/dg/ - Destiny General
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Nth for shaxx is black.
>there's a timeline where I have an emissary gf
>it's not this one
>tfw no Holliday gf
Anyone running the Raid? I got me a Callus checkpoint and just wanna get it out of the way last minute.
Can anyone help me with the Imperial Invitation strike?
Reminder that Alucard is black because his VA is black.
>emissary transcends time and space
>the one time line out of infinite timelines gets warned by every other timeline not to touch a numale waste of space like you space chads are everywhere why bother
It only works when they're confined to one timeline.
Anyone wanna do the raid? I've never done it before and I'd like to see it.
Not the same and you know it you autist.
>He hasn't grown fat from strength yet
What's your excuse
>specifically state ENGLISH and GAME being the parameters
>haha no look at option C!
>I've never done it before
You must reply to this post if you would like to have sex with your female Hunter.
it's not post-Oct 24th yet
2 more slots open for the raid on Xbox.
Change your Mark to one of the long rectangle oens and you'll look 10/10
I'm a StrongFat. My strength grows from my fat not the otherway around.
Can I mess with the sensitivity settings in game, or psn menu? Because I can't turn it up on the mic itself.
We can do a sound check beforehand...
>we wuz greek deities
>we wuz greek guardians
You should probably make it so all people on the opposite team are dead
and on the same team as well
I don't have friends alright. And there's no fucking matchmaking in the raid. No reason to be a dick about it.
Just press PS button once and go to devices. You can change mic sensitivity
>I don't have friends
If you had ever done the raid before, you would understand why there isn't matchmaking.
Not trying to be rude, but I'm not 100% sure if anyone here will have the patience to teach a newbie. We've been running 1 shot clean clears for two weeks now.
Can't figure out which mark, all the ones that seem to be long rectangles seem to have some sort of stupid logo or symbol on them.
>part 2 goes live in 30 mins
oh boy
except there is matchmaking you fucking memer
this had better be bait, you cockmongler
Will do. So raid tomorrow then?
Upgraded my Tarantula at the suggestion of user in last thread, having fun with it.
The problem is it's really annoying if you accidentally get a body shot and it can barely kill anything if that happens. I might want to try out all these snipers eventually too.
who is a straight white male human character I could cosplay as for halloween?
Nessus Mark
literally none!
cayde "if he's awoken, his legs are getting broken" 6
Ah one of the items that's been eluding me since I started. I've been after the mark and the headpiece from there from the start.
I just don't understand why Bungie doesn't do it. Allowing matchmaking for Raids is not going to stop premade Fireteams from Raiding. People who Raid are not going to lose anything while people who cannot Raid due to not having enough friends can at least experience it. That's why Raid completion trophies/achievements are so fucking low. Bungie essentially created online multiplayer shooters for consoles and they can't get this basic shit right. There is nothing wrong with giving players OPTIONS. What's worse is they refuse to facilitate shit like this. Why the fuck is there not a "social space" like the story next to Raid planets in order to find teams? Does this shit just make too much sense?
captcha: flavor delicias
Jerry Seinfeld
>It undermines my point and shows what an idiot I am so I'll claim it's not the same
lyl, keep spouting nonsense, user. Maybe some day your head canon will come true.
Snipers are shit across the board for damage and the only PVE viable option is high fire rate for plain DPS at the cost of mag dumping everything for one yellow bar and the only PVP option is a blue sniper at the cost of using a sniper instead of any other heavy.
Holy shit
>silence and some clicking can be heard
Because you won't fucking experience it, retard. You'll bang your head against the TV screen while your team fucks up the dogs for hours. You aren't going to matchmake into competent raiders, you're going to matchmake into other people who haven't done it before.
Just go to destiny el eff gee dot com and look there. Somebody here might take you for your first time, but I can think of more people who absolutely WON'T.
>OH NO [character i like] CAN'T BE BLACK THAT WOULD BE BAD!!!
wow this is some EGDY shit dude like really cutting edge stuff i can't believe you'd do this how EDGY
What class is jerry?
nth for 21 days, 07 hours, and 53 mins till a BEST version releases
fuck off, faggot
>nerf radar
>nerf abilities and increase ttk so that it favours a team shooting environment
>scouts excel in this environment
>have easily obtained welfare exotic scout that isn't affected by the radar nerf, is a solid gun, fast reload AND increases your speed
>'we don't know why it's so popular, there are other guns'
That was the first time I did it, jeez
added to my blacklist thanks for the heads up
You never match made the exotic sword strike in ttk, did you.
