/twg/ - Total War General

Ulthuan reunion party edition. Post hard parties

Enter the vortex trailer

High Elves 360 trailer

Total War: WARHAMMER 2 – System Specs:

How the Combined Map works

>FAQs and General Info
pastebin.com/uGj4AUHR (embed) (embed)
pastebin.com/gZ1T9VCN (embed) (embed)

Workshop for Warhammer 2 hasn't been enabled yet but will be. Manually installing mods still works.

Routed thread: Campaign and story posting is highly encouraged

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reddit rats rule

i'll use it but only reluctantly

You using some income hack or something? How could you possibly afford such a meme-stack?

>Ulthuan Reunion
>Not pic related

Tons of chain lightning (with the quest item making them cheaper) , rats can't into formations so they spent the whole fight blobbed up
don't think flock of doom kills were being counted either

reminder that it's not too late to get into WHFB. Miniatures are cheaper now. Just buy AoS minis and put them on square bases.

Why do you make some armor look like plastic but other like metal?

High Elf IQ shown as they bring nothing but cavalry, a dragon and some birds to fight against a skaven controlled Lothern

Any point to this when it kills his stats?

The Vortex Campaign is such a letdown. Tyrion one is especially boring. All you do is fight politicking faggots on Ulthuan for 100 turns, then go steamroll people when you have an elite army.

You can't even do more than 2 stacks, either. Helves barely get any income. Plus the AI recruitment is as bad as ever. Shit is fucked.

It wasn't me

highlighting the mount only shows base stats, it doesn't include all your bonuses and shit.

It actually doesn't kill his stats, just a bad UI

>A tiers higher than the Great Pyramid of Settra
The world need to be littered in the blood of the servant of nagash.

I just got sieged by an army of sauruses, i left them with less than 100 people in the entire army and 90% of them never even wavered. Is the campaign difficulty affecting morale bug still here? Or are they supposed to be this op?

It still reduces them though doesn't it? Is the reduction worth it?

I like playing as the rats

It doesnt actually, it's just that the panel is bugged and doesnt show you what its like with your equipped items

I am so fucking tired of fighting lizardmen

Sieges are better, desu

>tfw when have 30k+ via quest and treasure hunts
>tfw have small elite armies
>tfw sent an expeditionary force to aide Teccy
>tfw not shit

Why? It's a better game than TW1. I thought there was even more hype and pre-orders?

Thanquol and Boneripper, when?

>Posting Warcraft shit
Do you expect anyone to treat you seriously?

If you want to see the true values, enter Custom Battle and hover over the mount after selecting Tyrion.

Afaik it only buffs his stats

>on a weekday.

>2 day old game vs 18 month old game

Hmm, I do wonder

Haven't had sales yet, come christmas it'll reach it's peak then slowly trickle down

Bullshit, there's no way you got that much ammo!

Playerbase peaks on release, not 18 months after the fact.

Can someone redpill me on alliances? They never seem to be particularly useful, what am I doing wrong?

So boys it looks like Skink spam and Reaper Bolt Thrower Spam is the current meta.

How long until the nerf bat comes for them?

All time peaks happen on release day. Not 20 months later when a game is in the bargain bin.

It doesn't

Mod that makes Chaos spawn farther away when

>Skink spam

Why are Saphery such pricks? They keep aggressively expanding into eastern Ulthuan am I gonna have to step in and play police?

>start a ritual
>chaos spawns 40 turns away
>wait a few turns
>my capital is under siege
>no warning
>no camera pans to the army moving in
>just a full stack of shit out of thin fucking air

I kinda hate the vortex campaign 2bh

Oh I get it. It's changing his stats as if he had no equipment, so it looks like a reduction.


Is there any way to reduce the volume/sharpness of the end turn and other confirm events?

My ears bleed after a few hours.

My guess is they didnt fix it in TW2




>game 2 has plague mechanics
Why didn't anyone talk about this

>16 hours of being screamed at by emilia clarke sound-alike

Dark Elves were not a mistake.

>use a rite to summon an agent to use an action on a settlement to cause a plague
gee I wonder why nobody is discussing this

Their decent. Not as good as the old ones, but way better then Warhammer 1.

think ogf the mods user

>listening to high elf princess being confident.

im thinking of ur mom XDDD

Get out, GW shill.

