League of Legends General - /lolg/



I want to put my Human baby in this vastayan slut. Repeatedly.


already hit diamond in solo, now it's time to climb to challenger in flex

>"I wonder if Rakan would like to watch"

same guy from last thread

lets show our profiles, dont be shy

I wanna cuddle Jinx

This is my diamond.

>I lost to a Teemo OTP

Shit happens, senpai. Sometimes you just get memed on

It says right there you promoted to Green Silver

>green silver
I mean

I want to cuddle fug Lux

How do people end up toxic enough to have 0 Honor?

I'd send him a high-definition recording so he'd have something to jack off to. Getting to watch in-person is a privilege he'd have to earn.

>I wanna cuddle Jinx
If all you want to do is cuddle then why do yo have a boner?

I'm not salty because I lost. I'm salty because I hate the feeling of complete powerlessness even though I played alright. I had a similar game yesterday, got fucked by a top Teemo when I won my lane hard on Tristana and he literally solo pushed his team to victory. Even on meta shit like Xayah and Tristana you're essentially unable to do anything once Teemo hits a certain threshold. You're at the mercy of some retard who takes pleasure in being an annoying piece of shit.

tip for low elo adc players: run cleanse every game

it confuses the enemy and they won't want to waste their cc on you, therefore they will all dance around waiting for someone else to burn their cc so that they can profit off your recently burned summoner spell'

unless you're so shit that your elo doesn't know what cleanse does, in which case you're fucked LOL

Another ancap champion when????

thats why you cuddle with your dick inside her

From what i understand, Blue Essence will replace IP completely. Champ cost in the store (no shard needed) will stay the same, in the thousands of BE, but in turn champ shards will disenchant for a lot more.
Instead of getting IP every match, the level cap will be uncapped and you will get an open loot container every level where you'll get presumably more than one champ shard and BE.

To compensate for this whole shift, when the preseason hits on November 8th, all your IP will turn into BE and all your current BE will be multiplied by 6.5 and added to that. So if you stockpile BE now by buying the 1700IP mystery champ shards from the Accessory page of the store and disenchanting them, you get a bit more of a return.
Also, for a short time after the Preaseason starts, there'll be a special in the store where you can spend BE on stuff like chromas and skins I think, but they'll be very jacked up pricewise since you're getting them with the free currency instead of RP.

I don't know about them multiplying Orange Essence. I haven't heard anything about that.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on NA.

You know the pass

I literally came back to the game a month ago since Season 3. STOP bully.

can leblancs E and tarics R be interrumped?

you forgot to put your elo in the screenshot there bud, thats silly of you

and to answer your question i exclusively flame people who give up in my games, i hate quitting losers with a fucking passion

what is that combo that ribbon uses to trade, the one where you are stunned for like all the trade? they exit with E I think

They use the chat for things other than relaying game relevant information (even though pings will suffice most of the time) and cannot refrain from pressing the enter key.

I still think that's a fine accomplishment.

>ADCs in all positions

Alright, allow me to rephrase this: you keep saying you're having problems against Teemo. I assumed, wrongly, that you were playing top lane. Apologies.

If you're having problems against Teemo as an ADC, then you have several options: one, get your support/top laner/jungler to peel for you. It's what they're there for, especially your support. Two, try and see if you can't get your team to lock him down first in a fight. Probably would help.

Lastly, if all else fails, try and learn Sivir. She's got a damn built-in spell shield if you're having that much trouble against him.

It's called "mash face on keyboard"

That's sex user not cuddling. That's false advertisement.

tarics R can be interrupted by killing him, i'm not actually sure if it can be stopped by Kass Q

i'm sure cc doesn't stop it though

you mean where they walk up
mash q and auto
stun your shit
then dash away
and flash their mastery 7

>play flex meme
>i take 1 camp and a buff from enemy udyr early so hes far behind
>go to gank bot to get them a lead and ward for mid
>top has already died 3 times vs kayle
>tell him to buy mr
>dushes duskblade on renekton anyway
>dies 4 more times in the next 6 minutes
>leona bot rushing mobis and keeps attempting to dive a lulu trist lane
>games literally over even though I complete shut down their jungler
>check opgg
>team of plats vs me and a bunch of silvers

Why is matchmaking this bad? I rather have longer queues and actual matchmaking than this nonsense.

Besides Ahri and LeBlanc, are there other mages who build a Gunblade?

Don't lie to us then.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA +3.

You know the pass.

>first picks a melee support
>complains about losing to cait/draven/thresh/sona

What champions repel normal players but attract autistic one tricks and tryhards

>won too much now i'm getting shitty games to even it out
hate this

not really

Forced 50/50 is the worst

>playing pre30 normals
>midlane zed gets totally destroyed
>threatens to afk if our jungler doesn't camp for him
>surprise he doesn't actually afk
>just starts spewing more shit about how it's everyone else's fault he's losing

I've seen Shiphtur build it on Ekko.

