League of Legends General - /lolg/

pls buff best adc thanks
sanjuro edition too

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>Imagine playing a game where this guy is the most popular streamer


I fixed her

I want to mindbreak this vastayan slut.

ekko buffs when




-Top main.

xth for 700k mastery Annie

>tfw no qt petite gf

Same desu, but I'll probably have to narrow down my champ pool. And then some of them might turn to be not viable because of their reliance on runes and lack of proper comensation knowing Riot (since I'm playing mostly jungle).

please respond.

you can't actually think that cait is worse than trist&co

xth for Syndra

Who's S tier support now that Janna is ded? inb4 sona


Wait isn't that the black fire thing from Naruto?

>build tabis
Effectively take 80% reduced damage from ad champs
>build 6 mr/hp items
Get chunked for half your health by any ap champ with 1 item

Hehe xd

where is your blue? pic is from a few months ago

yea, i'm playing with a Vi page, against squish targets

I know you're baiting, but the Naruto shit is named after the Japanese Sun Goddess in Shinto, as are a lot of things in that series. The ability in that image is from Smite, in which Amaterasu is a playable character.

> Imaqtpie feeding on new Xin Zhao in every single lane from ADC (lmao) to top while laughing his ass off the whole time

Do other players ever mind it though? The people in his elo.

should i make a new account and OTP skarner on it?


>people want to fuck this canonically ulgly tumblr trash

The bigger they are the harder they _______


but I swear that thing was called Amaterasu

Anyone here interested in boosting me from s1 to plat 5 for 70 bucks?

Do it for her, user.

Please watch the beyond the rift episode with tyler1 to see how he felt about qtpie playing yasuo bot in his masters promos

People actively attempt to dodge Qt so yeah they do.

Lmao that's like working below minimum wage.

Truly the most sexually skilled champ. Nothing is more satisfying than this.

It was. All the Sharingan eye techniques were named after Shinto deities. Amaterasu, Susanoo, Tsukuyomi, Izanami, Izanagi, etc.

xth for breast metal waifu

>Played with a zed who lost to Ap cho mid

I would try this personally. Electrocute would be better for raw burst. You can also swap out zombie ward/ghost poro for eye ball collection if you don't mind giving up some vision control. On PBE atm if you get 20 eye ball stacks it gives you lethality/magic pen. Sudden impact also gives you lethality/magic for 3 seconds.

where the fuck is this rune calculator, I can't find it no matter what I put in google

>Anything winning lane against Cho

oh boy

Dyrus wanted nothing to do with Qt's Ad Sion rampage

The guy plays standard ADC at a challenger level in NA. Why does he troll? ADC Xin Zhao lmao, that was the highlight of the morning.

When's new Eve going live?


It's not updated, though. Some runes got changes on PBE and the third Inspiration keystone got added.

Surgeon shen is a great skin, the giant scalpel is interesting to see. I own all the shen skins, so I just ask my team mates which they want to see me play. Surgeon and scorpion are the most requested, blood moon is the least. (despite being my favorite).

riot sanjuro

how the fuck do i play against jhin honestly i dont remember a single game ive won against that fucker
>dude just all in after 4th shot hahaha
yeah im totally gonna run over to him past his big ass creep wave just to get q'd and w'd

So I've been thinking, does it really matter what (game) we spend/waste our time on? Like I personally think League is a pretty shit game, but I still get some satisfaction from it, enough to keep me going through the struggles. Yet I wonder if perhaps I'd be better off not playing it at all, but then I'm like, then I'm just gonna be bored. And being bored isn't fun. So I'll just play some League.


Who's the artist?

>those bulges

It's Liam O'Brien chewing the scenery, it's fantastic. He's wasted on the default Yasuo VO. He's meant to do voices like Lezard Valeth and Illidan.

not being knowledgeable is not baiting you moron, learn how to use buzzwords

So he can have an excuse for being bad.


>Someone makes a buff Caitlyn thread
>I don't get to shitpost "buff Caitlyn "


They are both cancer.

