/fg/ - Falcom General #108

Previous thread: Miss Erebonia edition.

Watch out: CS3 Spoilers in the thread.

>Trails of Cold Steel PC out now:


>A version of the old Zero no Kiseki fan translation was leaked:


Don't forget to support the games and spoiler the spoilers!

>Latest news

- Ys VIII released, but PC release date delayed due to issues with the port: steamcommunity.com/app/579180/discussions/0/1484356232247880393/

- Sen III trailer has been subbed: youtube.com/watch?v=QGfoGCWHLgI

- The trailer for Sen III is out: youtube.com/watch?v=fr-8b6S6HOQ

- Trails of Cold Steel III's on track for Japanese release on September 28th of this year, confirmed PS4 exclusive. News/article translations: gematsu.com/tag/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-of-cold-steel-iii

- Short CS3 TV ad: youtube.com/watch?v=NYaV_GNqyCo

- Ys Seven is out on PC: store.steampowered.com/app/587100/Ys_SEVEN/

- Zwei II coming to PC via XSEED (Summer), preview stream: youtube.com/watch?v=3gVOBPNrNgU

- Tokyo Xanadu out on Vita, improved EX+ version on PS4/PC scheduled for late 2017

- Cold Steel 2 confirmed for PC, release date pending

>Older news

- Check out these Trails FC & SC updates, re: translation improvements (xseedgames.tumblr.com/post/159288714430/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-series-localization)

Pastebin (aka music): pastebin.com/G2mswYCt

Extra Stuff (Guides, links, CS undub): pastebin.com/n2G4xL5s

Other urls found in this thread:


Calvard when?


How far would've Rean went if Altina was murdered instead

Arteria when?

Same. It's not like there was anything worse to do at that point.

Bitch would have cut Azure and Steel in half right there and then


I can't wait for "Calvard when ?" by user 34.

Well yes, that's because non-gay Japan has shit taste and will always favor boys with medium-length, straight blue-black hair.

>judging from the Western Kiseki fanbase.
The western Kiseki fanbase are fucking retarded manchildren who can't stop knocking their wood for sword autism, they're not to be taken into consideration when discussing female characters

post lewd

Not much different, I would think. Rean loves all his friends equally.

Spinoff when
He has three elemental powers already

I don't know why they insist on making games with new characters when everyone just wants to play with Dogi and sometimes Geis.

We're going to ask you to stop.


Havent played Sen yet, I hear you can pair Rean with other characters, but I was mainly wondering if the sequels know who you paired him with?

As in, is there carry over?

>said the guys who already got a boobfull in the face

There are a few minor extra lines. Otherwise the 1-2 carryover is based on your rank and level. It doesn't lock you into a pairing or anything like that.

Falcon will be milking Sen for so long that it'll be half way through the PS5's life when we finally get Calvard games.

After Sen no Kiseki: The Last Saga -Alternative-

You mean after Sen no Kiseki After and Sen no Kiseki: Rean's Love Story.

Rean is a lucky man.

>Juna's entire existence in CS3 is just there to be doujin fodders and be cute with Kurt.

Adol is the grandmaster

That's exactly what people are looking though.

Be lewd and especially be lewd to their lover.

So Kurt wanted to breed like rabbits with Juna.

Kurt mating press Juna when?

You're kidding us, anons. The only Juna doujins we're getting are either scat doujins or faceless fat men doujins.

>no floppy middle ear
This is inaccurate artwork.

Kurt and Juna making love afterschool in the classroom when

there is no more space issue but still split the game in two part just tom maximize the jewz powers. kondo is mistake.

Here you go.

I do not believe in that rumor of Chinese Localization either.

Yes, in my experience most businesses are interested in money. The issue is whether we get value for that money. In this case I'd say we do since, controversial sudden though fairly obvious cliffhanger aside, it's a 70-80-hour game that uses that time more efficiently than usual for the series.

>kondo is mistake

There also seems to be a thing against making ungodly (100 hour plus) games in Japan.