>infest own army of skavenslaves
>send them on a pub crawl around ulthuan

sounds like it could be fun

Because the plague ain't deadly enough for the AI.
>reduces income by 400 gold
>when AI already gets insane bonuses on Very Hard and cannot go bankrupt

>tfw lost my first campaign as mazdamundi
>start my last ritual
>fight off all the stacks of skaven
>near the end the ritual
>fuck ton more spawn
>just when that happens teclis shows up with 3 full stacks and fucking annihilates everything behind the rats
>my ritual site is destroyed along with half my kingdom
>fight the elves in a 3 on 1 so they dont win the campaign
>dark elves finish their ritual and I let them win the campaign

fuck you high elves you pointlessly tall cunts and bullcum cockinmyass can suck my dick

First release for building progression icons mod


Holy fuck, the last sacrifice cut scene for Delves really got me good. Straight into feels. Why...

>Walls being built the next turn
>oh look time to sack

Why does the Caledor's Repose treasure ruin always give me a shit result no matter which option I pick?

Well then use mods to decrease their income, don' look at things in isolation
this is the best nigga I've ever known

The green ones are ok but you need to micro them quite a lot and they're only really cost effective against large.

The purple ones are pretty great, they absolutely shred infantry mobs, even high tier stuff with very high armour like chosen.

Now that magic is not shit, what is your tier list?

Awesome thanks user!

>but way better then Warhammer 1
Not like that's hard

Where was this posted?

Someone make a history thread

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to worship the old ones.Their blessing is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the great plan most of the divinity will go over a typical worshipers head. There's also glyphs, which are deftly woven into old one worship- their personal philosophy draws heavily from the great plan for instance. The Slanns understand this stuff, they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the great plan, to realize that it's not just great- that it says something deep about life. As a consequence people who don't follow the great plan truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the glory of the old ones existential catchphrase: "lol good luck fighting chaos", which itself is a cryptic reference to the old ones abandoning the lizardmen.I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads as the old ones genius unfold before them. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way I do have a great plan tattoo, and no you cannot see it. It's for the carnosaurs eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


Who are the worst elves and why are they Caledor retards?

In this thread

mooks sitting over your fragments.


>get mod for WH1 to replace all sieges with custom maps

Look at him, he's laughing at you.

>Helves get reload animations
>Skinks get reload animations
>Edge elves get reload animations
>Reddit rats get reload animations.
Why the fuck is CA so biased?

Are Kroq-Gar's doomstacks scarier than Thorgrim's?

>All plague monks

what did he mean by this

If Vlad's a Chad does that Make Isabella a Stacy?

>586 vs 1 losses

Are Swordmasters literally just a straight upgrade from White lions?


Is there a way to reduce or entirely remove system/menu sounds in TW:Warhammer?

NO isa is a mommyfu not some dumb whore

you think I didn't wish I had some censer-bearers or stormvermin?
try having your capital sacked while you're off dealing with southern sentinels
turns out you can just chase the poor leadership dinos off the battlefield

How are you meant to manage Kroqs campaign,
I rush the Skaven to the South but my blitz is always stopped by the level of Skaven corruption fucking my public order; and buildings are tier 1 so I have to plant Kroq there to counter the public order.

Don't even get me started on the Island High elves near Kroqs start, fuckers just turtle then attack me with multiple doomstacks.

Kinda wish the city square didn't give such a morale buff, but I guess it makes battles longer

Dank, thanks

>get a mod in which AI gets even more retarded and more of a push over

>Finally get the momentum as Queek.
>Everyone's already a ritual ahead of me

why this isn't in the base game i'll never know
are they going full bethesda-tier "mods will fix it"?

Don't expand so fast. Round out your starting province and kill your lizard neighbors so you can take their plaques and become trade partners and buddies with the wood elves. Build tall for a bit, then crush the skaven afterwards. Or go after those islands south and remove elf.

Is it me or is Makelith, when clicked on the Campaign map saying "I hate snow"

Would that just not invite Clan Mors to fuck my shit up? Every game they seem to destroy Lizard neighbours.

probably because warhammer 1 released during the summer when classes were mostly done or wrapping up


yep, parody of I hate sand
Because the majority of the sample were fine with it

>Better stats
>missile block chance
>Twohanded swords>Axes

>play half asleep
>pick one Morathi tree which looks out another one
>release 90 minutes later i could have gotten 30% reduced upkeep for her army and 10% replenishment instead

fuck me, i dont want to restart but this is really annoying.