/dg/ Destiny General - In Orbit Edition
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first for ______
>he made a new psn just to make this joke
>Ghaul: "I coveted that wind, I suppose."
Did bungie think no one would notice?
The trials sidearm is neat but useless on console. Can't wait to play it on PC.
3/4 Trials, get in here
>3+ weeks to PC release
>try out guided games so I can work on a paper instead of looking for a group
>make it to the boss with 5 or so minutes
>only problem was the hacking 4 pillars part where they died about 10 times
>the boss is just a steady stream of "guardian down"
>literally neither of them can stay up for more than 5 seconds
>finally die once when hes on a half bar
>times runs out
They had to have died a combined total of at least 20 times during the boss. Like holy fucking shit how garbage can two fuckers be? I wish there was a way to report shit like that and get them banned from guided
>my manlet thumbs can't rotate the sticks 360*
what if Veeky Forums had a (You) based currency system where you got one post points everytime you got a (You) and when you ran out of post points you couldn't reply until reset each day
Making a thread would cost 5 post points and every thread reply would get you 0.5 post points
No one would reply to anyone directly, just @post count and the thread would die since no one could post.
I would be rich
>try guided games
>it goes perfectly smooth
>beat it with over 9 minutes left and only 2 deaths in total which happened at the very end due to all of us trying to nuke the boss while adds were up
went better than expected desu.
@ posting would replace traditional replies and samefagging would increase tenfold
>people kept saying they want the FWC handcannon
>got it
>doesnt even look that good
>try guided game
>be stuck on the matchmaking screen for 5 minutes
>realize not even randos want to play with me ;_;
>enter crucible, random vs. a 4 stack
>no one on my team stick together, end up following the most "competent" (tried to take cover when getting shot) as a shield/find where the stack was
>all 4 running MIDA, 3 Titans and a warlock
>teamshooting, dropping walls at choke points to prevent flanking, grenades to deny access, well coordinated
>almost had some respect
>except after a kill the whole squad would come over and synchronize teabag me
almost couldn't hate them, that was some good coordination.
what is the best kinetic auto rifle?
also, for striker titan + skullfort, top or bottom tree?
>see uriels gift and last hope are good
>go cash in 3 engrams worth of nessus tokens
>uriels gift
>uriels gift
>last hope
who /lucky/ here
>implying the choice isnt obvious
Well it better devils without having to get it from pvp which is good for me bc i dont like pvp
So how many more months until we can start actually looking Veeky Forums again like at the end of D1?
Origin Story, no question
You look like garbage my man
Notice what user?
scathelock is a shit weapon, bub
>"we apply stats by how it looks"
>warlock crucible set
>palette swapped high-minded complex
>heavy armor
bravo luke smith you really will say anything
>tfw I have become Brick Shithouse
>he has more than 0 mobility
instant blacklist from trials
>people who post the preview shader window instead of their character screen
Nigga that's not Veeky Forums
I didn't color the armor because I don't wear it. I just enjoy the large mcfuckhuge look.
>most aesthetic gun without a doubt
I like shaders being forced onto the exotics.
>not graviton lance
red dwarf sun shot is satanic ritual sex motherfucker
This is 100% fact
There is literally no other auto rifle in the game that compares to it. It's stable, high impact, does more damage the more you kill with it, and it looks great.
>it even changes the prongs
>Control, somebody's lost their nigger, sending you the details.
I thought the City was tolerant...
but is it better than the raid auto rifle?
Top gets two pulse nades plus as long as you kill with it shoulder charge recharges your grenade and never gets used.
Bottom lets you keep frontline fighter(more stability and reload speed for about 10 seconds) procced almost always. The reason is any melee kill with knockout active counts as an arc melee kill and recharges your melee.
Bottom is really underrated but 2 pulse grenades is just plain broken no matter what activity you are doing.
Don't care about how meta it is, going to use this because its aesthetic and I'm tired of slow firing things.
Its definitely not as fun. Ambitious assassin is the most fun perk in the game.
>>>>>>>using exotics
Bungo... bungo please... I just want to give my coins to Shaxx.... please... bungo...
>hi cal rounds
Its meta.
Any activity against fallen or hive the bottom path you can just mash the melee button and stay alive. It's a shame titans don't get winters guile
>all this anime music talk
>720 RPM
>low range
However it does have faster ADS movement speed.
flared magwell ir appended mag for origin story?
>Not following Dragons anime playlist on spot
Its garbo. It'd be nice if they had more jap artists actually
>IS 2 Classic
wish Weapon Mods could change fucking sights at least
>don't feel like playing pvp
>have to on my 2 alts for engram to level them up
ugh if they were gonna force us to play pvp they could have made it not shit
This Exotic engram duplicate bullshit needs to stop right fucking now I haven't gotten a single new exotic in over a dozen Engrams.
