/drg/ - Danganronpa General

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Previous thread "Tsumugi is the mastermind, these are your survivors, DR1/2 are fictional media, and fuck you" edition

>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)

>New to DR
pastebin.com/mnduF4qj - Spoiler free guide *MUST READ IF YOU ARE NEW*
pastebin.com/MUdQJedT - In-depth gameplay mechanics and information

>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc/Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair:

>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls:

>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony:

>Danganronpa Interviews and Articles

>Download pastebin *contains DOWNLOADS "wink", art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*

>Danganronpa fan works pastebin *contains links to fanart, fan-fiction, and dr-related artists*

I love Junko!

I want to be Ouma's dumb dog!

Angie's beloved Tenko!

>This OP
Well then...
Kyoko is the best girl

I miss the Hoshi bread

>only 3 survivors
Seriously, is the next game if there is one gonna have no survivors, or something?


I don't know if you're the Naejunko user, but if you are, I love you.

Nice screenshot bud


God the fact that v3's ending is so meta with all the truth and lies but at the exact same time nothing is confirmed or denied pisses me off so much.

I want to fuck Kaito.

what was the point of the "game ends when there are two survivors" rule

Koko! A new bread with new discussion.. Right?

>oumafag claims they don't go nuclear
>goes nuclear

So going off what Monokuma said about the Necronomicon, is anyone actually really dead in V3? Or was using the Necronomicon just going to involve memory fuckery?

Yeah I ship them

Ouma is shit




So do I.


i speak for the audience

How long until we get gachaposting?


That's just how they are. They're literally 12 years old which is fitting since Ouma acts like that too.

I've got no mcfucking clue, and I doubt we'll ever know the truth.

I love her stinky sister!

Well now I want to see Saihara, Kaito, and Maki eat at a diner or fast food joint.
It's already begun, there's already Bonus Mode posting, so not long until the Gacha rage begins

Wow, this guy is literally me when I was 12


>inb4 they were all under the effects of drugs and nobody actually died/killed

It's part of the reality show, pretty simple.

Considering that Team Danganronpa has the ability to literally manufacture human beings from a clean slate using nothing more than the body of a volunteer, they could've just found a Rantaro lookalike, put Rantaro's personality into him, and sent him back into the killing game

this two survivors must be participate in next game one survivor, other mastermind

nee-san big dick

I don't really get this whole 'fiction' thing. The killing games are technically more like game shows than strict fiction. Saihara and the rest are just real people who had their memories fucked. I'm not sure what's the point of them viewing themselves as characters. I mean theoretically there even is a life outside of the killing game for them, because their original selves must have had family/friends


Now that the dust has settled what is the best final case in your opinion? Which game had the best cases overall?
For me the final case in 2 is still the best. In 3 I figured most of it out after exisal showed up with the video.
Meanwhile in 2 I was thinking "What the fuck is going" the entire time

Okay, wait, where the fuck is this from? I don't remember that background

Shouldn't the game end on three people then? Because if there's three of them and somebody gets killed the vote will be a tie

>If you wanna make my golden brain tingle, start circlejerkin' your limpdick brains!
>limpdick brains
What is this English?

Why are you still alive then, user?

Can someone provide me those super smug pics? I know there's one for Rantaro, Korekiyo, and Kaede

Yeah, but it's impossible to get their original memories/personalities back. Their entire existence is because of a couple writers in a boardroom somewhere. And would you really want friends or family that happily watch killing games for fun?

That makes no sense though, it's an immediate process. They'd have to be prepared to have a copy standing by for every student just in case. Then they'd have to implant memories consistent with everything and it'd be a huge cluster fuck.

Nope. Sorry Jewell.

When Saihara is "remembering" that they were all put into Cryosleep before they were "launched" into "space"

Does chapter 5 justify and/or redeem Ouma's chapter 4 nonsense?

Where are you getting that information from?

So this is what perfection looks like

I want to heal Miu and Saihara so bad

Cease. Never remind me of the DR1 anime again.

TV tropes mention there are 4 Endings, Good, Normal, Bad and True.
How do you get the normal ending? Is that the time out gimmick in chap6?



I rolled U Mikan before with 0.5% odds

i agree, the final case in 2 is an accurate representation of what makes danganronpa so great. the result is something that really only works in dangaronpa

I think one ending is from the Death Road minigame.

Now I really need to know where in the folders they keep backgrounds for the main game

>heal Miu
She doesn't need healing though
Unless you mean resurrect

Hard to believe he was redeemable but they did it.

It hurts...

Do cards actually affect anything? I tried playing S character and it seems they're exactly the same

Isn't True Ending the Space Mode ending?
If so then it's like
>Bad: Chapter 6
>Normal: Get t hrough Death Road
>Good: Full story
>True: Space Mode

why didn't gonta hide the toilet paper on him instead of throwing it away

>tfw I really want to play the bonus game but I can't bear playing through the main story in order to unlock it

I want Rantaro to sit on my face

They're fiction because their personalities, memories, backstories, even their actions are dictated by a script that they're compelled to adhere to. How they were written is the only way they know how to express themselves

Himiko was scared to learn the truth because the script said so, Maki was furious to learn the truth because the script said so, you could even speculate that the entire "I refuse to vote" plotline was devised without Tsumugi's knowledge by other co-writers

They're "fiction" in that they can't break the 4th wall and stop acting.

gonta not smart
gonta panic

Apparently, that's the "good" ending.
Normal ending is described like this:
Kiibo goes berserk and kills Tsumugi and destroys the whole school (but we don't learn all the secrets about the killing game).

So aside of the time limit shit, I really can't tell how you trigger that one.
And speaking of which, I found that part incredibly convulated, with the debris hitbox, the time still running under some situations etc.

Space mode? As in the school mode? I don't think so.

Kokichi couldn't manipulate his intelligence.

Idk. Find out in V2 I guess

You level up and get talent points at a multiplied rate when you use S and U cards
Some U cards (Mukuro, Junko, Maki) can even change some of the interactions

No, you get the "True ending" trophy from clearing the School Mode.


I want to fuck kirishitter

t. Mitty

Kaede's plan was completely retarded. She had no way of knowing music would be playing to block out the sound of the shotput ball, so she was basically praying the mastermind was deaf and that her dumb setup would hit him exactly

Space mode? Isn't it called Salmon mode?

Seriously, HOW?

There's so many things wrong with this post.


t. esl-bot

And even with the music playing her plan didn't work out. She's an ultimate pianist what can you really expect.

>space mode is the true ending
>killing game and hiccshon itself is just hiccshon
Hmm...really makes you think

I didn't claim that but okay.


What's the Space Mode?

They built a fuckhuge techdome and have the ability to implant false memories and pilot giant mechas, they clearly have ridiculous amounts of money at their disposal for fringe cases like this

Everything about the 16 ultimates was a fabrication, from their memories to their personalities. They constructed every participant from scratch in that regard, so they could "make" a second Rantaro by using his memory template on a look-alike

Is this some kind of gacha game? What the "N", "S" and "U" mean?

Nobody said ever.

V3's version of School/Island mode

N= Normal
S= Super
U= Ultimate


Her plan was retarded from the start. We know this for sure. It's probably the most retarded plan in the series thus far

>Salmon Mode
Literally what? I think we call it Space Mode because of the fact that the trophy (true ending) attributed to it has a rocket in it.

It started playing shortly before she rolled the ball, right? Did Monokuma put it up on purpose?

shuichi discover kaede suffer of food coma
he gives her food and she suddenly falls asleep
he start to pat her ahoge