40k Edition
Previous thread:
>Where do I look up tanks?
>How do I find people to platoon with?
Ask in the Veeky Forums channel
>Want to do clan stuff?
EU: NOPAN -eu.wargaming.net
NA: AWOO -na.wargaming.net
Blitz: Search for BENIS
40k Edition
Previous thread:
>Where do I look up tanks?
>How do I find people to platoon with?
Ask in the Veeky Forums channel
>Want to do clan stuff?
EU: NOPAN -eu.wargaming.net
NA: AWOO -na.wargaming.net
Blitz: Search for BENIS
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Why even bother
kkkonsole clanskiddidly is
Wow man. You seem pretty asshurt.
Tanks are CUTE
t. polystation
> why do i play this game again ?
oh yeah the fun
1st for join NOPAN
Dont we all love SUPER GEEK BOXES?
no thanks
Is it any good?
>that t-shirt
>that room
Calling him a manchild is an insult to the manchildren out there.
is Chieftain-san in game yet?
tier 8 SU 122 44
PCfags won't include PLEBS in the OP but they'll never get the Chieftain.
Enjoy your super cuckueror.
So how do I use a derp gun?
Does pen matter for HE or will the explosive damage take care of it?
Google says just don't bother and stick with AP
Shoot people in the ass
That's gonna be fucking hard with the upcoming Vindicator
aim at enemy and shoot
> using ap with a derp gun
Never use ap with a derp gun , I can't recall the number of times tards shot me with ap in a fucking kv2 and bounced
Always use he with derp guns always
>40k tanks in Blitz
>no Baneblade
I meant suggestions to use ap guns not derp guns
Imagine all the radiomans.
>11 barrels of hell
>tfw pulling off insane turnarounds as AMX ELC bis on Supremacy
>jumped off wall, finished off a KV-1
>teammates all dead, enemy has a fucking Kuro Muro Mine and a Crusader
>run around playing hide and cap objectives
>win 1000-880
Is this how I play this tank?
I'm practically useless as a damage dealer but I try to show up at the right time at the right angle to finish off heavies and meds
How do I make enough credits to buy tanks? I know I could just pay for them, but when they had the credit boosts it wasn't too bad to grind.
Pretty much. You can also play it early game as a TD if you rush off to a snipey spot. To be completely honest with you I didn't enjoy the play style and only started liking the line once I unlocked the tier 6.
Hold on to premiums if you get one for free
Otherwise deal as much damage as you can
The gold to silver exchange is garbage. Play tier 5-6 games and save up your silver. If you just started I know how frustrating it can be when you're not even there yet and everything seems ridiculously expensive. You can also buy a premium that is known as a good money maker. Don't shoot too much premium ammo.
It's useless with the stock gun and with limited turret rotation there's not much you can do.
I treat it like an attack plane. It's definitely unique in terms of playstyle.
Here's what I do usually in a game
>Lead the squad, scouting and spotting
>Hope I don't get fucking shot
>Veer off when I feel like I've spotted enough enemies
>Hope I don't get fucking shot
>Sometimes a chucklefuck leopard or some other fast tank will chase
>Hope I don't get fucking shot by a sniping AT or the pursuer
>Lead the shitlord into a group of heavies
At this point the meds and heavies begin to slug away and do their job
What I then do is circle the battlefield, making passes at heavies and ATs who can't turn fast enough to get me while I make passes at their asses
If you have some spare cash buy a premium like the Lowe and a month of premium time
> otherwise
Grind baby grind tier 6
Of course, RNG fucking help you if a lucky shot breaks the tracks or if your squadmates do fuckall
Your job is to draw fire. Every second a med or heavy spends trying to shoot you is a second wasted where they're not trying to shoot a teammate who can actually do damage
>not having a t-34-85m
I play Blitz
> or a type 6
Is 52% win rate good
It could be worse.
What do I win?
A night with Rita ;3
Oi m8. Oi'll giv u a type 59 code if u give me ol' Portuguese ladyboy a porkin' an let me 'ave a wank. Surprise buttsecks!
>Portuguese ladyboy
How is the Czech line?
Terrible until 9. The tier 6 is overrated.
is it that bad?
Yes. The Czech tanks that aren't autoloaders are legitimate contenders for worst tank of their tier.
good to know, what about the swedish medium/heavy line?
