Final Fantasy General DCLXII - /ffg/

>General Info on Final Fantasy
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What version should I play?: Information:

>FF Lost Stranger


XV manga released in Japan
Episode Ignis to be released in December; Trailer:
Brotherhood episodes:
Final Fantasy XV Multiplayer Out 10/31
A New Empire - Alexis Ren in "Join the Adventure":
New XV Universe trailer:

PS4 release date scheduled for Jan 30 2018, Pre-Orders available now.
Latest Trailer:

>King's Knight
Available now, check your app store for details.

>Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Game Mechanics PDF:
Upcoming Banners List:
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FAQ Pastebin:

>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
How to JP:
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>MOBIUS Final Fantasy
FAQ Pastebin:

>Other game information


FFT is shit


What's going on in that pic?

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did everything wrong.

Weather? Snow, Cloud, Lightning, Squall. Dunno about the high Tidus, though.

Weather report


>BE starts crashing on the title screen
Guess I'm free for one day. If I still can't get in after maintenance then maybe this is just the push I need to quit

Either that or sun


How many emergency maintenance have they had these past 20 days or so

>do bamboo shit event
>oh shit this gonna be tough
>go through maze, pick up stuff
>no random encounters
>get to exit
>finished level

It's not supposed to have encounters??

Are all of these banners really that good?
Are they barts USB banner tier?

>not fighting the mermaid

FFIV has Ceodore's USB
FFVI has Terra USB and OSB in the same banner.
FFXIV introduces Haurchefant, Estinien and Ysayle and they get some REALLY DAMN GOOD SHIT to start with.

There's no encounters in the B area. Check the wiki page of the event.

>Ceodore USB
Shit I might have to roll on that since getting his BSB by complete accident. I'm saving up for that XIV banner because it's just so good all around. Be honest with me, how good is his USB?

Frankly I didn't even look at it. I just saw "Ceodore USB" and was like "yeah sure ok"

If banner 5 worth 50 mythril?

Enholy, Atk/Res+30% to self, and sentinel.

So not super great unless you can get someone to Entrust him so he can spam his BSB after.

>Ceodore USB
Who gives a flying fuck about that shitter? What's with the Ceodore wanking lately?
The rest of the stuff on the banner is infinitely better, and banner 2 with Rydia and Golbez is even better still.
>MMO nobodies
And here. We. Go.

>not wanting a dragoon that can powerchain jumps infinitely

So VI aside, they're pretty much cid "reddit" raines type banners that give shiteral whos good stuff to make people want to pull?

Do you even play final fantasy?

How does any of that even hold a candle to a Veeky Forums cake neesan, that happens also to be the current best dragoon in RK in JP?

I guess that's not terrible but it's definitely not a top priority. The banner actually looks pretty appealing though, Kain was one of my early characters so that's a tempting roll.

>MMO literally whos
Umm... No thanks sweetie...

I've had it up to here with these god damn one handing Fryevias.

fryevia users are all brainlets



Nigga did you read my post or what?
I said about Ceodore, not Kain.
Kain's USB and the rest of the banner is good.
Ceodore is, always has been and will be, meme tier.

well if you don't like the characters don't pull on it. that's why i don't pull on xii banners, because xii was a shit game.

Well, you'll just have to wait and see how Fryevia Enhancements go.

>They give Fryevia Dual Wield while also applying her Doublehanding stats while Dual Wielding at half the rate.

And I was talking about Estinien.

And what did he do right?

On topic of Ara, are her relics or SBs any good or are people just wanting her because she's Ara?

What are everyone all TMR farming? Werei is basically a recent fusion of 2 40% ones since i wanted to get started on 9S, who is getting me my second Pod.

VoW TMR is probably a waste since you either use rods or staffs and rarely DW them, but the way i see it is versatile and 40% with staff is still good since i plan to slap it and the 2 L&A on Ashe with Enchancer(Sword), Draco Spike(Staff) DWing with a Genji Glove and a Magistral Crest on the side.

they're probably going to fuck fryevia users and enhancer her shitty doublehand buff rather than something useful

>literal who
>b-but stronk!
You need to go back.

Estinien is a fairly prominent character though.

Probably gonna do some shit like enhance her doublehand passives and Second Intention finisher

Fuck you, kupo.
10 refreshes.

Is it possible to merge all my Trust Moogles for more TMR( to save space)?

Like I have a shitload of low +%TMR low tier Moogles and I was wondering if I can merge them into a super moogle to safe space, that I can feed to a unit for an instant 100% Trust later.

groggy if this question made no sense.

