/sthg/ - Sonic The Hedgehog General

Welcome to the Sonic The Hedgehog General. Here we talk all about everything Sonic! Share art and music, discuss new developments, ROM hacks, speedrunning, comics, and more!

/sthg/ #970 - Buddy Edition.

>Sonic News

Other urls found in this thread:


Which Sonic character would you cook and eat ?


First for Silver a cute!
A cute!!

Amy is better than Rouge for Shadow


Then i'll gain his chaos control ability.

Chip to gain gaia powers

how do you sanicfags feel about the best known youtubers shitting all over "the only good Sanic game in 23 years"


>Game Grumps

>Buddy Edition
I love Buddy, but didn't we have one not too long ago?

Anyways. How would a Arin designed Sonic game be like?

>Game Grumps
Who cares?

Good thing EpicTones isn't an outsider then. Besides, Kayla-Na's already started paywalling Bump and Sage pics. Your warning comes far too late.

He'll regret talking shit when his stomach is filled with delicious cupcakes.

working on a pokemon hack for Fire Red

intend on having a giant egggman machine as a boss. I intended to kyodai mech from sonic 3&K but since mania titantic monarch might work out better.

done some BASIC designs. They just have solid blocks of colour and lines, no shading or anti-aliasing. they are at 400% Zoom. They are NOT final sprites.

also the kyodai robot is asymmetrical because I wanted it to be looking at the player.

The trouble with these detailed things is that there won't be much pixel room to for shading or anti-alias.

>no beep beep user
I'll fill in.

Best ship coming through!

>he cares about yutub
Hello /pol/

This will be the 20th time we've made a buddy thread, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it.

This Cream is so cute

>game grumps
Literally the worst thing on the internet.

EpicTones isn't a /sthg/ drawfag. He is a /co/tard and it's just one or two idiots from /sthg/ who keep commissioning him.

>Anyways. How would a Arin designed Sonic game be like?
I have no idea. He says Sonic is literally GOTTA GO FAST but the second he does start going fast, he starts complaining about the game being nothing but holding right or the game just taking control away from you. Arin's not good enough at Sonic, and honestly games in general, to actually build up speed naturally so he HAS to rely on the "free" speed the game gives you with springs, scripted segments, etc. but he hates though. I honestly don't think a 2D Sonic game could work if he designed it.

For 3D Sonic, there would be no friends, no dialogue, no cutscenes, etc. Also it would still be 2.5D the entire way because Arin hates 3D and has no depth perception.

she's beautiful.
Would marry then bang.

Is it gay to want to fuck Sonic?

S-stupid dorks!

He was a Marathon and Ride drawfag, that's good enough for me. You're not the gatekeeper on what people spend their money on anyway, so enjoy arguing a moot point.

Wouldn't want to top him. Too prickly.

It's why he's got those back spikes

so he's a shitter like most outsiders to sonic games


basically, but his enormous ego makes him more insufferable than most people. His Sequelitis videos make him an expert on game design, remember?

I would.
I wanna get up in his tight ass.
No homo.


there was one sonic with different designs
there was one sonic but he aged from classic to modern
there two sonics from different dimensions

I don't even

my wife (husband) still looking sexy

Sonic is a time-traveler AND a dimension hopper confirmed.
Wait a second: A time-traveling dimension hopping hedgehog...

pretty thick

>that wiggle
Sonic a tease

Silver is Sonic confirmed.

How's everyone doing today, /sthg/?

I can't even remember if any of them were good besides the castlevania video. that said grump boy isn't the only one bashing sonic and demanding it be radically changed while having no coherent plan or idea on what the final product should be. I ignore him like the rest, difficult as that may be against someone with so much power over the masses

>Wanting to defile your waifu
As a Silverfag I must say, shame on you, Blazefags!
You must never want to do lewd things to your waifu/husbando, only things like holding hands and teasing them to see their cute, embarrassed face!
You must protect their smile and innocence at any and all costs!

>I've got an archive full of late 90s/early 2000s Sonic art, both lewd and non lewd.
>There was a MEGA for this, look in the July/August archives. I'll post it for convenience once I get back home.

quick reminder, still awaiting for links

but then how would I ever get puss-puss?


my echidnas

I'm doing well. listening to some music while I try to get better at drawing

>inb4 "inb4 autistic screeching" post


Posting best ship.

/r/ing Bump in Rouge's outfit and maybe Rouge in Bump's

I love this pic so much

We are not worthy enough to be with creatures this pure!
This is why we must protect and preserve all that makes them so pure!
This is our sacred duty to our husbandos/waifus!

Blazefag, no! Please be better to your waifu!
You need to keep her pure!

>Fort Coolsville

Reminder that Bump is a happy drunk but a terrible employee.

Also full res and solo shots are posted now. I promise this is the last shillpost.

Dumb it down for me. Wasn't Sonic Forces going to be the one with chargen? Is glasses-kun the default or a brand new canon OC?

I'm gonna pet that pussy & no one's gonna stop me!


bullshit, son.
Even females crave the hot, sweaty loving-time now and then. Especially Blaze. You ever seen a cat in heat? That's nature. Gotta provide 'em what they want after all.
Vaginal sex is just tops anyway.

>Do we have a pastebin of all the drawfags here yet by the way?

There's this outdated one


Blazefags, please! I must insist! Her purity needs to be protected!
She isn't even my waifu but even I cannot stand for this...!!!
I have to ask you to reconsider!
*unsheathes katana*

She isn't pure anymore.


Blaze has a nice ass


Don't confuse purity with prudeness, user.


I'm going to hold Blaze's hand and you will not stop me, Silver!
You're next, cutehog!


I'll make sure she is!

Stop it, user! You should talk about her cute blushing face, not things like this!

T-that's lewd! They're both pure! PURE!!!

Holding hands is about as lewd as you should go!!


Looks like we got a Blaze thread.

>All this Blaze

Tomorrow is the first day of October. Anyone excited for the impending IDW Sonic news that'll come from New York Comic Con?

Is this lewd to you?

Explain yourself, boy.

I guess we do.


>Holding hands is about as lewd as you should go!!

I disagree.

thanks senpai
time to dive into old creep shit


Some classics in there including Coolblue's old stuff.

when it's done

I am talking about anons to their waifu, not characters!
B-but kissing can be too lewd sometimes!!

Silver just wants a loving hug! He's pure!

I remember seeing some of that crap back when I was just a 10 years old looking for Sonic games and art. We forgot about it but this is what "furry" actually meant.


Fuck the comics. Tomorrow Spooktober starts!

yes. we'll finally learn what they intend to do with sonic and it'll stop some of the shitposting regarding who is or isn't in the comic

we need more blaze

>spooky loods
can't wait

please, the permavirgins will never be lewd.
until the hormones kick in, of course.


>Tomorrow is the first day of October

won't be long then

time sure flies doesn't?

What does Blaze butt smell like?

how long are we talking here?

A fireplace.

the talcum powder she uses every time she leaves the shower

why do blazefags always ruin these threads?

MTD sure draws a hot bod

You're funny


Because they want to fuck her
