/dg/ - Destiny General
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>inb4 zippy made the thread wow samefag new thread please
5th for 23 days, 13 hours, and 26 mins till a Best version releases
Prove to me /dg/ doesn't have shit fashion sense.
Post your Guardian(s) and I'll rate them.
From left to right:
Stuart, Dawn, Enji, ThunderTouch, PandoxR8
It doesn't got to be fancy to be good.
24 days, 13 hours, and 26 mins till you realize you bought a bad game.
>tfw no Holliday gf
So did zippy win? Is /dg/ now the /zippy is eternally right/ thread?
please notice me zippy
>tfw no Hawthorne gf
used goods
I think i look pretty schnazzy.
That's not your guardian.
>tfw no Emissary gf
jesus christ
>the nine logo has nine lines, if you count each circle as one line
I'm glad someone likes my webm
>no malfunctioning Q.T A.I. gf with split personality disorder to rebuild and explore the galaxy with while I kill space niggers
What do the runes mean /dg/?
Hahaha that looks retarded, it's brilliant. It's like you're a dragon ball character.
>Alpha Team still runs this thread
lol, irreverent in exactly 23 days
>"I will steal a nigger's chicken with my teeth, I would sear kikes with my burning light, challenge the mudslime jihadists to personal combat and scatter them... I-I've been watching too many crucible matches"
Geez, I felt Shaxx was a bit too excited there
Top kek
u r a f a g g o t
Whoa how did bungie get away with THIS?
>first it was just catgirls
>then it was catgirls (male)
>then it was traps
>then zippy became the trap
Post the vocaroo
You don't even have to count the circle lines, just total the number of parts within the 3 circles.
>Grinding for exotic
>Its another Riskrunner
lmao pinhead
>Like the Titan raid armour
>It's Specced for Mobility
Tfw stains DELETED all of the friends he made on /dg/ and is playing solo now.
It's hurts guys
He didn't delete me
we wanted to make the raid fun for everybody! of course you're high enough. the raid is tuned for all players 260-280 power level. just make sure you have a trusted fireteam. But don't worry. if you're real life friends are busy, you could always use the guided games feature we've added to the game. Or one of the many great community LFG sites.
just don't forget the rules of the oathkeepers.
1. play smart
2. don't be rude
3. reply to the post or your mother dies in her sleep
4. work with your new team
5. be willing to learn
6. have fun!
The Cabal are known for their mobility.
Maybe he only deleted you
>3. reply to the post or your mother dies in her sleep
>6. have fun!
almost fooled me
Any xbros doing anything?
I hate you joff
farming PEs on nessus
The joff-99 is stuck in a raid time loop! Look, he's over there! oop! Now he's over there! oop!
depends if you're doing anything
I'd be down to do a Prestige Nightfall if we can, want to try and get Nezarec's on my Warlock.
>implying this isn't part of his VOG strat
Time manipulation can't do crap if joff outlasts time
Where's the coke spilling edit?
I want to raid. Any takers?
If AT is so great why don't they host a raid today?
Every time I've tried to join a guided nightfall there's been a queue of ~15 minutes but after 10 or so I time out, I've never managed to join a guided match although I've only tried about half a dozen times. Every time I host a guided nightfall with a friend we get some sub-270 shitter in like 2 minutes. Is this system awful or have I just been having a particularly bad time with it? This seems infinitely worse than having regular matchmaking.
fresh or cp?
Check their last raids, they've been carrying shitters all week.
You can check raids? That's awesome. How?
>so close to the magic ODST set
get that edz/dead orbit chest bro you're so close
Like who?
The blues and the blacks get lost in each other too much. Some people like that flowing into and out of each other quality in a color palette, but I like my colors to be distinct from each other. It could go either way. Also, that little bright yellow bit on either side of the collar on the Icarus Drifter chest is why I don't touch it; it ruins any color cohesion. That said, I think the chest is slick and birb helm always looks good.
Bold. Avant-garde. Pushing the boundaries of Tower fashion by challenging our expectations and accepted norms regarding fashion.
I think your Guardian's right arm looks wonky as hell. it's thin and it looks even more thin because of the bulkier left arm. That little yellow arc in the middle of the chest and red above it had me wary at first, but with the cloak in the back and the little red bit on the pants, it makes a pretty cohesive FWC look. Well, if it weren't for the yellow accents and the gold accents are just off enough that it bothers me. And there's enough gold that it's pretty distracting. I like the asymmetry with the white and purple though.
I'm not the biggest fan of using all of the pieces of a set and submitting it for fashion shows. There's no real creativity or thought there; you're just matching the names of sets. And personally, I really dislike the Trials armor. It's weird and goofy and your Titan looks like a lanky bumblefuck with clownshoes.
>Calus just shitposts at you the entire raid
Is he /ourguy/?
Like (You)
Gimme yer best shot
Ill raid
I just want engrams PEs not giving me shit
I have a theory that the entirety of our run through the raid is being broadcasted on Cabal pay per view.
We're their Wrestlemania.
I see what you're doing mister
Stop playing shitty service games.
>You're even smaller in person!
How will our Guardians ever recover?
so how many people are going to switching from console to PC on the 24th?
it seems like a ton of new to destiny people will be getting on board, but not many transfers
>tfw going from xim4 to actual proper kbm without any dumb autoaim or turn speed restrictions is going to feel weird as shit but so much better
>"I think I'm at the objective"
>He doesn't know if he's at the objective
Fucking scrubs I swear to god.
I'm gonna farm tokens until I get some replies here.
I'll never understand the ODST boner this general has.
I would, just because I'd have more people to play with, but I'm not rebuying the game or restarting all of my characters.
Yeah the fucking aim assist in this game seems more like a curse than anything. It felt so good in the beta to not have to deal with that.
Imagine being a weeaboo
>there are people this late in the week that haven't done their nightfall
1/3 NF
Why are the trials and raid sets so fucking awful?
why would anyone buy this piece of shit twice.
The atmosphere
Prestige or normal?