Tachanka edition
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>Kriss Vector built to be recoilless
>"not for long"
What did he mean by this?
Downing all 4 teammates with caveira's pistol then leaving the match!
Do I get Ying or Buck?
I was gonna buy blitz after with the leftover renown aswell so I finally own a shield op.
*dodges your headshots*
nothing personnel kid
Ubisoft is changing its recoil pattern
now its going to be a z shape and its fucking stupid.
Just when I think I'm out they pull me back in
>now its going to be a z shape
That's not set in stone you know
buck is good fun but it's a bit like playing the game on challenge mode with his guns
>making good decisions in regards to Siege
It may as well be set in stone.
Not surprising from a niGGer like you
>if pucks have no target to home in on, they home in on you
Its not set it stone but its obvious that all the guns they gave the z shape they want to nerf by giving them weird recoil
SMG11, Bearing 9, and Vector are all really good, and ubisoft is using these recoil changes almost like balance changes.
ying it is, thanks senpai.
classic fuze
ily, rdditt
no bully
eric meme, bro. You gonna put the /r6g/ watermark on that?
here, do Buck's weapons have retarded recoil?
As an extra point, so I don't feel bad about leaving out other options, I guess I'm also considering Ying or Jackal but this grind is so slow I'm thinking this shit really thoroughly
A surprising amount of people who act like faggots get called faggots.
speaking from experience there
The C-8 has probably the worst recoil in the entire game, and can't equip a foregrip because of his gadget. He's still a lot of fun but you gotta get close.
the c8 has heavy recoil, yes. the CAMRS is a DMR, so its got its own negatives.
i used a muzzle brake on the C8 and just pull down hard when i start firing
jackal and buck are both fun. they basically exist to get sick frags. ying is good, but i dont think shes very fun, her guns are decent but not very satisfying to use and the candelas can be inconsistent.
for me Caveira will always be the cutest, but Twitch and Ash are super cute too.
I've never been disappointed with a Jackal on my team.
Epin comeback reddit.
C-8 is pretty notorious for its recoil, where even big streamers like macie say its hard to control. Although unlike smoke or Mira the recoil changes will probably end up buffing him by making his recoil easier to control
>not for long
They already even got the fallout from reddit when guys posted there how the new recoil system is shit and Ubi should kys rather than ruining the game.
Implying the update will pass anymore. They said no themself.
Yeah get her, she feels fun for wallbanging. Actually place her mirrors on non reinforced walls to get easy headshots.
>someone posts a shop
>gets this mad
Take some time off the internet lad. You're getting too sensitive.
will uing burst fire like on the Vector hinder the recoil? I did not play the tts so I don't know.
>it's that guy who is for all practical purposes retarded and has no idea how to use the gadgets or which walls to reinforce yet still carries the game because of superhuman reflexes and godlike aim
This shouldn't be allowed
You're clearly the only one mad here, I made one silly post and now you're having a fit and claiming I'm also 2 other people. Just because people don't like your dumb memes and correctly associate them with a place that only posts dumb memes doesn't mean you need to have a fit over it.
>They said no themself.
>Actually place her mirrors on non reinforced walls to get easy headshots.
yeah, or just next to an unreinforced wall. on some sites you can have both mirrors on the same wall and keep one open, like garage on house, control room on kanal, armory on border etc. just make sure the enemy doesnt use this to their advantage.
>this mad
I'm not even the one who posted the meme.
Her gun is the only one that can quickly down teammates without really killing them or giving them time to react
>sperging out because someone posted a non-approved meme on a Botswanan meat canning forum
the C8s recoil is shit because it jumps around a lot, it isn't just vertical like a lot of the guns. Its very rewarding to play with though and opening a hole in a wall with the shotgun before hosing some cunt down is good fun
>being mad means you assume other people are the same person
That makes you twice as mad as you claim me to be, good job.
It will help the recoil a little but from what people said while playing smoke (whos smg11 has the z shape as well) it kicks pretty aggressively from the get go. They'll probably end up changing the shape though since people complained, but the z recoil pattern is a clear indication they want to nerf a couple guns.
Stop it
That user is a peabrain because the devs never outright said no to the new changes.
>We want to thank you all for taking the time to test the new recoil values on the TTS, as well as provide us with your feedback. We discussed the new recoil system this morning with our Designers, and have a bit of insight to share with you.
>Your concerns regarding randomness of bullet spray, as well as how the guns feel, have been heard by our developers and are being taken into account. You have also pointed out that this could potentially lead to a rise in macros, which we will also be exploring.
>These changes to recoil patterns are one of the solutions we found that would result in correcting the alignment issue, but there may be other options to explore. We are going to continue looking at other ways to manage this, and will be testing those changes on future TTS builds. This is not the type of change that we are in a rush to produce, and are going to take our time to ensure that it will work well when it is deployed on the live servers.
