>Heroes FAQ and links
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>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
Is this the perfect Fire Emblem Warriors roster?
You know what I want. You know what I'm here for.
as long as Tiamo is always shirtless, yes
Azura is shit.
why did Olivia get so FAT
>Anna has more supports in Warriors than in Awakening and Fates combined
125 orbs later i finally got axura, damn that was hell.
Fuck off with this meme. Lyn gives no shits about her cuck tactician.
>Raul's 4th waifu is Azura
Is anyone really surprised? Shit attracts shit.
Your waifu attacks mine. Assuming she survives, can your waifu survive the incoming quadmeme?
You WILL back down.
this was the worst thing I have ever seen, please demonstrate the use of a noose for me
Post the person on your friend's list who has been there since day 1
(and is also still active)
Licking Olivia's armpits!
>Hanafags ate retarded
Not surprised one bit.
>Two Tikis
>Tharja thrown in into the "others" section
It's shit
Got a spare hector while trying to get green dancers. What unit should i give DC to.
Assuming the base roster for Warriors is 25 and recruitable bosses don't count towards it and there are 6 DLC packs total with 4 characters each,
FE 1/3/11/12 (4)
>Marth, Ceada, Jagen, and Tiki (Not a fucking joke character)
>Boss: Camus
FE 2/15 (2)
>Alm and Celica
>Boss: Berkut
FE 4 (3)
>Sigurd, Julia, Seliph
>Boss: Arvis
FE 6 (1)
>Boss: Zephiel
FE 7 (3)
>Lyn, Hector, Eliwood
>Boss: Nergal
FE 8 (2)
>Ephraim and Eirika
>Boss: Lyon
FE 9 and 10 (2)
>Ike and Micaiah
>Boss: The Black Knight
FE 13 (4)
>Robins, Chrom, Lucina, Fredrick
>Boss: Validar
FE 14 (4)
>Corrins, Xander, Ryoma, Azura
>Boss: Garon
DLC 1: Archanea Pack
>Minerva, Linde, Jeorge, and Wrys (Joke character)
>Boss: Hardin
DLC 2: Elibe Pack
>Fae, Lilina, Ninian, Nino
>Boss: Lloyd
DLC 3: Magvel Pack
>Seth, Tana, Innes, Joshua
>Boss: Valter
DLC 4: Tellius Pack:
>Soren, Elincia, Mia, Sothe
>Boss: Ashnard
DLC 5: Awakening Pack
>Cordelia, Nowi, Gaius, and Tha- pfft haha just kidding. Lon'qu
>Boss: Walhart
DLC 6: Fates Pack: (Yes we have to have one)
>Leo, Takumi, Camilla, Felicia
>Boss: Possesed Takumi
Also scrap the ugly OCs completely except for Chadarius
Find a flaw boys I dare you
>still no ripped assets from Warriors
Besides music and supports, the sprites and textures were the next interesting thing to rip. Game's been out for 2 days, and nothing. But the soundtrack and ebin supports are floating around everywhere.
Goddamn it. I want more Elise reaction images
>No Leif
Why is she so big?
>incest twins still not dethroned as best buffers
Mama milaa
>2 tikis
>ced instead of lewyn
Who the hell is the 2nd and 3rd
Her support with Robin says otherwise.
Where's Dorcas?
What is this alt based off of? If it even is based on anything
Post head pats
It's time. Time to post THAT image.
I'd gladly be her concubine.
It's not like Alm would be mad, dude's gay as shit got the summoner.
shes a big girl
forehead magic
>Find a flaw
All that wasted spacing.
Green Azura gives them a run for their money with +3 in everything for just her weapon - and she refreshes them
>My burger boy already has +6000 sp
Super glad they actually made him good. Shame they couldn't also do it for berkut, but BK was more important to me.
Your waifu won't survive.
It's pretty bad
>Sacred Stones gets 5 slots all to itself, doesn't adjust additions based on popularity of games/sales etc
You can pander to Fates and Awakening and still have a serviceable roster. Just trim the fat of the least popular Royals, make all the Awakening additions carry their weight and be selective about other game entries.
Will we finally have a thread that doesn't reach bump limit with retarded pointless arguments between autistic 12 year olds?
Are you an idiot or something?
Flaw: It's missing dire thunder.
>buffs only apply after dancing
Not quite, sadly.
>CYLyn with swordbreaker
easy as pie my turdface I've already killed your pathetic waifu
Your waifu is shit
>Let BK sit in Camilla's map
>auto-200 SP
I wish these warrior's maps never leave
Berkut sucks anyway, he's eating the same dirt that made him.
what's this I hear? soundslike the moans of inferiority
I would literally murder my helpless child for a chance to shove my face into Sharena's buttcheeks.
>Allowing your glass waifu to be attacked first
God her breasts would bounce all over the place in an outfit like that.
>No Oliver
>No Eliwood
>No Dark Emperor Hardin
>No Jeigan
>No Fae
fuck off, that's Ephraim's shitpost
Xander and Camus reruns when?
You can't even use the "too powerful" excuse because BK is better than both and was free too.
My wife.
And their buffs only work if you ended the previous turn next to the other character.
Dancing also gets rid of Panic Ploy.
It's far too impractical to be a real threat to the twin buff bots
>activating damage boosting special on glass canon on initiation is bad
She looks kind of like she was drawn by the artist who did the succubus village in monmusu quest
Thotja, Say'ri, Lyn, Alfonse, Sonya, no she'd be 6th.
Never. BK killed them both before getting into the game.
BK rides a horse?
it'll happen when your mother finally manages to satisfy IS upper management in bed.
Has there been a upload of the Warriors OST with the tracks tagged properly yet?
You forgot Rhajat, Kagero and Noire, silly
You DID 5* your best friend, right /feg/?
Catria cute love.
>And their buffs only work if you ended the previous turn next to the other character
This is easy to do when maps are small though.
>Dancing also gets rid of Panic Ploy
Admittedly an advantage, but that just makes her the best Dancer for Bladememes it doesn't outright replace an incest twin buffer.
They also already said they plan on rerunning them too, so there's that. I guess they might come after some new additions help curb cav domination. I feel like Sacae's Blessing was meant to help curb DC domination that made Xander/Camus so dangerous but just made cavs stronger.
Why are Ephraim and Innes so great for being shitposting icons?
you know why they call them the four riders of daein
>Quad memes
Figure it out
>BK is better than Xander
Xander is stronger just because he can actually move around the map.
top kek
Also if you're just considering favorite characters you're definitely missing some
>Axezura is so garbage she can't even train on the warriors maps for SP because even axe units slaughter her for free
Cuc. . . .
Oh wait this is Heroes, never mind then carry on and my blessings to you both.
good meme
Nothing, it's entirely new
Because he killed the previous horse and asshole that rode it?
imagine wasting one of 4 unit slots on "buffer" though
Can we get Reinhardt with a gun on the military uniform banner?
if you kill the horse you gain its powers
>Xander moves into position to get BTFO quicker
>he's such a brainlet he can't move Armors around the map quickly
Of course I 5*'d Alfonse user!
train her on masketta man's, it's got a lot of blues
>desperation is always active, especially when you make your first attack
ok user I never noticed this, thanks
nah, if I could i'd scrap her for feathers
What did she mean by this?