Why would bungie do this? How does the live team of two people on a t.i. 85 in a boiler room make a better game than these fucking morons?
>enjoy Frontier Justice in crucible
>fuck you mida, youre not even a real scout rifle
>DO reveals their faction reward
>cream pants
you fag had better not ruin this even for me i swear to god im gonna slap a nigger if FWC wins and never come back if NM somehow wins
Who gives a fuck? All these weapons are going to be regular engram drops next faction rally when gear rotates.
>Why would bungie do this?
Do what you literal fucking mongol lol? Only getting exotics you don't have would be fucking rretarded, everyone would have everything right now.
You should honestly get locked out of being able to get certain Exotics if they're already unlocked for you. It's actual goddamn bullshit. I've gotten more Raspberry's than I can count.
I've been grinding night and day on my hutner to do my part for new monarchy. I've made up for at least a dozen normies. picking shitty factions. Have to hope enough people want the best shader in the game.
FWC will probably win since that shit rewards after 30
:) have 2100 FWC tokens right now, I'm getting 3000 and gonna post on reddit for attention. hope your life woks out for you ;)
And people are grinding fwc extra hard because bungie ACCIDENTALLY made it so only FWC gives their gear after level 30. Oopsie hehehe ;) ;) ;)
its the only way to make a long grind. dedicated players get a taste of everything and weekenders get a few cool pieces they can build around
>Only getting exotics you don't have would be fucking rretarded
Except their new algorithm means that the more exotics you have the more duplicates you will get. So those of us down to 4-5 exotics are fucked out of getting new ones against VERY long odds.
whoa. is this true?
like does it keep dropping shit after level 30?
>means that the more exotics you have the more [likely you are to get a duplicate]
No fucking shit lmao, the pool of exotics isn't infinite.. who woulda thought? Also fixed your retardedly written and wrong post
>Got the last armor piece I was missing on the 30th rankup.
bungie doesnt make mistakes
Yes it's true, look it up, and they don't seem as huried to fix it as they were to fix those Kek hunter arms seeing as though it's been multiple days and still not fixed
>Also fixed your retardedly written and wrong post
Oh you're that retard that lost its shit when Uriel's gift was given as an answer. (cwl) (ok)
>don't play for a day or two
>completely replaced in a dumb raid group I found on LFG because of it
>they were all 14-15 anyway, it sh-should totally be easy to find another better group!
>everyone else I find are either far too cringey or terrible, or both
I really wanna raid with you guys, but I'll get made fun of
why hasn't dub been deported yet
Crap i had been going about the nightfall all wrong i thought if everyone died you would get kicked back to orbit
Judging by your 3rd grade understanding of statistics, certainly that guy on your mind and I can't be the only one to point out your retardation.
>not dragonheart's trip
Is there a way to check my reputation for factions?
Like it would matter. If they wanted a faction to win, they would just say they win. They intentionally don't give us a way to see the factions progress against each other and refuse to report on it until it's over. They literally are probably just picking who wins long in advance.
well then guess i'll start going full FWC then
Calus has been 2 manned, and they two cycled him...AND 6 MAN TEAMS STILL CAN'T MOTHER FUCKING BEAT HIM AND PEOPLE STILL KEEP FUCKING UP SHADE REALM. Fuck I am mad right now. And I didn't even need to do it either I only joined to help a friend
Fucking how?
>walk into a witch ritual in progress with 4 people
>it's not heroic and past the crystals part
his trip is believe
>not knowing all of dheart's trip
>he hasn't figured out the titan glitch
>Judging by your 3rd grade understanding of statistics
I'm sorry you seem to be confusing me with the retard you're arguing with. I'm just pointing out you're the autistic shit that lost his mind when someone said Uriel's gift. and the fact you're now doubling down on it is just adorable.
please tell me
Titans are asleep post warlocks
>Iron Companion Helm
Come back.
its not a glitch you mongol
shoot the lost sector explodies, kill yourself, repeat
>Try to do raid with /dg/ clan
>takes hours to get to calus and we don't even beat him
>Join random kids on fresh raid from companion app
>They are literally kids talking about "dabing on haters" and "Emoji face"
>We do everything on one try and calus in two tries
>get 16 tokens per destroyed supply instead of 1 isn't a glitch
Reminder that Cayde used a chicken to kill 7 centurions in a row.
>"You know, Guardian, with great power comes great responsibility. Toland called it "White Man's Burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant."
>Zavala looks directly at the camera.
>"Ikora, Suraya, Devrim, the niggers, the shitskins and the fags...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the tower. The Day of the Rope is near, Guardian. We'll have every nigger in the Last City dead or in chains in 10 years, and may the Traveler have me shot in a Cabal invasion this very night if I'm wrong. God bless the Last Nazi Party."
Bit on the nose there...