/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Catboys General

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>Updated! PVP mode, Beast Tribes, Manderville, and more in 4.1 teasers.

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First for stop being lizardfags

Hikari Kyutama

putt won the ebin war

rate my lizard

i need a catboy slave like that desu

Everything you do is shit.

Lizards are best

>hey user let's be friends!
>alright, sure! I love making friends!
>by the way, I play mal-
aaand no more replies

Not yours. :^)


i actually really like creepy scales lizard...

According to my research playing a male character makes you stronger in body and mind!

how to fix error 90006
Poor df party is probably still waiting for me

Shitty servers. Give it a minute and try logging in again.

it looks like you took the face off the corpse of a lizard and are now wearing it


happy birthday catboy
is ok

Now I can finally rest.

what does it say about making friends ;_;

beyond rude.

Don't have a problem logging in, there's just gamebreaking lag and inevitable disconnect every time I try to DF something

Grats! Right before next patch too

>he isn't friends with the top players of the game
>he isn't deeply involved in behind the scenes with tier 1 players
>he doesn't talk to cute girls like pic related
>he doesn't upload only good parses
LMAOing@your life /xivg/ all pathetic nobody's. maybe if any of u were good at the game like abe youd get in with all the tier 1 raiders like he does no wonder he doesn't come here anymore.

What's the best way to make gil right now?

Yes, and?

Ping the servers to test your connection. And stop downloading porn.

gathering and then making expensive things from those mats

abe has:
>tier 1 players of the game
>is involved with behind the scenes high level raiding drama
>cute girls in 191100151's post
>able to get any shitty parse wiped out due to high lvl patreon supporter because he has a high paying job irl and wants to succeed ingame too

haters of abe are:
>a cuck
>poor irl
>suck at the game

wtf is a buqwok

is that a ultrash buzzword?


I'd be friends with a male roe.
Or at least I would if I wasn't unbearably shy.

How do I meld DRG?

>Ping the servers to test your connection
140ms for my data center
pinging goolag gets me 41ms
Not downloading anything

Direct hit > Crit > Determination
40 of any stat > 35 of any stat so don't waste stats!

I-is that sandcat up there?

I'm a very boring person who tells the truth too much that's what. You wouldn't want to be my friend. But if you really want to meet me on mateus in uldah near the fountain in 35 minutes when I get home.


Thanks guy. Here have this playlist.


post pic that they still exist pls

Then it's possible the instance servers are just shitting themselves for a bit. They do that occasionally and people get disconnected until it's fixed. If it keeps happening, submit a bug report for it. Not much else you can do.


I want to kiss an elezen on her elf lips

Probably doesn't help I'm on NA on a european server, but even pinging the NA datacenter it gives me 94ms

Sorry, my heart belongs to another.

Those legs. Hot af

But you are a fish!

do the ala mhiggo earrings work for DoL and DoH classes?


>The best lizard fanta'd just because someone told her to

It's not fair...

Anyone have some Renko lewd pictures? I wanna jerk off.

How did you make such an autistic looking lizard?

Why don't you ask them?


wait....yes I think

generally male roes are seen in a good light
and xivg has a catboi fetish
>tfw male but neither of those

i want this catdaddy to spank me

i hate catboys and male au ra

I don't know them.

>change from generic midlander to generic catboy
>get swarmed by autistic tells of people wanting to fuck me
back to human i go

Nobody ever talks about or posts male roes, which I guess is the highest praise they could get from this general.

Lady Yugiri is OKAY

If they won't talk to you because you play a male character they weren't worth talking to in the first place.

Just got into this, if I get something in Deltascape 1 can I get something in Deltascape 2 or is it all tied together?

o.. sry i'm dumb

You can get a drop each from every boss.

I don't really have much to say about them honestly, besides that every roegadude I've played with has been very nice to me.

It's a good feel
I'd be roe if I didn't want to main casters

Thanks friend.

ill give you one since im drunk but im heading to bed if you see me in a dungeon just try not to be awful and we'll run through it quick its fun rolling over everything since pld is over powered as hell right now

>static won't clear v4s before 4.1

Maybe I should just go full casual and just watch people streaming ultimate bahamut.

This thread has never been so slow. Are people seriously this tired of the game and this general?

It's even more scary because it's Sunday and most of you have no real life obligations, so you should be posting 24/7.

do you guys like my autism shoes

wait a week

What from GLD, LNC, ROG, CON, and THM should I level to 30 next when I take breaks from the monotony of post ARR MSQ?

It's unironically one of my favorite lizards too.

everyone is tired from the week and relaxing

ROG has best 1-30 quests in my opinion, but im also partial to THM/BLM once you get it rolling as well.

Faggotrine should return to not posting.

It's cool. I'm a male roe too, I was just always kinda curious if there were any more in here.



>Friends start playing
>Tag along with them on my main because why not
>Party up and kill some normal enemies in the field
>Apparently being near them stops them from gaining experience even if I don't attack anything

What's the deal? Did they add some "You must be within X levels of each other to gain experience" bullshit?

not wanting a qt middie sugar daddy

>Did they add some "You must be within X levels of each other to gain experience" bullshit?
Pretty sure its been that way since 2.0 dropped

how new

Not like world xp matters anyways. It's basically nothing

honestly im fine with all players I dont care if you want to be hardcore or just RP as whatever but all I ask is that people play your damn class, dps a bit as a healer, use your damn CD's as a tank, especially if you're dying easily. That "you dont pay my sub" bullshit annoys me more than anything, sure I dont pay for your time but why does that mean you can waste mine? Im not asking for you to be perfect but at least be average, dungeons arent that hard theres no excuse for being awful

How do I into PLD glams?

>fanta my male highlander to female aura
>my old lewd friends won't talk to me anymore
the ACTUAL fucking faggots...

Is anyone here excited for 4.1?

Make yourself look like a Saracen as best as you can.

>trying to look like a saracen

You're supposed to go on a holy crusade to drive the saracens from the holy land, you fucking heretic. Not dress up like one. What's the matter, can't handle a righteous crusade?

go heavy plate armor, anything less is heresy and you might as well be a heathen degenerate

1 dungeon, 1 raid, 1 primal. Not really you erping loser

Does the connection status on the char select screen even fucking mean anything? It says 'good' but I keep getting disconnects and the ping to the datacenter is terrible

It's your ping to the server, I think.

I mean, sure if they were knights from earth. But these paladins are the personal guard of the ruler of a merchant city-state in the middle of the desert.

why do you hate malera

he's paks, a fucking grown man that erps as a futa lizard

absolutely nothing

Too tall. Doesnt make sense

they aren't cute and are usually bad when I get them in DF