League of Legends General - /lolg/

Protect Her Smile Edition

Old: >Very Useful Links


>7.19 Patch Notes


>Champion Update: Evelynn Agony's Embrace





>Runes Reworked: Forge Your Path


>Ask Riot: Anivia or the egg?


>Champion and Skin Sales


Join us in the /lolg/ Official Stream, find the link on Eyoson

Come in and Have Some Fun!

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I want to make sure she never smiles again

I don't remember there being this many links

Why is she so perfect

reminder that i... *activates mangekyo sharingan* am diamond chakra level and do not belong with these silver elo genin fucks

Please help there are baguettes in my lobby

This is a Mordekaiser thread now

May great suffering follow in his path

>tfw so fed not even exhaust can stop you

being a morde main is suffering

Drinking Elo Tears(tm) will never be not satisfying

Post your top 5 mostly used champ and rate others

post perfection




you ever get some funny replies back



xth for Syndra

Bronze 1 to silver 5 promos. Flex is funny.

Who would win, lolg?

What's the trick?!

>Imagine playing a game where this guy is the most popular streamer


No trick

hey that trundle and lissandra comic is pretty good

Wait is Sona fag not here anymore? I almost him.

QT looks like a pretty chill dude, what's the problem?

Don't lie to me, you just don't want to reveal the secret.

>former pro
>understands his audience
Name 1 famous dota streamer who even speaks english

>making a thread before the other one reaches bump limit

Seriously, what is wrong with you?


i like his stairs but i hate his mess

>all this SHIT but no pick'ems

>Cool theme
>Somewhat interesting lore
>Fun albeit an outdated kit
>even if she's gotten nerfed, is still fun to play if shieldsluts aren't around
>Satisfying Q sound
>Has the superior Ionian genes
>Huge and soft ass
>Isn't a slut
Literally perfection that goes unnoticed.

>acquaintance of mine from another game lets me use his account to play League since I lost mine and i had an itch to play
>his is as OG as mine was, from 2009 with mad skins and every champ
>months pass
>we don't talk anymore, he unfollowed me from anything
>starts talking shit
>remember his LoL info
>go on the league website, he didnt have a verified email
>verify my email
>change the password
>new summoner name
get fucked noob this is my account now hahahahaha i am a nigger now

eu hours

I guess that explains it.

>so emotional and immature that he breaks someone's trust and steals their account because they "talked shit"

I hope you kys yourself

i just wanted a new league account and am too lazy to level to 30. him being a faggot just further incentivized me.


You're a bad person. You should return the account immediately

holy shit I think I know her

>soft ass
>implying her ass isnt so firm it could crush your dick


nah dog it's rought out here in these internet streets, catch you on the wrong block i might just steal your account and flip it for some more crack

leveling is twice as fast now and runes are about to cost no IP. Making a free account has never been easier.

I have no idea who the girl on the bottom is

>be Mordekaiser
>go top
>bully the fuck out of the enemy top
>almost kill the enemy top when the enemy jungle ganks
>suddenly can't bully the enemy top anymore
>suddenly you can't go anywhere near the enemy top anymore
>spend the rest of the game as a roaming minion that dies in the cross fire of every single teamfight
Every time

I see some nipple. Okay, she's really pretty, I'll give her that. But she'll never be as cute and innocent as my birb waifus.

shadow eve


>Her ass is so firm that she can lift you by the dick using her ass

i'd pull off a pretty good Olaf cosplay if I went to the gym more often desu

That's Shadow Evil Lynn, you dummy.


Pick one.

thanks nerds

are you ready for the porn flood

Irelia is probably in good enough shape to do that. Her entire body is firm.

I bet she could cleave a hill in twain with her clit alone.

Well that was fun even recieved an S. Too bad I had to to get veil for nid and lee.

Just give me a key, Rito.

lolg if you had to cosplay the league character that looks most similar to you who would it be

i unironically look like Taric if Taric was blonde

Hell yeah. Now we just need an actual shota champion to get hatefucked by Evelynn and everything will be great forever.

pics or didn't happen

I would cosplay rule 63 Darius, I legit look like his daughter

but the important question is how strong are her vaginal muscles

why not ekko for the sake of time travel where he literally cannot seem to escape evelynn and just barely escapes only leaving with "BEGONE THOT"


probably rakan or yasuo unironically

>be xerath main
>he's considered not that good
>quit for a year and a half
>come back
>ezreal is a jungler now
>tanks never die while also doing insane damage
>xerath and karthus are S tier
uh what did I miss

I guess I could gain a shit ton of weight and be gragas. He's balding right?

