Fighting Games General /fgg/
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wish i was makoto bros...
remember menat? no one is playing her now
how do we make people play menat?
jivepill me on super street fighter v
heh, marbles
Yo you wanna learn how to do a fuckin infinite?
Imma teach your motherfuckin bitch ass. Easiest shit in the fuckin Marvel Infinite, fuck it. I don't give a fuck. Spider-Man. Alright dash backwards, hit fuckin Web Ball, nigga. And then it's motherfuckin...
>11 year old capcom game looks better than MVCI
"fighting games are great" - tokido, 2017
*stinks your path*
what is this image
is their room for four VS style games?
Make her a selectable skin for a character who plays better.
I hope you have a good time playing/watching/discussing fighting games today /fgg/!!!
Why does the FGC support bad products?
>kappa is having a killer instinct tournament
I hope they remove pantyshots from the sequel
The FGC likes being creeps without feeling they're creeps, you know
What’s your favorite stage set to in jive?
thanks akumer i will
Friendly reminder not to acknowledge kusoj players or PC mustards
Abigail should get a reindeer costume for Christmas.
Metro City Bay Area
wtf is this even trying to convey?
whatever heres Menat
what else do we have
every company that makes fighting games are greedy jews that dick us at every turn
kinu loves panty shots and she's a girl. go flaunt your chastity belt somewhere else fag
just put more men in with big sweaty abs and jiggly crotch bulges balance that shit out
I have enough money for a costume but I don’t know if I want to spend it on Nostalgia Cammy or wait until Friday for the Zeku reveal w/his Battle Outfit
>MVCI flopped
>it has dumbed down and casualized gameplay
>only paid shills are trying to say it's good
>someone found an infinite combo further proving that it's trash compared to the rest of the series
Sad to see what Capcom has become!
Is anyone else actually looking forward to this ?
Did SFV finally get the capability to remap the keyboard controls? If so, what keybindings are you guys using?
will i get better if i jack off to my main
how do ibuki and makoto deal with their sexual frustration?
Who is the Rashid of the turbulent wind of Dissidia : Final Fantasy NT?
English Manor
*pretends to throw you but walks back one micropixel*
heh nothing personal
virus do not click
I love Tekken
That's a nice butt.
Can confirm, turned me gay
I wish I was dude. I love the original two Dissidia games and sunk countless hours into them in highschool. But this game just feels nothing like the previous two, it feels so dumbed down and just less fun than those games did.
>brick will become an evo champion
>3 premiere wins, more than anyone else
is yukadon the best now
I'm starting to see SFVs flaws a lot more after extensive play.
What game is everyone here playing instead? Tekken? Marvel?
Everyone has Urien in high tier yet Nemo is the only one putting in work with him. What's up with that
Ibuki, Rashid, Necalli, Bison, Akuma, Karin are the tournament killers this season it seems
>and she's a girl
That's the important part, user. Girls aren't seen as threatening or creepy. Particularly since Kinu is straight I think, and married.
>go flaunt your chastity belt somewhere else fag
I like the artstyle, but I like having people to play with too
Lel, maybe a fireman themed character since that's the stereotype.
What sort of heathen would you have to be to not be looking forward to another one of Lightning's games?
>Smooth Viper gets put into losers by a guy using 1 button combos
>Smooth Viper complains to T.O. who tells them to redo the game with auto-combo off despite there being no ruling against auto-combos.
urien is high IQ
only nemo and dogura can beat good players with him, everyone else just mashes EX chariot and week 1 mirror memes
what did rashid and bison win? it's late season the best players are not traveling anymore
various ded kusoge while waiting for superjive.
>What's up with that
youll cowards don't even aegis reflect
Was xrd a mistake?
>>Smooth Viper gets put into losers by a guy using 1 button combos
sounds like a fraud getting exposed. the 1 button mash combos are inefficient shit so he had to get outplayed hard. lmao.
Does anyone know what "You Toucan be friends" challenge is?
yeah go to brazil stage and knock down your opponent near the bird on the right until he flies
Put zombies in Infinite.
ggs samosiv
GGs Brick
Is Menat good for a beginner?
Moke and oil king won asia cpt events, gachikun didn't win because some ibuki cuked him i think. Problem X won more than one tournament with Bison, premier as well
ggs flea
>put zombie into no sales, solved game
why bother?
No Black no buy
It wasn't auto combo, it was auto hyper. If shit's not in the rules then it's ok to use :)
How do I get better at fighting games
no, may is better flat and small
i don't remember any rashid player winning a premier and small tournaments this late in the season are irrelevant, same with that hotdog guy doing well in small tournaments without all the killers or problem x winning in eu it's not that impressive
Rewatch your losses
Practice combos
Dont let the trolls get to you
Take breaks when you get overly flustered
Remember this doesnt actually matter
Pick top tier characters and spend large amounts of money on gimmicky controllers
I guarantee zombies will get more sales than BB hood.
pick a waifu
j/o to her
commission art of your waifu
>all the 5 season 2 characters were supposed to be original
>kolin is from 3rd strike
>ed is from sf4
>abigail is from final fight
>zaku is from street fighter alpha
>only actually original characters is a negress that is completely unfun to play
dash & mash: the game
google capcom pro tour and see the past tournament results. also read the post again, you misunderstood somethings
rev2. tekken is as flawed as jive just in some other ways
so it was just irrelevant late season tournaments, who cares juri won one and she is trash
No one likes zombies anymore
>0 sales more than 0 sales
does not compute
i'm playing the game but it's dead, mate
what good artists can i commission
nah, they're "never playable before" or something like that
>pre mvci launch capcom said they learned their lesson from jive launch
>they'll have to do a mvci postmortem when they start ramping up the pr for superjive
bit depressing t b h
i played 1000 hours of SFV and am in silver league
these are not MMO where time = progress, fag
It doesn't matter if it's late season, the tournament was fully stacked when infil won, same with bonchan winning with Nash
Holy shit this is lewd
it does matter when all the top players are not entering i don't want to call it collusion but i find it funny that top asian players are not entering their tournaments just to give more points to smaller asian players so they can get into capcom cup
Amazon finally sended me my preorder costumes for mvci after 2 weeks.
They took their sweet time holy fuck, why didnt capcom just put the codes on inside the case like everyone else?
would you play dhalsim if he looked like this?
I just play Third Strike for funsies and Skullgirls.when I have time to play online.
Been doing that for the last few years.
would be too busy jerking it
>dbz adding a kusoge mechanic
Well there goes all hope of it being better than MvCI.
wheres the gundam versus lobby
broski left out the most important thing
stop autopiloting and think about what you're doing