One is yordle cancer and the other is just Piltover garbage.

They are both ok as is.

Can you run multiple instances of the new client like you could with the old one?

Does your faction have jawlines this chiseled, lolg?

What ward skin do you use?

Default because who cares bout the pointless cosmetics.

Penguins are my favorite animals.

because your mother never loved you
because it's difficult to gauge the angle and timing to bounce back the fire ram due to the animation of ornn's tackle

it could be worse

Flowers, so i can drop them near the waifu

Whats the current op vlad build?






Wouldn't they be comparable if Sona's weren't saggy?

What's a support I can learn that will carry the lane? It seems like I'm always stuck vs a duo or with an ADC that doesn't grasp any of the basic concepts of the game. (Vayne chasing a 70% hp Xayah into their tower and dying 2 times in a match.)

Blitz with mobis rush is my go to choice when autofilled.

Do you rush memebelt or sorc maskthing and voidstaff?
Replace mejas for d-cap if not hilariously ahead?

Hook supports, ap supports, and Pantheon. Take your pick.

>Can mock Xayah for her tiny tiddies

Christ she's literally perfect.

>TFW you realize you own Blitz and 3 skins for him yet haven't played him since Season 1.

belt for lane -> mask -> sorc -> void -> hat -> zhonya

You mean except for the fact where she's Rakan's whore

> 1-14 (no seriously) with Kled
> ...bad game

Do people just roll with it or mind in his elo

Small tits have their own charm. They're much more sensitive for starters.

>Pick any crit ADC
>Outscale him by 20 minutes

Isn't Dyrus just like perma camped by everyone and their mother?

>literally no ntr porn yet

>not ripped and busty as fuck
lmao @ ur headcanon

There's quite a lot of it if you know where to look.

Doesn't rugged garen have this?
Is rugged garen a noxian in disguise?

play safe

Is this actually true or just a meme

t. handholdless virgin

Need name suggestions for a Yasuo only account

Anyone else having trolls every other game? Not excuses, but actual people running it down mid?

It's like no one cares cos the season is ending.

He went something like 0/11 on Xin the other day and all his Annie mid only cared about was how Zac didn't give her 1 (one) blue buff and was absolutely livid over it for the rest of the game. He even commented that he was surprised that Annie was mad at Zac instead of him in chat and she brushed it off like it was nothing.

Tahm Kench, if your adc is competent enough then you can just continue going support and act as a tank peeler/save but if your adc is shit you can just finish off your sighstone and maybe your relic shield and become the team's frontliner.

Bonus is that during early 2v2's in your bot, the enemy adc and support tend to focus on your ADC. In all my games I've never seen one enemy matchup that hasn't backed off from Tahm until I have 3 stacks, but by then you can just Q Stun, W them and deliver a free kill for your ADC on a silver plate. Maybe its because I play in OCE where people are shit but idk.

yea i wasnt sure if i should go Domination - sorcery or vice versa
I was thinking that with phase + celerity + Sudden impact it'd be enough to substitute the burst from electrocute while giving me more sticking power especially for mobile targets
I dont get how eyebals work though, is the stack consumed every time you atack a champion?

chin looks like a ballsack in the art

>Missed the "ntr" part
Yup I'm retarded.

I dunno my first gf was flat as a board but SUPER sensitive there. Then again she was Asian so maybe it's just some weird gook thing.

Edge of Wind
Kamikaze Sensei

depends on the person more than the size

Azir feels kinda OP now. Sometimes he feels useless but when the enemy team cant get to you in time its legit sad to watch them run away and die.


Kench with a competent ADC is almost an auto win. You just refuse to ever let them die.

Varies from person to person but girls with a smaller chest tend to be more sensitive then most.

I wanna cuddle Jinx

Returning player here.

5 decides my new main.

I used to just play whatever I wanted but right now I need to focus on just 1 champ so I can get to gold 5.


How come his points didn't go below -100 with that score?