Guild Wars 2 General - /gw2g/

>What is Guild Wars 2?
Guild Wars 2 is an active free-to-play MMORPG from ArenaNet, the sequel to Guild Wars 1, with events taking place 250 years after its timeline.

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Just like Moco

This one's actually pretty bad.


Mario cam zoomed out if I need to walk along any narrow paths.


You can, but its not necessary in the slightest. The player will spend most of the game with the camera locked behind the protagonist.

that's actually pretty well drawn, very stylish with good linework. too bad the subject is shit.

In my opinion, every protag is better than Nanashi

Really? Isn't it PS2?

the sad thing is, that there was one, and it was removed from sale due to some copyright bullshit and now its impossible to find.

>she will never appear in the game

you seem upset friendo!!

i feel like mega man x is the game i can start easily and play, but not play through just cause i felt like having quick fun

Legit though, Mario World, LTTP, Super Metroid, Superstar, that's some peak gaming right there

its a well designed game and it's the way it is for a reason

wtf are you even babbling about

They do, that's called an avenger defense. Sabotage could be like stuffing a bomb or poorly made piece of equipment into a supply shipment.

X-Men arcade (6 player version)


>California, British Columbia
>no oregon
back you go

Can someone explain to me what the fuck antifa is?


It was atmospheric as fuck though. I don't know how N64 games do that. I really don't think it's just nostalgia.

>sports classics

be glad you arent a kid anymore otherwise leave this board!

aww fuck. thx for reminding me about 3s

The whitey box art looks x10 better you slant-eyed faggot.

What happens when you take off her eyepatch? Does she get more excited?

Only step up from the beta version which I agree is pretty big but none the less, everything else seems to of gotten worse.


Just default. I never have to fuck with it that much.

One of the worst feels. the Gamespy network was my entry into online game interest. Spent so much time on Classicgaming downloading ROMs, PlanetUnreal downloading custom maps and skins, etc, all gone thanks to IGN aka Satan.

You play as classic FE characters and you can marry them and have OC kids

That's my gf's nursing book senpai. I'm not that smart.

Many GG games have been hacked to run on SMS. Most people use a Genesis Everdrive.

Google GG2SMS

>player can play dungeons in the wrong order without knowing it

They are numbered.

8g on the left, 10g on the right. 18 grams in total. The scale on the right couldn't possibly count the number 10 so it would have just defaulted to 9 anyway, so despite the scale not displaying properly it still displays correctly as 9.

I'll fire up bloodlines

M2 is one thing, that's an action game. SotC is most deffinitely anti violence. The game tries to make the player feel as shitty as possible for playing it.

>it's about about controlling our demons
Nigga what shrooms are you on? Hook me up though.

>cold steel
Like a robot?

Child molestation, not pedophilia. Learn English.

the darknut rooms in zelda are bullshit and you know it, just fucking admit that the darknut rooms were shit design

Ok OP.

can I be your 3rd medic backup?


Does anyone know a way to keep a window open always on bottom rather than on top so I can do stuff that only takes part of the screen without having to click away every time I'm done?

does the starfox 1 rom work on flashcart?

The Mass Effect universe is boring as fuck.

Has anyone played RJ199106 ?

Any clue on what to do on this game?

I must be missing something in this game because all I can do is touch her tits and surely there has to be more to this game.

Wii U's VC is the worst product nintendo has ever produced.

Ask why she untied pigdog.

shit man, havent played in like a month.
Iam so out of touch with prices.

Ask and ye shall receive bark bark

>maps the size of a hong kong apartment
>4 guns for each class
>has an aimbot problem already
>vac anticheat (almost as bad as fairfight)
>half the german and american armies are black women

>still playing this shit

>waiting for the update

until twitch streamers and normies move onto something else

mid and bot isn't that obvious

Is this by Tristan Whitehead?
If not it cant be any good.

Can i have a tl;dr of what is happening in this thread and why with these posts? Cant get on discord rn

There was never any game as big as star craft, man

And Hearthstone will still have more players at any given time of stagnation than MTG. It's Blizzard, they do not abandon their games.

What's her role?

>having cash ore at all
p2w confirmed

remember when blizzard werent jews

yeah that was awesome


Springroll Purple's violent days are behind him. He's probably just bored having to do go "Boo!" all night.



Why is it so hard to make a good looking pyro

I like Chrono Trigger a lot, but I could never get into FF6. Too slow, too broken, too boring, too melodramatic, too overrated for me. FF5's where it's at.

a charge shot that doesn't lock on.

Whats with nips and their obsession with red irises? Isnt that a prime symptom of albinism?

Whose name is censored?


Move cecil below zidane and I can agree with this list

unironicly hundreds

1. Yumi 3
2. Asuka 1
3. Miyabi 1

...Just started.

take it from someone who just got muted for 2 days 10 minutes ago because our winston said 'everyone report X please'...this game is fucking cancer

It seems there is a separate reading of the map data for collision.

Stairway refuels your hand

Spot on really. apart from the rpgs since Im not a fan.

>brandishing his weapon
>didn't know the local language
Don Esteban was just rightfully protecting his life and his property

I named it Sens6 because I'm looking at Sense8 at the moment. Creative overload going on.

No no, you misunderstand.

I think the replies there would be very humorous.

Fury of the Furries?


Fuck yeah.


Only normal person from Young Avengers

Am i seeing things or arrows travel like double as faster on higher difficulties compared to samurai?

Legions were nice
But the little kid in me thought Centurions were GOAT.

I see what you did there op. trying to start a shape war.
>tfw too intelligent

I've lurked just enough to know about that meme.

What? This argument is about a retard saying that winning the UDS doesn't mean anything.

Someone has unfinished business with the man on the stretcher.

>tfw floating islands
>need clay to progress
>cant find any fucking clay because floating islands
the horrors

He's been sent to the camp

You do know you have to be 18 to post here, right?

>tree boss
>"my bark is worse than my bite"