> Czech line
> not a meme
Pick one
I'd call him a wizard but rita probably took his anal virginity.
> tfw you will never fuck a women who lives with you
> tfw you will never own a room so full of memes like that
> tfw you would sell out to Wg for more goyums
>legitimate contenders for worst tank of their tier
>even close to
>KV-13, AMX M4 mle.45, Black Prince, FV201 (A45), AT 7, Challenger, IKV 90 Typ B, SU-100M1
why is the Type 95 so shit, is there any redeeming quality, am I just playing it the wrong way?
> at7
> challenger
T. Red
how often does wargaming do Tier 8 premium tank sales?
66 dollar to buy a burger tank is pretty expensive
>FV201 is bad
not that often and the last one was only last month
>66 dollar
wut? patriot is like 35€
also patriot is the only burger premium worth getting and they dont put it on sale
t. achmed
Patton KR says hi.
Hi shit tank
whats best equipment for e75 and e100?
>female crew on E-75
I think choosing between vents/vstabs/spall liner are the least of your problems.
i had extra binocs, whats wrong with female crew?
answer me
You're wasting them on a shitty tank line. You can still salvage the situation by moving them to the E-50M line, it has the same crew setup as the E-75
but i have a 6th female crew for e100 :(
and common, e100 has a derp gun with good heat pen which is an advantage over other heavies. also e100 has more carry potential, and e50m sucks.
Are you Polish by any chance?
no, american. i want a super heavy
>also e100 has more carry potential,
One of the most yellow things I have ever heard. The E50M doesn't suck, it's just that you might as well stay with the E50 since it's basically the same tank but a tier lower.
Get yourself a Maus to be relevant, or alternatively a Type 5 and spam full gold on it.
Alternatively, get a medium tank and learn how to play the game.
The E-50M is one of, if not the best tanks in game though. E-50 is great too, just lacks speed and pen.
with these maps becoming more tunnel shaped, and rng out in the loose, the e50m is mediocre at best. there's no point in getting it with tanks like buffed patton and centurion.
I forgot about the Patton buffs; gotta grab myself one soon.
Also, the Cent's gun is garbage, it feels less accurate than the 122mm spudlaunchers. At least with the E-50M you get such low dispersion the shells don't even have the option to fly off into nothingness.
also dpm on e50m is not much better than e100
>Falling for the dpm meme
What are you doing on the chan so early RapidToddler; shouldn't you be diddling your mail-order wife?
yes dpm matters especially on med tanks so you can quickly deal with enemies, 1 on 1, tons of situation. dont play dumb
DPM doesn't matter much anymore. Everything is about poking out, blasting a fat sticky load of alpha in someone's face and hiding again.
thats heavies job, meds go in a pack and rush these heavies with their dpm quickly taking them out without taking much damage
and thats why im getting e100
implying you can get that much team work out of pubbies. just play the REV vs Mutz 100ish dpm difference, but nearly double the alpha, albeit slightly less pen
I agree with you for the most part but how often do coordinated medium wolfpacks turn out that way? I'm talking about random battles. Usually it ends up with meds trading shots and pulling back into cover. DPM isn't worth the trade off when the guy shooting back at you is doing twice your alpha.
is superheavy spall liner any good?
not really you would rather have the vents for better spotting/reload in 99% of the situations than taking marginally less HE damage
>50% crew protection
medkits recharge now, useless
>my tank is getting rekt by arty
you will get rekt regardless especially on prok and malinovkha and every other map has arty cover making it worthless over optics or vents.
>this is what yellows actually believe
if dpm is so bad then why are the soviet mediums the most meta in the game? lowest alpha at tier 10 but still the best tanks.
Because they have good armour, no dispersion, good pen, and are generally idiotproof.
Because they are heavy tanks in disguise.
fucking antisemitists
disgusting desu
how much longer until next patch?
>no T10 Banesword with a 183 HESH gun
AT7 is comfy, it's nothing special. Not good, not bad. Has a stunning gun though.
Challenger is complete shit right now, once the buffs hit it'll be pretty gud.
FV201 is just shit. It really is.
BP is comfy as fuck, certainly worse Tier 7 tanks.
KV-13 is bretty gud
I'm gonna be grinding the leo all day tomorrow, what am I in for?
Suffering if it's the PTA. Fun mixed with mild frustration if it's the light tank.
Sorry, I meant the Swiss leo
Try not being a retard next time.