Other urls found in this thread:
it's a gook eat dog world out there
what happened to the other thread....
kinda dep...
yes sir... doing bad
the shooter liked gooks.... whats that mean for us
talked to some people a few months ago who didnt know what blair witch project was, im guessing they dont know what the ring is either
felt kinda sad
we're growing stronger
if i ever go on a spree i'm going to blame the sc2 development team in my manifesto.
i'd blame janny because it would be HIS FAULT!
writing a manifesto seems like a lot of work
is there a template somewhere where you can just enter your own keywords?
the fbi counter terrorism guys write it for you when they're done framing you
oh thats nice, saves me the trouble
probably would have to postpone my shooting if i had to write a manifesto first
yes thats all i ever talk about
2 goooks for every boy
SC2 really is a fantastic case study in some extremely subtle problems with multiplayer games. There's a huge class of problems that have to do with negative reinforcement. There are so many bad modes of interactivity.
Glad BW is back.
cleaned my shower drain
almost bed time
theyre trying to paint gook lovers in a bad light
if you guys are bored of the sc2 ladder grind, divinity 2 and cuphead is a good distraction
divinity 2
get go and stay go destiny shitter
destiny... i wonder if that destiny guy is still around...
he just posted
i love you guys... for real...
>Afreeca Starleague 5d 12h
sniper the god zerg. man
mom i did it again xDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
every divorce is a tragedy
phones were never supposed to be able to browse the internet
why did this have to happen man
it's fucking over, there won't be another internet in our lifetime
we need a phoneblocker
/pol/ and /v/ wiped out in a day...
youtube took down the ting goes mandalay bay version
was actually a banger
:^( icky, NO WAY!!! cartoons are for chump kids and I'm a big boy, I'm a big boy cus I don't watch cartoons anymore. hehe, wow, you still watch cartoons? some grown up big boy YOU are.
ive only seen a few animes but i cant see myself discussing them with someone irl so i cant see this convo happening
ones told someone id watched around 300
ive watched more but you dont want to look like a freak namsayin
wow my english is getting worse...
yeah I've seen like 5 but it just feels like when people have to tell you online that they don't like anime my brain turns what they say into what I pasted above
huge anime fans are idiots but I don't see them bitching about non anime watchers as much
thinking about taking my gookposting to kpop generals
do they do that kind of thing there, not sure how many possible white knights are lurking there
aren't they all white knights
the cooler part of the year is here
reminder to use blankets
Oh shit I forgot I wasn't on /pol/. hey explain it to me so that I can go tell them, I'll log it away on my way to /xcom/.
gsl champion
What, the guy who shot all those people, or was he a subscriber on twitch or something?
tin foil lads: is this paddock guy the most solid case for an mkultra shooter yet?
just your typical white terrorist like those ranch folks and mcvey
They've already confirmed the guy's a super libshit. This one's on the Left, just like that Berniebro who tried to shoot up Congress and got his belly spilled out over the grass, and died crying for his mommy in the hospital.
Best part: His family got stuck with the bill. 700,000 dollars. Good Little Leftists need to pay what they owe.
seemed to like country music and gambling i've seen nothing about being a 'super libshit.' you also seem confused leftists do try to raise revenue to pay for things instead of retards who think spending and not raising revenue is the way to go
/pol/ vs reddit
showdown in the sc2 thread right now
those are the same exact people though
that would just be reddit vs reddit
sorry no i dont go there reddit is just too political for me
i only go here
>likes country music
>shoots up a crowd full of country music fans
Leftists are all criminals without exception. Your idea of "raising revenue" is simply theft. Do yourself a favor and move to a different country when you're doing ruining your chickenshit states, pls. Don't move here. We don't want you. Don't make excuses, don't try to justify your criminality, just go. And please, abort your children on the way out, that way there will be fewer of you in the next generation. The idea of my children sharing a world with yours is disgusting. Fucking rat-faced subhumans.
Please tell me more about how good you are at "raising revenue," pic related. Your states are all bankrupt shitholes because you give 80,000,000,000 a year to niggers and spics instead of paying your debts.
do we still believe in god here btw
>posts image with no key
true scvees are atheists/satanists/obscure occult religions
sometimes they join in on the christian larping though
I used to make fun of people that call others greeners but it actually gets to me now
leave this board you FUCKING greeners
And since I know that, as the Starcraft General, you're all fucking slopes, please consider this: What the fuck are you doing siding with the Left? You're aware that you guys, after kikes, are the most privileged racial group, right? We tolerate this because you're GOOD at what you do, but you side with the fucking Left. Why?
Do you think that when they're done eating all the white people, they're just going to forget that you're all higher achievers? Please return to reality. You're next on the menu. Side with us and you'll be given a privileged position alongside the White Man. Honorary Aryans. Think about it.
reality has a liberal bias ;^)
im on the right side of history
what are the boys up to....
[Hysterical Nazi Laughter]
Post more Megumin pictures. I don't have enough of a collection.
should i register as a democrat in case i ever go off the deep end so the /pol/bros have something to laugh about
im a registered republican but its only to fuck up primaries. try again :^)
and we listen to black metal
what happens when you register to a political party? do you get special perks?
you get a lot of spam mail and robocalls
It's fucking torture. The Libertarians are the worst, I had to change my Email after I fell for the Rand Paul meme. Nonstop spam.
yeah you get pizza nights
if your party wins you get a courtesy call from the president, he spends the first couple weeks in office just going through the registered voter rolls to thank them
you'd be better off joining PETA or something and then claiming that you were shooting up the school for harp seals.
that feel when drumpf will never say moshi moshi to you
lol wow i'm surprised this retard hasn't killed themself yet
does that retard actually think these threads aren't like 35 white people and 1 asian guy?
really hate to see refugees in my threads :(
"him" is gender neutral. You don't have to say "themselves," the English language didn't have gendered nouns until after the Norman invasion. "Woman" literally comes from "wifeman," which just meant a person who was someone's wife.
wow did you see that on r/the donald
incredibly based
jhust so based
not funny trying to make joke of a national US tragedy for "memes".
how about you jack off to scarlett and try saying that again
I hate seeing refugees in my country :^)
*lowers the flag to half mast*
how bout you get on your knees bitch
*unsheathes my katana*
wingardium leviosa