What did he mean by this

what did he mean by this

can be translated to "i'm edgy"

He cried & begged like a bitch actually


You can kill his physical self but you won't kill his ideas, his legacy, or his movement.

not true

"I'm an edgy faggot"

And would you look how that turned out

>souce: my dad worked in the task force that killed him

>things that happened

Wait. This quote is attributed to this faggot? For some reason I had it associated with it a confederate spy.


Nope, it was to his captors in Bolivia right before he was killed.

Poor Che. He was just a good medical student who went around the nations of his homeland, saw horrible conditions, and became committed to solving the problems in the only way he thought was viable. It feels like men like Che just don't happen nowadays, whether we'd agree with their ideologies or not.

Well, guess why these men don't exist anymore or at least have no way of getting into power.
Because they are immediately branded as radicals, extremists before their theories could ever come into praxis.
The political system in the west is just way more concerned with sustaining its ways than it is with tackling problems.
And as long as they are best buddies with the economy and are able to keep this unsustainable cycle going the people won't start revolution.
The system is bound to collapse when resources are gone and until then we may even critically damage this planets nature - something that never happend before.

I'm sure they do they just have more efficient ways to make them go away before anyone notices.

Ideas are bulletproof.

desu I think part of the cause of this is the Internet. Someone in Che's position now would be regularly talking to people all over the world and be relatively aware of the poverty of places around him. He'd be more desensitized to it than Che was when he started traveling around South America.

'And would you look how that turned out'

hes now a pop culture icon and an inspiration for many many people.

He meant that by killing him, they would only kill one man, whereas he had already killed thousands of men.

Part of him being a pop culture icon is the picture of him that became, like, the most famous photograph ever.

and as a result his legacy lived on with that photo.

He fought bravely, and won, and in the end, it didn't even matter, everything remained the same

"You won't kill an ideology"

Haha fuck off with your speculation

thats not speculation thats the genuine meaning of the quote. stupid cuck.

He was spooked as fuck, he never figured out he was a puppet, he thought fighting a guerrilla war without supply lines to the outside or first gaining the support of the locals is a good idea, he didn't understand what was going on around him, just the meme magic of his ideology and maybe soldiering and some basic small unit tactics, but that's it.

Well that enough for him to be a big player in Cuba.

Almost like dedication to an ideology and a healthy dose of determination is enough to push someone to impressive heights.

Maoism is pretty dead outside of small pockets in India, Peru, and a few nostalgists in China.

Yeah, a pop culture icon worn by edgy teenagers on shirts they buy at the mall.

Guevara would blow his brains out if he knew he'd become a symbol used to sell merchandise by American capitalists.

It's more than just t-shirts though. It reappears basically everywhere for seemingly all sorts of reasons. On mass-produced clothes, the sides of buildings, online message boards of people saying Che was a faggot, etc. He's a universal symbol

the way you put it so easy uh. But CIA spent a lot of time and resources to hunt him down.

>this faggot
says the action hero