8 characters got to 99.
At least 7 more to go.


Nigger, all you need to do is try.

>Is it possible to merge all my Trust Moogles for more TMR( to save space)?


She's okay. She's definitely on the higher tier of Dragoons but that's not a huge accomplishment. Lightning/Dark focused, she's got an OSB that hits harder when exploiting an element, a burst that pretty much says HEY USE THE THUNDER JUMP STUPID and a party Magic Blink on her SSB. Let's be honest here most people are pulling for her stuff just because it's Ara.

So close.

They literally added that functionality last patch in like the past week or whenever it was. You can fuse all Moogles that have the same name. So if you have a bunch of Fryevia's Needle Moogles, you can fuse them into up to 100%, which can be given to Fryevia whenever you find her.

You can also fuse general Moogles that go on anyone if you want to save space on those.

yes with the last update we had, you can now merge moogles.

I was finally able to get rid of 19 reberta moogles. Now I just have to pull a reberta...

0 refreshes only 40 things left to collect.
Imagine, you wasted almost half a lucky draw just to get done a little sooner.


>Only 19
Step it up. I even had enough to max out a Reberta I pulled, so I actually had 60 a while back. And that was after I sold a bunch of excess. My persistence paid off apparently.

I needed the XP and I will have enough for the luckies I want, so I don't really care.

user... i said i was able to get rid of 19 because you still have 1 moogle left after combining all 20 moogles...

>FFRK comment
>FFBE screenshot
I thought people had to choose one or the other?

Be a rebel. Do both. Fuck the haters and their imaginary game wars.

They should've put random 5% moogles in the current banner's pool just to make it a little more attractive to daily pull

>Love using monks
>Pulled Prishe and got robo fist
>0 Snows so far
4* pick ticket when

Just wait for Lila, you'll be happy with her. Trust me.

Is this better than Final Fantasy VI?

Hell no. CT is overrated as fuck. The characters are garbage and the story is a 7/10 at best. Only thing god tier about it is the OST.

I don't care either way because FFV and Lufia 2 are the best JRPGs on the SNES.

Nah. I'd put it above IV though.

FFV is overrated shit for children/manchildren.

Why are those knights so fucking rare, gimme the chips damnit

I disagree

Well, you're wrong.

So she's just literally Kain+dark

Better refresh some stamina, kupo.

I don't agree

You agreeing or not doesn't really matter though since you're wrong.

I read an article where they put CT as the best RPG of all time, above FF6 so wanted you guys' opinions.

I disagree

The rates are bad enough that I don't even want to refresh.

Well, as long as you know you're wrong, it's fine.

C'mon man, do we really need to make you play this game again?

I wouldn't say I'm wrong.

Then it's not fine.

That game is fucking bullshit though. I've never been able to beat it.


CT is one of the most overrated games of all time.
It is a good game? Yes I certainly enjoyed playing it, but the novelty of the game wears off after the first two or three playthroughs when you unlock all the endings. The game is very short and NG+ is just a steamroll to see the next ending.
If you want a JRPG with a time travel mechanic look into Radiant Historia

That just means you unironically have autism my dude

Yes, but only because 6 isn't good. The best thing about both games is the soundtracks, and CT's is better.

What about the blue mages? The rest of After Years' cast? What about Cid "I'm totally not Robin Williams" Kramer from VIII?

What blue mages are we missing?

JP had a Twitter campaign at this time where they had a free daily stamina refresh. The rates seem worse than they are because we didn't get that shit, as no one cares about global FFRK's social media bullshit

Yeah, as if any of you could have gotten this one right except through sheer luck.

are these even worth it?

What is the priority on the items you can get from King Mog during the misty bamboo forest event?

If you've got millions of gil you might as well buy them.


Nah, i find the 4 shitty cactuar more worth it even tho it cost a little more.

Get the items you want more first. Get the ones you want less later.
Seriously user, you can see what all the items do, you should know what you want.

Get the mace just in case, skip the rest and just tm farm because tm farming is a better way to get better equipment

I buy em and Cactuars erryday possible because im fucking SWIMMING in Gil.

Will Cactuar bundle even return or is it gone for good?

the mace and then the moogle. Everything else is kinda meh. You should have enough for the mace if you do at least 3 elt each day.

GL DeNa or whoever is in charge is a piece of shit
Who the fucking hell replaces Rosa USB and gives us fucking Tiny Bee?
Retarded newcomer GL exclusive banners where you can get two year old power creeped relics? Jesus fucking Christ

I'd get the mace, and MAYBE the ATK +20% and Full Moon materia. The rest is flat out not worth the cost