade itself, but him without technology is probably a no-go.
>played more
>older champ with an instantly recognizable gimmick
Yeah he does.
Generally speaking, yes, but pretty much everyone hates those people who 'main' whatever is OP in a given patch. That's a polite way to say you're abusing something broken to try and climb or stomp blind pick for whatever reason.
In addition, lolg has some beef with 'mechanically intensive', bursty and/or mobile champions particularly.
Because they want to learn how to be more than sub-par or good in a meme way. Rift simply offers more, but less can be more and anyone with a good head on their shoulders can enjoy all the main modes.
absolutely, yes
But Taliyah is cute waifu and Singed is a ugly, disgusting bald guy
Other than him being pretty good in the meta right now he's never had a following. Only autists play him
>Rift simply offers more
Yeah it offers getting angry and frustrated because your success hinges entirely on which team gets the retarded feeder.
To be fair, the manager isn't being paid for playing well
>Grand Librarian Jax skin when?
It could be great and you could still throw in memes if it's really needed with lines like "knowledge is power", or like that one YouTube ad.
>side lanes had jungle camps on the far side of the lanes to contest over
>teleport pads in the jungle
>painstakingly win 3 matches
>4 match
>40 minutes even until some member of your team makes a mistake, lose
>next match
>someone feeds the fuck out and the game is over before the 10 minute match
>next game
>lose all lp
>realize you wasted your whole day
Why do I keep doing this to myself, this shit is fucking rigged
Well, like I said, "a good head on their shoulders". You should get one sometime in regards to these matters.
>Willingly playing a game mode nobody actually enjoys
Uh, no thanks.
>playing galio
>lvl 6
>rammus doin his blue
>'hey can you save smite for gank'
>ult rammus
>snipe his blue
>he used his smite too, to get it
>leaves game
am i the only one that feels like new xins numbers are incredibly low? what the fuck do i max now
Who is your map-fu lolg?
Mine is Howling abyss.
>best curves for the hourglass figure
>not flat
>Implying I don't fap daily to Sejuani
im a noxian slaver, can i claim waifus?
>having a mindset this sub-human
Every new skin is 1350
they lied
For me, it's the McChicken: intelligent, nihilistic and a wicked sense of humor
I fap to sej only when she has a HUEG and THICK dick
This rune is seriously strong
Also you can collect souls from your own minions for some bizarre reason
Is there any pussy tighter than hers?
As opposed to ARAM which is only enjoyed by people with a gambling addiction? Well, if you have fun I'm glad for you.
>Make 975 skin
>Sell it for 1350
Comparing these to good skin lines like star guardian and super galaxy you can see they're half assed money grabs
Would end up being another Twisted Treeline
The new runes are a huge buff to Illaoi
>easier to proc stormraider's surge with a higher MS bonus
>transcendence let's you overlap CDR, can now build IBG, cleaver, visage, righteous glory, Knight's vow etc in the same build (cleaver effectively has 68 AD)
>ravenous Hunter means your DD is healing for potentially twice as much as before
>sudden impact means you're permanently doing +5% total damage
>manaflow band means no problems in lane managing mana
And that's only on the damage side. Triumph, grasp, coup de grace, demolish, shits bonkers. Don't forget new Sterak's.
>Implying a roastie that gets fucked by Ezreal and Garen daily is tight at all
>the girl Ekko had a crush on
>the girl chased by two hardened lesbian police officers
I can stop anytime I want too.
How long does it take to get souls, what can you expect at 20 minutes and such
ARAM is enjoyed by everyone because it's quick, involves constant fighting and there's nothing hinging on the result. Everyone hates Summoners Rift because you farm for 20 minutes and then realize your botlane went 0-12 so you have no chance of winning and watch the enemy team grind down your towers with no way to stop them.
More likely it would overtake SR in popularity.
whats up with people making shit up about the personalities of champions like liss, poppy or lmaoi
>needing to mutate
Futafags need to be cured.
>crackwhore skinny bitch of a Zaunite
Yeah, right; just like Crystal Scar and Howling Abyss. Oh...