I bet they're strong enough to forcefully milk a man dry, creating a vacuum within his urethra through the application of controlled, rapid vaginal movements. She could even choke the life out of his dick that way.

Nunu is a shota I know people think he is the Yeti but he isn't. I really wish they give him an up. Unless you want a bit older person which would be Ekko but he has been around so much he might as well be an adult.

>its another midlane dies 4x times before 6 then starts spam pinging or ganks episode

Do people ship Darius and whom I can only assume is Lux?

Stop playing ult oriented junglers then so you could gank at any level.

would sex with her even require thrusting? Would you even be able to move?

>She could even choke the life out of his dick that way.
I hope she only does this to someone who angers her

>tfw look like Ace of Spades ezreal if he had more testosterone and muscles

>cinderhulk on Rhaast

how do I not get mad at my bf while we play i dont want to upset him

that's quiletta

No point in ganking a fed midlaner when Im not equally fed

Also how the fuck can a Xin zao thats 2 levels down with 4 kills kill me in a 1v1 as khazix with 10 kills
the fuck
I was destroying him all game then somewhere aorund level 15 he completely destroys me in the 1v1

Oh, yeah, there's Nunu. Sorry, I always forget about him, but you're right, he's the perfect size and age to be bullied by a titty monster. Also due to a VGU if I'm not mistaken.

>more testosterone and muscles
i feel like that defeats the appeal of ezreal though otherwise you're just blonde taric

remember it's just a video game. i never get mad at my gf when we play league because i care more about her feelings than my elo. i can always get more elo, there's only 1 of my gf

same but i have 9 chests and no keys



Strong enough that if she rides you, she'd drag your hips upward if she moves up before crashing down hard on your defenseless cock that's permastuck inside her since you're not the one fucking Irelia, Irelia's the one who fucking you.

>remember it's just a video game. i never get mad at my gf when we play league because i care more about her feelings than my elo. i can always get more elo, there's only 1 of my gf

the problem is i'm really, really bad at the game so I feel bad for making us lose and it makes me angery even tho he probably doesnt care

do you like league? if you don't like the game then just tell him you don't want to play league anymore because you suck and it's stressing you out. i'm sure it wouldn't be a big deal, just play something else with him.

>silver 5 eu west

What? Who?

Nope. The sensations would in and of themselves probably prove too much for most men, they're reduced to babbling fuck toys at her hands - especially so during their refractory period. Irelia is not evil or malicious, of course, so she merely uses her vaginal grip to deny or enable her partner's ejaculation rather than neuter them. Befitting such a sexually dominant individual, she's very confident and level-headed in a relationship. She can be a kind and loving partner. But she does screw her boy toys raw.

>be toplane main
>not a silver surfer
>many cancer picks exist top
>only play meele splitters
>Gnar exist and shits on all picks
>play perfect game or lose lane
>he builts frozen mallet
>you now can ff the game
Why does this champ has a right to exist? He literally is the biggest aids pick top ,bigger than kennen/jayce or pantheon.

He literally deletes the right to existing of 90% top champion after getting mallet.I saw hashinshin rage about him,I know hash is not mental stable person but he was so right about this champ....

I ban him in like 90% of my games.Which riot silver beta numale designed him and thought this was a good idea?!

why are the crazy ones always the hottest /lolg/?

>Nunu is raped by Eve while Willump is forced to watch and is denied of his orgasm as Eve switches to raping Willump leaving Nunu at the brink of breaking after seeing Willump's magnum dong

I know if i was higher elo id believe that
why did you even check my elo you piece of shit

This is my waifu and our adopted daughter. Say something rude to them and myself.

> Quinn's purpose in LoL is to ensure an opposing melee top laner can't play the game at all and subsequently try to delete squishies before they can play the game.post-laning, for she herself is a squishy

I dunno, isn't this kind of design what Riot hates most? Have they just forgotten Quinn exists?

Probably hoping you'd have an autistic fit like that.

darius wife read comic

>She can be a kind and loving partner. But she does screw her boy toys raw.
Does that mean she would cuddle lovingly with you after blasting your mind with pleasure?

How many times would she make a guy cum in one session, on average? Would she prefer to get him off multiple times or build it all up for one load?