I recently swapped to The End and Antiope-D
Honestly I'm doing just as well if not better than when I was a Mida casual, and this way I'm learning not to rely on that radar crutch
I fucked tendons in my elbows and now need to unfuck my nerves. Goodbye summer cut and goodbye winter bulk. I will not grow fat from strength for another year.
Fuck you, Calus.
Keep using more capitals I'm sure eventually you'll convince someone.
>first time i did it
>afk and go text or type shit during the raid instead of paying attention and learning
I've already got three 305's, I have no reason to raid.
That was perfectly fine except for retarded Bungie making different quests having different knights to kill
Ok. Should I run the comedy or jew skill tree?
In that case:
>Phil Lamarr as Injustice Aquaman
>Gary Schwartz as TF2 Demoman
>Tasia Valenza as Sniper Wolf
>Chinese actors cast as Japanese characters in Red Alert 3
>Most of the cast of Jade Empire
>Nolan North as Romeo in Halo 3: ODST
22 days, till you get buyer's remorse
>That was perfectly fine except for retarded Bungie making different quests having different knights to kill
You mean the best part.
not human, but the virgin & chad meme originated from Destiny concept art of Zavala
he's a straight white awoken male
don't let people fool you
How do you fuck up tendons in your elbows? Did you do muscle training without doing extensor exercises like an idiot?
are we posting blacklists
Dragonheart188 - Dragonheart188
evanbrews - absolute weenie
FLOWEHTEBIRT - uses shitty weapons
joff99 - bad at videogames
Mnemosynesis - shitposts about having a girlfriend and playing sports
MustandCobrGT95 - huge shitposter
TrueJiro - bad at videogames
Vandeezeh - "Yo, what happened to my radar? Can you revive people in this mode?"
wubsy3000 - routinely has lowest raid k/d
what antiope-d? Heard it mentioned a few times
>Grind for Better Devils
>Finally get it
>Realize I have nothing to do
Fucking casuals and Bungo.
Comedy for PvE and jew for PvP
>I fucked tendons in my elbows
user how shitty are your genetics? Manlets when will they learn?
post tits
>thinking its okay to even do this once
Blacklisted, filtered, and reported
>clearly eastern european facial features
solid advice, thanks user!
Anyone else stuck at a certain light level between 270 and 280? Shit's god damn annoying. Any suggestions on how to push past this lock?
Wait for weekly reset.
Or hope you get lucky with an exotic drop.
Not blacklisting you over it. I had joff in two of my raids and he did fine aside from shooting the wrong arrows before showing him the fool-proof plan of pointing at the top and shooting it if they say anything but "top".
>EMMENS 28/1
jesus fuck, lad. Nice
This shit. How does that even happen unless your hitting shit with your elbows incorrectly like an idiot, training your gripping strength somehow without doing extensor exercised like an idiot, or playing tennis like a fag. Thats one of the more reinforced parts of your body its designed not to be fucked with.
6'0 manaverage. I have shitty ligament/tendon genetics. I've had countless sprains and strains over the years from rugby. It's a wonder that I still function properly at all. It's fucking shit as well, I'd just gotten to a lmao 4.5 plate DL and 3.75 plate squat.
That sounds awful.
Why the hell is leveling stuck behind weekly bullshit? What kind of assness is this.
If you were there you'd remember me saying "wtf nobody told me there was a scion to shoot besides one to stab" and don and matt and whoever else saying "oh yeah make sure to get that one too" so fuck off. Also I'm standing to the right because the only instructions I was given was "shoot yours, help the guy to your right, then stab your scion and get back on your plate"
What your seeing WAS me learning, jackass. Got any more cherry picked webms?
Kinetic SMG
Probably the best submachine gun in the game for PvP
Primary Hakke SMG. Pretty gud.
>been sick all weekend
>puking, liquid poop
>fever but freezing, uncontrollable shaking
I was so confused until I realized it was probably alcohol withdrawal.
This is destiny content.
wew my list is growing bigger by the day
Not even even the guy posting webms i just remember you being shit at everything including add clearing and speaking up.
With as little content as there is they had to artificially prolong the game somehow.
>21 more days till pc launch
>just finished backlog
I made a boo boo /dg/. What do I do now?
Get a shitload more games that you've wanted to play.
Buy Cuphead, it's scratching my itch of needing to achieve things