>Overall, we are very glad that we have been able to test this first iteration of the recoil changes on the TTS and gather feedback on it. The TTS is extremely valuable for testing gameplay changes of this nature, and we will be taking the feedback provided during this TTS phase and working on a second iteration of the recoil patterns.
dont like how the devs let muh pro league strong-arm them into making changes to the gameplay
see: recoil was never removed, they have an integer in their code that fine tunes how much the gun can deviate from the patterns
Nice wall of text autist, you are also wrong retard
I'm really bad with recoil no matter the weapon so I guess I'll pass on buck for now, the reason my pool of choices is so limited is because I think the gadget is the most important thing but don't see myself capable of properly using half of them, though Jackal and Mira look tempting because secondary shotgun and cool looking primaries
Well I think I still have a lot of learning to do so I could be a disappointing one, though everytime he scans me I lose my shit and shuffle around the place, can allies and enemies other than the target see if he's scanning someone?
This sounds practical too and I really want her, window aside, but I think for now I'll go for an attacker
Thanks for the suggestions
*recoil RNG was never removed
my only hope is that they dont pull a levelcap and let the high level streamers make every important decision.
Right, we had Blackbeard bullshit from day one and it continued for months until they changed him.
This game made me hate French so damn much.
Get Jackal.
>jackal ever being relevant
What a retarded comment. All operators can be useful. Game wouldn't be fun if it was only the top 5 picked vanilla operators only.
>Best Rifle
>Shotgun sidearm
>Punishes roamers
what is this post-ironic neo posting
>jackal fanbois on suicide watch
Why is he so scary, /r6g/?
i see what you're doing user, trying to spread lies so nobody will be able to track your ass
oh god, and he's retarded
He was comfy in Balaclava and you decided to stuff him in that gay ass suit
Im not even a jackal main but I enjoy playing him sometimes. Also why are you appealing to pro league as justification for not playing him? The majority of people play this game for fun in their free time you loser.
he looks 40 with his new face
isnt supposed to be like 27?
(You) on suicide watch!
>ying that high
Is it so hard for '''''pros''''' to literally just look away when candelas start flying?
retarded AND a footfag
it all makes more sense now
and what happens when Ying just fucking chucks 3 in a row
>projecting your footfetish on others when you play the footsniffer operator whilst you are still on suicide watch!
Did that nigga just throw a raccoon down the stairs? Who the fuck does that?
1. It was a cat
2. It was attacking what is presumably his cat
I'm fucking done. All those leavers and mouthbreathers in casual don't even seem that bad now.
Good eyes. Americans do that as they are known animal abusers. Even a chink would have more mercy to a poor critter.
>Letting some shitty Raccoon attack your pupper
Kill yourself
>rings around tail
>being blind
>literally the one with all the foot gifs
>projecting your shitty fetish on an operator
last (You) you're getting, i have better things to do than talk to your degenerate ass
the raccoon was fucking up the guy's tiny ass dog
Here is a link to the discord for anyone looking for team mates and discussion.
Oh shit I didn't even see the pupper, get fucked raccoon.
>having a pupper so small it cannot self defend
That gives me an idea:
>has chihuahua
>can do alarm barks to distract defenders
>a stachel with explosives can be deployed by the pupper
no way fag
Not even the scariest Frenchman.
>All operators can be useful.
Don't try to tell me with a straight face that Tachanka isn't a joke operator.
He is the ultimate "Watch this spot and if you see anyone kill em"
ela is fucking nuts lmao holy shit people werent joking
>can block doors or windows with his MLMG
>if you have a spetsnaz challenge/daily and someone else picked kapkan, you can use him instead
>your enemies will either assume you're a pro who is goofing off and tread carefully or think you're an idiot and rush in haphazardly trying to get you
He's mid-tier at the lowest :^)
Buff Ying!
>somebody throws a grenade
>somebody throws a stun grenade
>can't look away because turret doesn't do 360°
>Cap uses his homemade hot sauce
>Twitch drone rolls up
>someone throws a smoke grenade
>got pinged earlier by drone or they just have more than 2 brain cells to remember my position
>prefired until shield broken
He's useless as an operator. He is not a serious pick. You may enjoy playing him for shits and giggles in casual, and good for you, but realistically, design wise, he is absolutely shit.
>got a $40 gamestop gift card from family
>cool I'll just buy season 2 season pass
>they only sell it for PS4
>Watch a barricaded doorway or window with your team covering your back
>Mow down anyone who tries breaching or fuzing or entering the door/window
If I write smut can user be the equivalent to an recruit in greentext ?
Oh yeah, I forgot that one.
>Fuze places a cluster charge
>Hear the clunk of his charge
>spray and get the kill and the cluster charge
>cluster charge is on wall behind you, above you or just out of turret radius
I know all that dick thrusting in your throat must of knocked some brain cells out of your head but could you explain to me, what you don't get about "You're watching a window or door and your team got your back"
>He honestly thinks he can't run away from a Fuze trap if you hear it
>stand on top of a kitchen counter
>can watch fuze pucks explode at my feet without any damage
>next game i get killed through a breakable wall by a single puck
>Be out of the Room fuze is fuzing
>Puck bounces and flops to the door frame
Boy I dropped the issue when you posted this since I thought you were fucking with me with that wonky logic.
That's another user you're responding to.