>Everything EO (References, Music, Art Books, etc.)
EOV releases October 17th for NA, November 3rd for EU.
EMD2 releases in Japan August 31
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>Everything EO (References, Music, Art Books, etc.)
EOV releases October 17th for NA, November 3rd for EU.
EMD2 releases in Japan August 31
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1st for reapers aren't that bad actually
Potato's are cute!
Take care of your dog
Will undub for 5 be possible?
Just fucking wait
I just thought maybe someone tried to do it with a demo
Is necrololi undead, living or something in between?
Also, why is she naked?
Can I take care of both of them?
Someone did do it with the demo, and said they'll do it to the full game too.
>Is necrololi undead, living or something in between?
It depends on the skin tone you give her.
>Also, why is she naked?
Why not?
Because corpses don't need clothes
Not this again please, we just filled a thread with that a while ago
To communicate with ghosts.
Ever seen someone wearing clothes summon a Wraith and blow it up? I think noth.
Why don't they let us change skin tone with an RBG slider?
that is good to know
>implying the great ded debate was not the pinnacle of /eog/ in 2017
Because only a few of the self made tones don't look like shit.
Whenever a game allowed this their characters looked horrible.
get out
Not sure what Eve has to do with it but just wait for monkeys and the first boss.
Not to mention the FOEs in the second and fourth stratum.
And what is so unusual about those foes?
They move in annoying ways. Really annoying ways.
After seeing what this potato can do, I no longer find her cute.
unless they are aggro and literally teleport that is not that bad, we already had le diagonal frogs, asshole dodgeball birds, fag walls and other ebin stuff
Can you have 5 party members and still summon a wraith?
Repeat after me: Minami star isn't canon
Summon line is independet from party members. You have 3 summon slots
I see, thank you
That's a cute potato.
She could use a good pat on the head
I don't believe you. I'm going to be frying all of my potatoes just in case.
Google Minami Star.
I know about minami star, still need to know what potato exactly did
inb4 go read porn yourrself
potatoes are for adults only
do not lewd potatoes or support pedophile japs
don't lewd pota-
you beat me to it
>this work was deleted
what the fuck
>escape command now only makes the character who used it escape the battle
>other characters remain in the battle, unless they manage to escape themselves
>if the ones that stayed die, you can continue playing with the survivors
Would this be a good mechanic
That's fuckin dark.
>Help I'm bound!
>Lol see ya
As long as you're not implying permadeath, it actually sounds pretty fun. You're only running when shit's hitting the fan anyways, so making it harder to continue exploring afterwards doesn't seem so bad.
Running when shit hits the fun is usually bad with shit chances of this happening unless you use flee skill or burst. You run away more from shitty battles you have preemptive on and generally from stuff not worth fighting.
>EOIV third stratum is damage tiles AND slippery sliding
Didn't mean to quote, sorry.
And yet some people didn't like it? Preposterous
They are never in a single dungeon instance though
And 3 is still second best stratum
>tfw no leaks
no one is going to leak the game no one cares about you autist
u2 was playable at least a week in advance
All I know is that her puss puss is full of maggots.
yeah and 7th dragon ZTD leaked months before the release, shitty games tend to be leaked early.
Good thing EO isn't shitty.
>7th dragon zero time dilemma
now that would be a game
U2 is the second worst game after original 2
I don't even remember how it was called because it was utterly terrible, and i refuse to acknowledge the existence of non-ds 7th dragon games anyway
Here's your (you), now fuck off.
Why can't I Pre-Purchase this on eShop yet goys
I want to gibe them my monies
Does anyone else self-insert as the monsters they game over to?
No, but I now might
No. Because all monsters get defeated eventually. So are you killing yourself?
You literally what
What does /etrian/bros' sketchbook look like?
For some reason EOV got my motivation back and I started drawing again after a long while. The designs of everything look so very good.
Like the social life of this general (doesn't exist)
Oh my god, no.
It sucked in ff6, it'll suck here.
>hating stratum 3
Third stratum is always the worst tho.
>2 bosses and ants and fishes of death
>2 freakishly hard bosses and faggotry all around
>don't even remember eo3 3rd stratum because that whole game is shit
>two entrances and guard sole memery
>3rd stratums get worse in untolds
And eo5 will be as bad, if not worse.
Really? I thought this place was full of drawfags
there's literally nothing wrong with the bone zone
We used to have some
>two entrances and guard sole memery
There are like, five damage tiles you have to step on before subclassing.
And after subclassing you have no excuse to not have Bracing Walk - four skill points and you will never waste TP on healing minor damage ever again.
>bone zone
teleport maze
featuring encounters with multiple enemies that are faster than anyone in your group and cast party wide sleep
Who hurt you?
>Teleportation stratum always have more warp zones than markers for them.
And it was STILL better than Magma Caverns.
Can I visit the Necrololi's bone zone?
neither of those things were bad. what was shit was
>go into cave one direction
>oh haha you can't actually go this way, you were meant to go in the other entrance
>go through other entrance
>psyche! now you gotta go through the other entrance
also the kibagami fight and weakening the lizard were pains in the ass
does anyone have the datamined skill numbers for eo2u, i remember seeing them around here but now i cant find them.
>Invisible teleport tiles
>That change their destination based on which direction you entered from
>The floor is ice
>And there's FOEs
>That also go in and out of the teleporters
The teleporters are entirely different at night
This makes me angry, but it would be interesting to test that shitshow
pic unrelated
>invisible walls and floor
>disabled map
>teleport tiles
>invisible FOES with random movement patterns that teleport behind you and instigate back attacks on sight, also they have a 99% accuracy instant death all party move that ignores death res and the only way to get their conditional is to bind head, arms, legs, poison, paralyze, and petrify them (in that order), with 1% chances for all of those
>every tile is a damage tile that does fixed 200 hp and 100 tp damage and slippy tile
>there are random encounters on every step, the enemies all have more hp than the hardest postgame boss sans the superboss
>the layout of the room is entirely random and decided upon entering so you can't actually map any part of it
>your burst/force/whatever gauge is constantly set at 0
>the only way to get to the gathering point is to go through a one way shortcut from the room with the superboss that forces you to walk back to the beginning
>you can't use ariadne threads/pole stones/whatever, also you can't have food or cordial effects
How'd I do bros?
The first point and last point are EOII 6th stratum.
The second, fourth and fifth point are in EOV.
Unless I'm forgetting something I think we never had ice on teleporter floors.
You are also forgetting "mapless areas" on your list.
That would imply I game over
Sounds about half as bad as Wizardy.
But anger is where the fun comes from. I've always wanted an event that wiped your current floors map and disabled warping so you had to find your way back.
And that's why I'm not a game designer.
I'm not good at games. I just happen to keep trying until I learn how to fight the boss.
that's a shit conditional. make it curse damage.
Has curse damage ever been remotely good?
No, because monsters have bloated HP compared to their attack
Against you.
You could meme with it EOU2 for oneshots, but outside of that gimmicky setup, no
Which number was the wild voice in EOV's files?
Yeah but Sanzu deals reduced damage to your party instead of smashing them for thousands like a baka so I thought maybe at some point they applied a multiplier.
22 or 23, I think.
Just think about it logically.
By the time you get curse damage, you probably will have hp in the 150-250 range, minimum. Enemies at that point will have around 400 hp. Now a deadly hit to you, say around 100-150 hp, is only going to about 50-75 on them. that's basically nothing.
extend this up to bosses, who at that point rock around 4000 to 6000 hp, and who are doing similar or slightly more damage, you're basically throwing pebbles on them. it is the worst fucking ailment in the series barring maybe paralysis.