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Bandori Live Finder app
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Get the Game
Bandori Live Finder app
Song of the “day”:
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Hina is my wife!
Today is Misaki's birthday! and my birthday
This is great
Happy birthday nerd
Tell your wife to get away from my wife
Thank you friend!
Happy birthday, faggot
Happy birthday user! May the gacha hell bless you with a 4* of your favorite bandori
My favorite bandori doesn't have a 4* yet. But thank you for the good wishes.
May you get her, user. Best of luck to you and other anons.
don't leave us user
Kokoro event is a lie.
>6 hours later
>event still unplayable
They better give out a lot of stars as apology
Just 250
I'm really glad I chose to go to sleep instead of staying up late for the event.
I demand flame drinks
>cat yukina not 3*
surely this must be a crime
Free 10 roll pls I need
I wish I was as smart as you
Yeah, I can't figure out why they would put gross Himari as the 3* reward when it could have been delicious Yukina.
When does the maintenance end
Since I have nothing better to do since Multirooms aren't working and my console is charging.
Imagine if Bang Dream and Love Live were set in the same Universe.
I want Ayumu and Aya to sit down over coffee at Hazawa Cafe and discuss the importance of 'douryoku.'
I want AkoRin to destroy YoshiRuby in a Tag Team server.
I want to see the Takami Elder Sisters, Yukiho and Acchan cry on each other's shoulders after they finally meet someone who knows how to deal with a spazz.
I want to see Maki get driven up the wall as she deals with the completely inelegant and rich Kokoron.
I want KasuKasu to try to prank Afterglow only for Moca-chan to find out and do 1000% worse to her.
Free 4* of our choosing
Pls let this happen. My Chisato-sama collection will be complete.
Yes please. I am still despondent I never got Fairy Chisato which, if I had pulled, would have completed the Fairy Set.
This has about as much chance of happening as you do of rolling the 4* of the girl you love.
I would pick Chisato
Let us dream together
They won't even let us pull the 4* gacha with free stars during a milestone event
These jews would never do that in any timeline
They will give us only 1 (one) red ticket.
I got a 3* dupe Tsugu from that last week when I accidentally used it
>event STILL down
It's not coming back today.
It's 10:30pm in Japan right now, unless they fix it late at night it's not coming back anytime soon.
Does the latest notice say anything about when it'll be back up?
I wish we could play free live without flames. I want to jam but I don't want to be down on flames if the event comes back.
>Leveled up and sitting at 17 flames
>Event is dead
Dumb crafto eggu.
10AM, so in over 11 hours they will give more details.
you made a miscalculation
Thanks, time to black out
I'm not into NTR but I can't stop fantasising about Sayo tying up and raping Hina's GF Aya while Hina is made to watch.
Girls can't rape girls.
That's what Aya thought before it happened to her.
Sayo would just end up frustrated like always because she can't make Aya feel nearly as good as Hina can.
Who says anything about enjoyment?
It's meant to hurt Hina by hurting Aya.
Would any of you actually rape a bandori?
Bandoris are for gentle loving only
Rape is wrong user. Dont let the internet tell you otherwise.
I would marry one of them for sure.
Ded game. Ded event.
I would dress them up in cute clothes with lots of frills.
wtf I love the exposed 5head style now
Rimi is just too cute
>die chisato
>wow kokoron play aya user.
Wait is that the goblin? She doesn’t look nearly as gross like that.
>kokoro event
>limited halloween powerful
>wrong rooms
>making 4*s prettier looking
Nice event, guys.
She does, their brainwashing is just starting to get to you.
B-be nice to programmer-kun and his team. They were all probably excited to see our reactions to the new area decor change only to encounter this disaster.
Yes, why wouldn't you?
No. Never.
I want the Bandori to have cute yuri relationships with each other.
I'll protect Aya from the rapists
By raping her first?
hmm okay
Two best girls in the game. Pretty nice pull.
Rate up working as intended.
Aya and Sayo?
Sweaty Misaki and cutest Tsugu!
Raidboss event when?
Suck me Himari
Yes, but only if she consents.
>Aya and Sayo
I like your taste user.
Aya and Sayo have some of the most delicious bandori armpits.
I don't remember seeing Aya's armpits
Aya/Sayo is the best crackship, second is Tsugu/Rimi
You don't need to see them to know. Just imagine her after idol practice.
Best crackship is Misaki/Arisa
Sweaty girl + Fat tsun is ace
I just finished reading the last event. This is probably the second best story. But where's the Chisato getting murdered by Aya scene?
In her 3* event card.
No its Kaoru/Tomoe
lagdroid will get an update around 9, event will restart at 10 (~8 hours).
also the event is being extended.
So when are we getting a HHW Maho Shoujo Event?
Maho Shoujo are all about protecting the smiles of others.
Kokoro can be dumb, useless pink with a touch of hidamari pokapoka as she has an extensive surveillance system and long line of servants.
Misaki can be the stoic black who works alone
Kanon can be the shy blue who needs friends
Hagumi can be the Tomboy Magical Girl who just wants to feel girly.
Kaoru can be the Tomboy Magical Girl who everyone loves.
Its going to be pasupare just to trigger you
Pasupare would honestly be better.
Better yet, a Roselia event. Ako and Rinko come across some new mahou shoujo mmo, and bring the other three to some cosplay event. Sayo becomes addicted to gaming and goes full tryhard at being mahou shoujo keyboard warrior.
You're hired.
There's a criminal lack of Misaki fanart or porn. Is she just not that popular?
Only the absolute top echelon of patricians can appreciate a girl that sweaty.
I blame the bear.