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Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is up on EUW
pass is vidya

rate em

Is there a way to look what skins I own without using a third party program or searching manually?

You know I'm right

Is there anything more suffering that playing Jhin when you're severely behind?

shop and mark show owned. or check each champion in your collection tab or in champion select

>Cassiopeia down to 46% win rate
revert nerfs when

the best timeline, please happen to BTFO amerifats

epik trol

Anybody got noob stories? I bought ruunans on yi when i was < lvl 30, that 70% attack speed looked so good. My team didn't even flame me, just disappointment.

Do you think this multi million dollar game is that advance?

It's coming next season as a tab in your collection

only retards think NA/EU will get somewhere

>tfw no qt petite gf


built spirit visage first on renekton vs nasus because I was losing and thought nasus is all ap damage

when I started playing I went bottom ryze and ended up 15+/2-3/X every game because i'm a dota player.

>le edward gaming meme
>Longzhu, the Koreans that beat SKT, losing an entire group to washed-up mallet man, a second place NA team, and fucking GAM
>FW having any consistent success except for the fluke Bo1 wins against SKT

It's basically meme picks.

I wanna cuddle (fug) Jinx

My first couple of games I just bought boots because my friend told me how essential boots were

xth for Syndra

I used to build Zeke's Herald on Kayle and played her support into lategame carry

Used to build RoA on Malz too

How is Janna after nerfs?


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to play Dota2. The tactics are extremely intricate, and without a solid grasp of theoretical crafting and metagame knowledge most of the strategies will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Dota2 lore deepness, which is deftly woven into his character-mechanics - their skill and item builds draws heavily from classic RTS mechanics, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the way proplayers play it, to realize that they're not just complex- they say something deep about a GAMER'S LIFE. As a consequence people who only play league ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the Shopkeeper's existential catchphrase "What does a hero truly needs?" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Valve's genius unfolds itself on their pc screens. What fools... how I pity them. ?? And yes by the way, I DO have a Dota2 tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 MMR points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Find a flaw

Hint: there are none

I thought flash was global and just a better form of TP which is why it was the highest locked summoner. Load up in to game, put cursor over top lane turret and hit F, figured the game was bugged when I was still in base and flash was on CD.

I love that this R&M pasta is getting so much play

Nice reddit copypasta

>lolbabs cant comprehend champs like this
explain yourselves brainlets


Good fuck that broken champ

No champ should be able to push someone out of lane level 1

it is pretty relevant to dotards as well who think they are better for playing a poorly designed game

pre30 days I built trinity on Jinx because I thought it was some solves everything god item on anyone. I also used to rush IE instead of hurricane.

This Rick and Morty pasta is great

I would buy 3-4 Doran's Blades as ADC for the item advantage then sell 2-3 of them after I got one or two kills to buy a BF Sword.

when i first start i played ashe top every fucking game, until i learn about warwick and then i've learn how to jungle and started improving

hello lolbabs
doom champion when

i build like shit every match for the sake of having fun with what fun items are left.

fuck meta game

>No champ should be able to push someone out of lane level 1
Then whats the point of a lane bully

And now she can't lane for shit

i thought irela looked like a mage so i rushed an adaptive helm, and raged she was op and did to much damage

isn't that something that you still do?

i think im 90% right with this

three slots currently remain
need a europe version of this

bretty gud pasta

user that isnt nooby! You're just having fun


i want vayne and irelia visual updates
i just hope they don't go full retard like galio and keep the essence of these characters, they have good design but look bad in game

>AHQ above C9
>FW above TSM

Taiwan is overhyped garbage even when compared to >NA scene

China and Taiwan are garbage. If you couldn't tell by watching play-ins then there's no helping you.


What's inside friends?

guys am i wrong on this
bronze 2 nidalee enemy jungler
team is feeding , its ok ive no problem losing
nidalee comes to my lane
i see shes about to throw her spear so i spin out of the way (tryndamere)
she cancels it and throw it at where i went to after

i looked at the replay and apparantly she didnt miss a single spear
look at their page
their mains are xerath and nidalee

am i retarded or is this person hacking

a bugsplat with no refunds

ahri buffs when

now two slots remain for that EUW Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums with the vidya password


lads, anyone got that webm of the new eve absolutely destroying an annie?

Champ shard to upgrade one of your champ masteries.

I don't know shit about professional team, so i don't know how to play this

beep boop fuck the oven

>ahri isn't meta now so no chance of SKT Ahri when they win again

Sad. Not even sure how many years the professional scene of this game has left.


what if we made trist q reset her auto attack

>what if we buff one of the best champs in the game right now

you saying this bullshit every year and every year taiwan and china are better than NA and EU


got Hecarim, should I reroll him with Annie and Zilean or disenchant?

remind me when was the last time they placed higher than EU team at Worlds

>Implying anything not Orianna, Syndra, or Taliyah is the best

No reason for an attack speed steroid to do this. Besides, she doesn't need any early game buffs.

reroll into a permanent

here you go

Sort them by how cool their symbols look
I support c9 cus i like how it looks

what if kassadin got a ranged auto attack

something like 625 aa range to make him better vs mages mid, fits his antimage style more

Yea China wasn't better than EU for the last 2 worlds

What champs are you missing? If you're missing only 6300s then reroll.

I wish Lamb and Soraka would spitroast me

>consistent = / = best

Who's it gonna be lads? Here's hoping for Illaoi or Tahm.


one you already have


Tell me in what way Ahri is better than Taliyah right now considering Taliyah's power, roam potential, and doesn't fall off as hard.

Ahri late-game is chucking charms in hopes you hit the adc. Taliyah at least allows for some poke.

What if garen's q broke free from all cc and his w made him immune to cc for the first 2 seconds?

Okay, it's not like people actually won on this

Hello fellow Veeky Forums dudes
What do you think of Nexus Siege?

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on EUW is live


What's with this thread and retarded suggestions?

Absolutely livid.

>picture of 3 swords
>made with 2 swords and a hammer


Ahri isn't the best and isn't consistent why are you comparing her.

Use someone like vikor who has consistent damage and is good most of the time but isn't one of the best champs for the role right now.

Ori syndra and taliyah have been mid regardless of meta because they're consistent champs too meanwhile champs like tristana come in and out of meta and when they do they're one of the best in the role

what if fizz e cleansed cc on cast

it used to have zeal nashor's tooth and litch bane
there also used to be zeal and phage

Most of /lolg/ is silver.

I think Vlad is pretty cool

It used to build out of Zeal which was 2 swords, so it was 3 back then. Also you used the hammer to combine the three swords because you're crafting the item.

Banned 100%

0-1 rhaast top
2-3 rengar top
4-5 aatrox top

6-9 suggest me stupid shit while I go take shower

graves buffs when

Reposting because I managed to fuck up and post at the end of a thread. Hey guys. user making the fighting game here. It's day 4 of the contest. So far I have gotten much more responses than I expected. Quick question, would you guys rather have a serious 2d fighter or a joke/fun chibi 2d fighter? That aside here is the link
goo gl/forms/8vcH3dcrmazx1Byw1
Just put a period between goo and gl. Thanks for putting up with me and I hope you all are having a good day.