Final Fantasy General DCLVIII - /ffg/

>General Info on Final Fantasy
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>FF Lost Stranger


XV manga released in Japan
Episode Ignis to be released in December; Trailer:
Brotherhood episodes:
Final Fantasy XV Multiplayer Out 10/31
A New Empire - Alexis Ren in "Join the Adventure":
New XV Universe trailer:

PS4 release date scheduled for Jan 30 2018, Pre-Orders available now.
Latest Trailer:

>King's Knight
Available now, check your app store for details.

>Final Fantasy Record Keeper
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>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
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>Other game information


>Blitzwei summoned Orlandeau 5*

FFT is shit


what emulator do you epic gamers use


Fryevia can't really chain in a 10 man trial since you can't bring friends or dupes so you might want to go with Ashe for Thundaja stacking. If you have Marie and a dualcast on Ashe you can stack Thundaja to max at the beginning of the trial, swap her out, and then at the beginning of the next phase use Carbuncle, Marie's LB, and dualcast Thundaja on your party for crazy damage.

Fuck, I'm getting close to finishing Sakurafubuki

I don't need this shit

t. Hercules

>stalkers can actually stalk now


Don't finish it if you don't want to get bullied

Why? Shouldn't you have like at least 4 of 2B's katana?

>Fryevia can't really chain in a 10 man trial
Try and stop me

Send those good vibes ffg senpai, first rainbow outside of rerolling.

>can't summon, get TMs, or awaken units without getting bullied
How am I supposed to play the game now?

Anyone else insta-crashing when trying to log into BE?

You're safe, user. No one is your friend.

>he doesn't have Orlandeau for the 10-man trials
this is your last chance to repent for your sins. the memegod won't be in another banner.

meh, we'll see what it is long before you actually post it

>Whenever I try starting up BE it crashes
>My account isn't linked
I'm fucked aren't I? I've never bought anything but I've logged in for like 100 days in a row.

>the free sword you get from the beginner quests is NE and stronger than Shining Splendor

I just realized something. Your friends will get the "x got y 5* base" message on the feed before you even pop the crystal open. So we will know what you get before you even see it.


the fuck is wrong with your screen

>hit world
>game crashes
everything else works just fine, kill me

i hope you have an agrias or DV handy.
you can't bring multiples and you can't use friends.


>20 mins
>update at 40%
what the fuck

lol yCab is only just awakening Soleil right now and only fucking 5*

lmao you fucking lazy cunt

use the restore button

rikku better chainfag than chizuru y/n

that's the main reason of having Orlandeau for 10-man trials

Rip. In that case is dark fina any good?

Had to crop it for file size reasons.

are you saying that we don't get to bring friends?

>spend 20 minutes equipping arena team
>back out of menu
>invalid equipment data
>game restarts

Do you think it was all part of Gumi's plan to encourage us to namedrop?

I think the stalker shit is random since I can't see most of the stuff you are posting

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

does this work or is this a troll

here we go boys

I guess I'll take Ashe, then. I really should have spent my time farming 3-4 9S TMRS. Also won't dualcasting Thundaja hit your own party as well? Or do carbuncle and Marie LB can't as two different types of reflects ala Rikku Mitigation+Pod mitigation?

This is a no bully zone.
Bullying will NOT be tolerated.

used both of mine and my hacker lapis and got no 5*, good luck.

As if we didn't already

>leveling up wont reset your nrg, now it stacks
fucking awesome

reflect stacks


It should be a new law to post screenshots of the feed at least if you're going to bully

And nothing was saved too
Gumi is the best

>invalid equipment data
>get kicked to main menu
>proceed to enter battle, but my units don't have anything equipped
suck my fucking cock gumi

>shitposters will namedrop themselves and pretend to be someone else
Fucking hell. Worst part of this update so far.

all jokes and memes aside is this the absolute worst king mog event we've ever gotten?

the maze is easy once you figure it out and Mermaid dies in one chain to a stiff breeze but I fuck I don't want to keep doing this shit, especially after fucking weeks of the most agitating raid boss ever

>finish 25 rookie quests
>no option to claim all

Yeah, we need mogcakes back.

That wasn't even me. Stop falling for falseflagging how new are you

thank fuck, I wanted him or gilgamesh


If you haven't uninstalled BE already, you need to reroll your life

Meh, shit banner, might as well pull onc-


I actually want Frevya let's see

Fucker stole my Noctis and gave me a donut in a swimsuit fuck you.

it doesnt kill your data, it just kills the patch

You don't see your own announcement, retard

Retard here: how do you select your party on Theatrythm FF? I've just began the game for the first time and can't select any of the characters despite trying like every button.