Persona 5 had cut stuff too simply because it was "too long" in the staff's eyes.

They didn't split anything. Or did you honestly expect a 200 hours long game?

didn't you mean 15-20 hours actually new content,
40-50 hours boring ass dungeon, the same quest each game and all enemy that end up teleport away since the first game

No, I didn't mean that, but thanks for your pathetic shitpost.

How many months will it take before i can try to give juna her crosbell back in english?


Found the proof
>The localization team has not earned the right to localize yet.
>The head of translation center don't know a thing about the script until she is spoiled by Kondo himself.

Fuck Kondo

Based Kondo btfo anti-CSfags.


So basically they ended up with some DQVII-tier sprawl and realized they couldn't possibly finish it all in a reasonable time and still turn a profit selling it for the price of one game?

I know all we have at most are very easy runs of the game, but how is it on hard/nightmare?

Is the game difficult, thus fun? If the game can be settled by equiping people with the 2x damage quartz and spamming scrafts like in cs2, then i'm out.

Cs2 was basically scraft them to death before they can. It was shit.

Nope it's trash, wait for Calvard.

I'm playing it on nightmare and random battles are joke with Kurt's + Juna's Brave Order.

Some bosses are still considerably hard though.

>The localization team has not earned the right to localize yet.

Do they have to swordfight Kondo for the right or something? How exactly do you earn that.

>its trash, wait for these other trash that will come in 2020

How about no.

That's how NISA will take CS from XSeed.

then you're out of luck, CS is trash and we have more coming

I thought this is generally bad practice in general no?

Ys 8 has quite a self-contained story but if NISA took CS3, wouldnt that be kind of a problem given that now they have to make sure they dont confuse players who have played the prequels?

They can just rename it Cold Steel: the first saga and market it as an entry point.

I wish, maybe we won't have to wait 20 years for a localization announcement from xseed and 2 more years + 3 month delay for release.
We might even get an actual collector's edition this time and not a big, empty cardboard box!

They're talking about china localization there though.

Japan picks the weirdest things to assign grammatically incorrect English phrases to.

who the fuck think chinese is the cause of debacle despite they didn't have day one like the second game.

O warrior of NISA!

CSfags who want to shift the blame on someone else.

Stop using a screencap from SaGa to shitpost you damn mong

So how bad an asspull will it be when they somehow take out Osborne and unfuck the world in time for Crossbell's indenpendence.

That's the problem with hyping a villain for years. You can almost never come up with a good way to defeat someone like that.


Divergent laws will allow them to handwave it.

His main weapons are having a bunch of allies and a personal vehicle on par with the hero's, plus a horcrux they already know about. I'd say that requires less of an asspull than the vast majority of jrpg final bosses.

unless the process of defeating him is a bloodbath for the hero team. He already took out more people than weissman or mariabell.

Eh, that's always been the problem with Falcom. They're better at building up mysteries, plot points and arcs rather than giving a satisfactory answer to said mysteries.

Will have to see Sen IV to judge further though.

A lot of long-running manga are like that. But manga are weekly/monthly entertainment unlike video games.

The best way honestly is trying to hit Osborne's conscience at this point. Like, he's gone pretty much power crazy for his goals, but there has to be something still there of the old, idealistic Osborne. What would even make Osborne think he's gone too far?

It needs to be a multi-tiered, cinematic fight. With multiple stage changes (Start in Valflame, move to Heilmdar, nuke Heilmdar and fight in the massive hole of what's left, then have the grandmaster herself use her Aureole powers to transport everyone to some pocket dimension for the last round)

Have characters from all over the series make dramatic entrances, like, have Wazy arrive on a Merkaba during the "Heilmdar chase" battle and then something ridiculous like rogue Ouroboros agents like Vita protecting everyone with a barrier when the stage gets nuked.