Obligatory Singed, Nasus, Teemo, Riven, Yasuo, Zed, Vayne reply

Sion. Until recently (when QT started playing him with full lethality) despite people talking about how good he was, I never actually saw anyone play him outside of devoted mains.

Yeah so essentially there's nothing I can do aside from playing Sivir. Crying for my team to help doesn't work well, especially if the Teemo in question ignores teamfights and just randomly camps around map, resulting in his team losing fights but still somehow contesting objectives successfully because. It all boils down to my initial feeling being relatively accurate: I can not do anything against Teemo as an ADC unless I can literally one-shot him before I get blinded. That's just utterly frustrating.


i'm pretty sure you need written confirmation from a psychologist that you're on the spectrum in order to play singed in ranked

riven, zed, yasuo and vayne are the normie champs tho

I get something similar but it's mainly the game telling me to stop abandoning my sushi dish

They also tend to tryhard.

Wtf did you just say about my old main, you little bitch?

Mord, Aurelion Sol, Heimerdonger

Singed is so common its not noteworthy anymore.

this is the most retarded insult made
if youre not playing to win you shouldnt play a competitive game

you played lulu and didn't buy ardent

Assuming you already own every champion (and don't care about Ashe), which one is the most cost efficient in terms of getting skins?

Literally Kled

what does this even mean
is it an insult

2 orbs and essence

Does the Chroma include the Championship skin?

So really just assassin mages seem to use it then.

worlds orb
legacy orb is actually a scam
legacy skins are much cheaper and you can buy them during special events and xmas anyway.

No, and it also requires you buy the pass. Pay up, goy.

Do not buy the legacy orb.

tryharding in league is usually the person who goes for dives lvl 3 when the enemy has both sums up

he's the person who never stops pushing and who says "takes 3 to kill me" in all chat when he dies

he tries hard to make himself look good and refuses to think as a teammate

Anyone on NA up for some norms to fuck around in?

IGN is BlockyCommando

> Heimerdinger

dead champion, completely useless now.

I'm merely reply to the post asking which champs attract autistic one tricks and "tryhards", I agree it's a dumb insult. I believe in this case it's being used to describe the kind of people that think they are super skilled but they end up shitting the bed and blame their teammates for the loss and tell them to uninstall, and when they don't shit the bed they shittalk the enemy.

>my shitter of a friend fell from g4 to g5 yet ANOTHER time
>a smug smile creeps on my face

so many waifus pics, can yall give me some feet of your waifu?

thats not tryharding thats just a retard or an idiot

The term tryhard has nothing to do with that and shouldnt really be used ever
most of the times it is used is in bronze or silver whatever when somebody calls you a tryhard because theyre losing so they pretend to not care by implying that they arent trying


ahhhh i love riven, wish there was more of her.

How can you not contest objectives if you win all team fights?

And when you do find him, stay behind your team so he burns his blind on someone else. He can't blind the whole team


vg vs vg is up on NA, password is vidya needs a few

I'd build it on TF if I felt like building a meme item. I actually like GLP as an item so I have another source of damage on TF, but it's hard to justify the purchase when RoA is just plain better. I would just swap out GLP for Gunblade and build Lichbane and Luden's then try to oneshot someone with all of the extra damage sources.


My adc was Ezreal and nobody else could benefit from it.

>20+ Annie

only got one but here u go

Because Jinx makes me feel things and also



Why is intro bots disabled? What is it?

What is Lulu trying to tell us?

>>the arms
too big friend

Does it REALLY require you to buy the pass?

I HAVE the pass, and i already have 100 after 1 week, and apparently this runs for 5 weeks, so im sure if you buy the pass you can get the chroma + MORE


VG vs VG is up on NA
password is vidya
needs like 3


Ezreal still likes on-hit effects and attack speed isn't necessarily bad on him. It lets him stack Fervor faster and apply his other on-hits faster (BotRK and Muramana).

Because teams manage to lose fights 4v5. Because mushrooms around objectives pick up kills. Because a good Teemo waits for me to try and go for an objective then flanks. I'll try and stay behind teammates, so far it's not working. It's not like I lose every game against Teemo, most games he is useless as fuck. But if he isn't, I feel 100 % unable to do anything and he is like a one man army of annoying aids-infested plague rats.

>only having one
You are disappoint.



i look like a retarded dr. suess character and kids without a strong male adult figure in their life latch on to me to pretend they are still living their childhood

ezreal benefits from attack speed and onhit damage just as much as any other adc if not more, since his q procs on hit

just a lil tip for future games

That's pretty interesting. I try to build TF with attack speed but I'm not having much luck with it.

I once put gunblade on Malz, since he gets full vamp on E, R. He gets decent lifesteal but I think stacking AP is better than slight health sustain.

vg vs vg +1



which league girl would be best for watching a serbian film with?