>here's a shit raid for two weeks
>done? Okay, how about a shit mogking
>oh, and two shit banners to go along with them
Why are we even playing this game still?

>That wasn't even me.
yeah right. fuck off shitcules.

It's been so long that I have no idea, but I don't remember having any trouble with it.

>hurrr 2 accounts and friending yourself is hard

Fuck bros why is FFBE so popular? Us FFRK bros are a dying breed; we are like white people.

So how many times do I need to reinstall this janky as fuck trash game before I can access anything without it crashing? If they're this inept with major patches, just don't bother with said patches.

I uninstalled RK a couple minutes ago
BE is BACK baby

> FFRK is dying
Looking at the past threads, this is not the chase and I like BE more.

>Have Ace
>Have T. Terra
>Got Emperor TMR
>Now this

Am I destined to make a Mages team ?

>after 2 full updates finally get in
>decide hey I could probably take that 10 man trial
>get to it in Vortex
>start fight
>instant crash
>boot it back up
>do you want to continue your previous battle?
>currently going through restore #3 to try and fix it

This is so stupid. Like I've seen some pretty bad fuck ups in my day but this is pretty high up there.

what the fuck is that xbox thing

Yes it's true. We like and respect the FFRK players.

>Sometimes the best play is to simply chomp on the bait, and keep swimming.

Jesus Christ user just do something else for a while.

>BE keeps crashing

Do I really have to fucking reinstall?

when you manage to get in again, immediately go to menu and go return to the title screen, everything should be fixed after that.

I have to agree with him, since we know these mouthbreathers aren't going to compensate appropriately, despite this at the very least being a free 10 roll worth of incompetence, if not more.

>>Jesus Christ user just do something else for a while.
>missing energy
>missing raid orbs
Honestly if he wastes another hour he may as well not try getting back on, he's so far behind he may as well uninstall life

Anyone trying the new arms event?

That's what I had to do to fix the ??? menus

>Looking at the past threads,
That's because BE was dead.

Gentle reminder that maintenance fixed jump mechanics and now Killers and Elements work properly.

The Nine meta officially begins. I hope you're fucking ready, I'll be using my gorillion NRG restores getting my Nines up to snuff. I suggest you do the same, and get your Gungnirs and/or Moogle Spears ready.

I am, I'm drawing for the unit contest still. I'm just doing that while it's going through the update process still and it just struck me how retarded this whole situation is.

Already did that, actually. I've sat through two downloading screens and spent about 4 hours today with the game on and not actually playing it.

>he didnt have them ready at 6* and the items for them on standby
Ninefag.....more like Ninefraud

Does anyone have Rosa's USB as their RW or someone who can cast magic blink so I can do this Portrait Jumpstart?

My announcements are fucked up. They just keep moving fucking fast and I can't read any of them.


It's because overseas it's the exact opposite.
moonlanders eat up RK for breakfast, lunch and dinner w hile BE is who?

just cloud usb it bro
it isn't hard

>not having them all at 6* already
>not having them all decked out with DW roberta TMRs from the bahamut raid

Let's see those Nine crews lads

Yeah that's what I thought. I'm making this happen. I'll show all you cunts the power of Hyper Dive.

Is there anything coming in RK 2 hours from now?

That is not true, FFBE beats FFRK globally and in Japan.

What's your ID?
I guess you've never done the fight since he goes immune to physical.

>Implying it isn't Wind Veritas Meta
>Implying it eventually won't be Aranea Meta
Even among Dragoons Nine's lacking.

Uh, isn't Reberta literally better in every way

Just got Knight Delita and The Emperor from a 10+1 pull.

My current main party is

Onion Knight
Warrior of Light

With Arias Oaks as a sub. Knight Delita doesn't seem to bringing anything new to the party; though he seems like he might work with a Lightning based attacker/chainer... like Lightning.

I don't really see any reason to replace Victoria with Emperor. His base MAG probably won't be much higher (will look closer for for futher details). I might however, place him with my 3 Shantottos and Victoria to make a first round win/lose arena team based entirely around Black Magic double casts.

Suggestions anyone?

lmao no

>What's your ID?
Why would I tell you?