Why blizzard will keep making new expansions and haters will be mad :D
Prep thread:
/wowg/ world of sexy male pandaren general
femtauren/druid/tier 6
How do I do the demo warlock challenge? I use 3-2-2-1-1-2-1 talents and have Prydaz, but am low ilvl, what do I need to focus on most?
Post Nostalgia
>Proud of spending over 200 Euro on cosmetics
Really just don't understand people sometimes.
Sylvanas' ice cold pussy
Some people here don't go out, don't smoke, don't drink, are very passionate about WoW, so I guess it's a normal way to spend their money
>tfw leaning towards fire mage now
Is it playable in pvp?
wait for antorus raid finder to do challenges
Only thing I enjoyed was putting DoTs on everybody then die
I switched to Arcane and now I just Slow everyone and die, which is better for the team.
alliance argent dawn wowg guild. whisper anyone for an invite.
>tfw want to make an alt but have to wait to see if they announce new races/subraces at blizzcon
I mean, that makes sense. I buy weed and alcohol so I guess it's not like I have much room to talk.
How low are we talking about here? 900+ makes it comfortable enough.
The trick I did was: focus everything on the mage in the far right corner while just putting doom on the others. If you have to move, use demonwrath to generate some shards. Concentrate on just doing the mechanics. At one point, you will do nothing but run around stepping on runes, dodging valkyrs or kiting the axe guy.
After a while though, the other mechanics aside from the valkyrs and the runeseer casting will stop happening and it's just a pure dps phase. If you can break the shield everytime while dodging valkyrs, you win. You have drain life at that point so you can't really die unless the cast gets off so that's the bonus mode. All you need is to reach that point. Other tips will be, make a focus macro for fearing Sigryn when she casts blood of the father and make sure to cripple the axe guy when he goes enrage.
Anyone know the lowest level to queue for the love rocket whenever that comes up?
Gotta start leveling them 50 alts
who is that semen demon
THIS, I choose wow as my life outside of work
49 alts btw*
That's really bad for someone that size to lay like that. He's crushing his lungs. Like when a whale gets beached.
This made me wanna play WoW when a friend showed this to me years ago.
I still miss you, you bastard.
Stay in Ravencrest or reroll to other realm? (Alliance)
Argent Dawn it is.
>wake up at 3pm
>log in
>notice i had completed the affliction mage tower yesterday
it was a good day
get a job nerd
It's a good weapon
Did you do it without sacrolash?
>tfw fem dwarf
>get random hugs everywhere I go cause I'm freakin' adorable
>fem nelf friend calls me "cupcake" cause I have just the right amount of thicc
>trying to get [One That Didn't Get Away] for Salty title
>decide to farm a dark herring so I can get a turtle same time if lucky
>get a turtle after around 250 casts
>another 250 later still no herring
fuck fishing
xd bruhh nigga u so funney
their faces are hideous though
Some are alright. Like, two of them.
Pezado your mom is FREAKING out, you did put in those applications today right?
is afflic the one you can cheese and not even have to do anything but cast fear?
Nvm, done on second try, I'm 924, just had to focus on the mechanics.
fem gnomes are cuter. and make better cocksleeves
Well, yeah. No one is disputing that.
Why people still playing this game on eu servers? There like literally no players.
Cancel my sub when broken shore patch was up mostly because not being able to find pug raids or do weekly +15 cuz no people.
oh NO
Say that to me online and not to my face and see how you do.
I'm just leveling alts to max and waiting for the Blizzcon announcement of the next expansion.
>45.1 billion
BS/Jewelcrafting or Alchemy/JW for huge amounts of goldmaking?
and the fury one also
This was barely impressive half a year ago
>making money
>I can do things when I massively outgear them
>making gold with professions like a good working man while the auction barons seize your memes of reproduction
stay poor
>He doesn't sell slutmogs for millions of gold
do u have it
Alchemy duh
>Not buying raw materials on the AH and flipping them constantly
Jesus Christ it's like it's your first day in WoW
do you have the prot skin yet?
Post proof of you not being a neet
>sold some boe mythic shoes from black rock foundry for the warrior transmog fo 20k
Is hunter the most boring class in the game now?
Would you invite an Elemental Shaman into your raising guild or should I meta and make a Frost Mage instead?
No because all classes are boring now
>He thinks 20k is a lot
Also this, homogenization is a bitch ey
At least shadow is fun
>two buttons rotation
[16:15:39] Jarl Velbrand creates a [Bladestorm]!
[16:15:41] Sigryn channels the [Blood of her Father]!
[16:15:45] One of the runes [Detonates]!
>he quests / grinds mobs instead of afking in OG/SW while watching anime,and queueing RDF as tank / heal for instainvites
Na, nothing is worse than aff lock.
So they grind instead of... waiting to grind?
Just changed my paladin to human female
Looks nice. I particularly like that armor set on human females, though the armor itself is totally overused nowadays. Still yeah, she's cute.
Also, flip items, so you won't go bankrupt.
>He actually goes out collecting shit
>Female paladins
>he plays an instaqueue class instead of perfecting the ways of autoshot and /petattack for optimal viewing pleasure
Do all of the relinquished 910 items have a chance of spawning as BoE or something? Some guy got a relic last night, a 920 BoE warforged relic that was usable by 101+. I want to make money too
>He doesn't have an alt to cover every profession
Don't even respond to my posts anymore you pleb
Only true Chads do that.
If I wanted to roleplay a black girl should I pick an orc or a human?
Why has pezado gotten so rude lately?
He used to be a good boy now he just swears and is generally rude
Could you at least start namefagging so I can filter you?
The guy has literally always been terrible and dragged down the general.
ok, unexpected but i guess it is the easiest tank challenge so its odd to not see someone without it
They're snookies
Don't reply to him its just samefagging
do u have it
pick one you dumb fucking nigger
Next expansion when? Ending WoW to do World of Diablo or whatever instead when?
b my casual drenai warrior gf
Havent played since ToV, are dps demon hunter fun/viable for M+?
diablo x warcraft crossover mmo fucking when
>Ending a cash cow
Why would they ever do this? That'd be like if they just suddenly shut down Overwatch next year because they want to do Overwatch 2. At the very least they'll make another Warcraft RTS.