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CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21.7.0)
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First fro maroos lovely soft cushy butt
I would awoo Maroo's vagoo
It was a few hours. We had a few false starts because of a dead weight leech
>You can still open buddy buddy doors by yourself
evening update.
Just started work on helmet so thats Wip and shoulders prob needs to be redone.
what is the point?
Already told them about the Operator switching thing. The'll fix it after PoE releases.
looking pretty good my man
Playing Warframe
Im on my way out, its almost as bad as 2017 Warbros
Will we ever put operator in cryostatis again?
where's my god damn -75%
>you cant just throw your tato out the airlock
Cracked down on 75s because of hydrogate
What I want
>Helminth cinematic quest
>Helminth consumes your operator and joins consciousness with the now taterless warframes
>orbiters turn into hives filled with warframes
don't like the hoop. What if you place the trunk/beard/chin from Harrow's default helmet there, and have it follow the same path as the top of the hood instead of the rear?
or Even take the tassel from the leg and have the hood tie that wardrobe element all together.
>TFW your Birdtits is forma'd and ready for PoE.
Also... Oberon buffs when? Surely they can't be done.
If I had a choice and it were possible, I would get rid of the back wings. They just dont flow with the whole quilted cloak
I need to craft a mastery rank 5 weapon for the Sedna Junction. I'm looking online and they seem to come from obscure things like daily tribute, clans, etc. Can someone tell me what the easiest one to get is, so I can continue progressing?
since DE can't be bothered
>Even take the tassel from the leg and have the hood tie that wardrobe element all together.
>e.g. pic related
Wanted Plasmor but I ain't even mad.
>Obscure things
I think tonkor or hek is mr 5
>use slippery boipussi in conclave
>everyone forgets that warding halo does on-contatct damage
>using tigris for shits and giggles since I'd just crafted it
>every melee babby within fucking range gets the shaft
Why is he best girl who can do no wrong?
So in three months, then.
>obscure things like daily clans
Pretty good. It has a 2x base crit damage too, so you can amplify it with with cats etc.
Literally might just be my new weapon to use on Harrow with those sweet as fuck red crits with his 4.
You'll be able to trick it into entomb itself in this this pod in Helminth's room after which the hivemind will be able to siphon off the tater's void energy to power all the frames on the Orbiter and take control.
Bird Sebum
cant wait
How would you harvest that?
>he doesn't know
>Got nothing but garbage from the last few sorties
>Today get melee riven
Why don't I have an Energy Color option on my Helminth Charger? Did that get removed or something?
>got melee Riven today as well
>It's for the Machete
Cant tell if stupid or joke
is this for Harrow or...?
I might just sell mine veiled if I can't be assed to get 3 headshots in one glide
No joke. I don't have it. When did they get rid of it? Or am I missing something?
got same one waiting for a time I will give a fuck
Go to Jupiter
Find a vent
Keep aim gliding on it
Past week's sorties gave me nothing but lenses.
I just want a riven.
Also, does anyone have an octavia build and could post it here?
a-are you retarded... ?
I got this one for the Ninkondi , didn't even know the weapon existed I though it was Nikana at first glance
when we gonna get dwarframe
it looks like nothing at first glance , Ivara ?
congrats, you have a 5 plat mod
What's the fastest way to level up?
You play the game
Participate in the mission that has the highest exp yield.
Pls, I want to make my spacedog match my nidus
Endless missions if you play with friends/pubs.
Tier 3 Spy if Solo.
I'll give you 20 plat for it
Contact support
What is the point of Nyx?
She just seems like Loki but can't go invisible.
Does weapon level affect its damage?
Maybe when i'm done leveling the weapon
Cuddles and fug
She doesnt have one. 1,3, and 4 are done better by other frames and 2 is a waste of energy. There is no reason to use Nyx
>not using this song to rub salt in the wound.
Fanart/captura, you can go really fast with the arcane helmet but her kit is so bad it's not even worth it
Works on my machine. ;)
Which Archwing and Arch gun are best?
what has limbo to do with aimglide headshots?
Odonata and the duel decurion
>never heard or played a monsterhunter game before
>slightly recognize the melody of the that song
FUCK what is it from. Its the main theme but its sped up and had tiny little squeaking noise and "yeah" shouts
holy shit this is going to eat me alive.
>remembered what it was while typing this
A sleek , just cold proc yourself ( Lenz w fire rate and no damage ) and then aim glide , the cold will make it slow as fuck and you can use that time to get the headshots
This is the download song from Monster hunter freedom 2. Thanks for reminding me of good times.
And what does that have to do with limbo
banish them, stasis, enter rift plane, line up head shots, aim glide, unstasis
You can do the same thing with vauban I guess
Which is?
nothing ? the lenz thing was just a tip , nothing to do with Limbo
you can't freeze bullet with vauban
bring less stuff into a mission.
if you get 1000 xp, 1000xp is given your warframe's pool and another 1000xp is given your your companion pool.
each pool divides the xp. the warframe pool divides it 4 ways, warframe/primary/secondary/melee. companion pool (sentinel/pet)/(sentinel weapon). if you want a frame to level faster, bring less weapons that leech from the warframe pool.
you also gain more xp when another player gets the kill.
Sedna Hydron or Eris Akkad, let other people kill and your frame will level up.
jump into sorties will unleveled weapons, eximus give more xp.
Do infected spess dog cysts grow when not using the frame?
Do i have to wait for a fully grown cyst before beggining a hatching or can i start it a few hours, maybe a day earlier to save time?
The challenge fails only if you stop gliding right? What's the point of freezing bullets?
Are you fucking retarded?
Helminth cysts will continue to mature or whatever even when you're using a different frame.
they can still grow when you arent using them
havent touched saryn prime in months. found i had a cysts right before selling her for credits
user, if he can't understand the benefits of frozen bullets then how do you expect him to acknowledge his obvious learning disability?
>Selling Primes for Credits
Not anymore
Godspeed, user.
Just to comment on this one final time, are DE doing PoE so that IGN can say Monster Hunter World is 'Plains of Eidelon like' or some other nonsense which ignores years of similar experiences?
>can't say butt in region
>Ability use cancels aim glide so you can't unstasis
>Banish timer runs out before za warudo so you can't let it end by itself
yeah this is what is planned, well initally a chain was planned but probarly cant afford to model a chain with the polygons given so there will be some sort of tassle dingly bit.
If I build a twin grakatas using 2 prismas grakata, do I obtain a twin prisma grakata?
MHW was announced literally a month before PoE
Welp. Contacting support now.
oh FUCK you CAN ! ! !