Stuff like Rufus or Alberich joining in the middle of the mecha fight themselves riding new mechs to support Osborne. But make it cinematic like, like they're fighting another another group far in the distance and then notice Osbro is getting overwhelmed and come to his aid. While you're fighting Osbro, you can see the Rufus/Alberich fight stage in the distance.

Have Kevin Salt pale his ass after he tries to get back up after being defeated.

TL;DR make as over the top ridiculous as possible.

So what excuse would they give for Victor, Fast Arts Guy and Olivert surviving?

Guy, Karin, Misha and Lena saved them.

We are mecha now. You forgot some other stuff. Have the Divine Knights gattai into a bigger mecha with each part controlled by a different character. Have a mecha chase scene. Ariel divine knight battle.

The most important thing is that the finale needs to have everyone participate in the battle. Falcom's habit of jettisoning party members has never been good design and was especially annoying in the last two games when it was done for entirely arbitrary reasons.
Bleublanc or Toval's teleportation trick.

Victor could probably just survive the explosion and the subsequent drop by itself desu

They all could, but cutscene magic.

>The most important thing is that the finale needs to have everyone participate in the battle.
Oh yeah, absolutely. I even want cut-scenes with bridge bunnies like Fran and Michell dramatically coordinating everyone on site.

Why the fuck not, like I said, multiple stages. Normal Ozzy>Zenbu Ozzy>Ishmelga Ozzy>Ultimate Demiurgos Zenbu Ozzy the stupider the better. Like, this needs to be a 2 hour long fight

You'll get Infernal Castle part 3.

that sounds like winning him over the power of friendship

Yeah, lost interest in a lot og manga/anime series because buildup > payoff.

Hopefully that doesn't happen with the Kiseki series, it's the first fictional world I'm invested in after losing interest in anime.

But power of friendship is the strongest form of power to exist in Kisekiverse.

Is there anything the salt bolt couldn't obliterate? The church could make quick work of Ozzy and his cronies.

Eh, i'd rather have a simple battle. A duel between ALL OF ME Rean and Osborne would be pretty cool. It doesn't need flashy mechas or anything either, just a duel between two men under a crumbling castle. Kinda like HF's Kotomine vs Shirou.

I know their reactions imply they were geniunely taken by surprise and it wasn't some trick to fake their deaths, but it's weird how the whole ship seemed to be abandoned except for the 3 of them and 1 guy driving.

What was in Towa's final event?


Obviously, the Divine Knight fight keeps escalating as they destroy all their weapons and they're reduced to beating each other with their mecha's fists, then they get out of their mecha and have the final duel on foot.


that dude with the two fist up fighting stance seems to be using his hands, moneys on him to rape the rest

he also has that huge ass sword

>Missed one recipe book
>Now I can't even get max AP with one of crossbell quest in Sen 3

What is this fucking kusoge

>Open cheat engine
>You can get all the APs
It's that easy!

I used to post about how Osborne would survive the arc to scheme another day but after the shit he pulled in Sen 3 that would be unsatisfactory.

So basically they need to retread Weissmann but turn it up. Weissmann had a 3 stage fight, Osborne should get 5 or 6. Valimar sacrifices himself to stop Osborne's mech. Part of Osborne's plan gets btfo harder than Joshua's brainwashing. Ouroboros conveniently stabs him in the back at a critical point. Ein punches him in the face before they reveal how to kill him.

>running cheat engine on on an PS4

tell me your ways.

Boss tends to fuck you with one or two hits without the correct brave order, but the game got reasonably easier when you get people with break damage brave orders. I don't think most of them will die in one hit S-Craft but their HP pool isn't as large as Sora or crossbell games.

Also they nerfed quartz like waterfall where it does random additional % damage up to 50% instead of 100%

>moon door 5

What the ever living fuck was that all about?

I feel gassed

I feel like just before he dies he'll get some kind of moment with Rean.

I dunno how you beat CS on Nightmare without exploiting Domination. The late game bosses like the Cryptids and Mcdude have fuckhuge health pools that would take forever to deplete

Artes where also broken with the right set up