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Rock solid edition

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malphite update when

why do some mf buy duskblade before ghostblade? they can't even proc the passive easily? or am i missing some almonds?

Breast waifu!

>tfw no qt petite gf

xth for breast metal waifu

Jinx is cuddly and cute

xth for Syndra

I like this thread. I like Malphite. I hope Illaoi gets a skin at some point. I also hope you have a good day. How long until people figure out how truly strong Malphite is.

>all those bruiser buffs

sure i love worlds

Xth for loolooposters are pedos

Had a mal[h jungle with fervor go br > tri > tit hydra. Thought he was going to feed. Every single fight he'd ult their adc and one shot him while we cleaned everyone else up.

I want to capture Kled, tie him up and kiss him everywhere!

>Char and Camille
Nice, I'll save this one.

Tawawa girl? In any case, I respect your foresight and faith in the game, I'll say that much. Meanwhile I'm passing up on a skin I wanted to buy because the animations betray the elegance. Oh and Hextech's been too good to me lately.

Sit in a bush and q aminion and bounceit

You'll easily do 75% of their health it's stupid

>load into lobby
>guy calls support
>instalocks Lux with ignite

Some fun facts about Akali coming at you
She can't spell words with more than 5 letters!
She has an IQ of 84!
Nobody likes her!

Actually, that's not Char, that's Quattro, cmon user.

Stop right there criminal scum! No one breaks the law on my watch! I'm confiscating your lp. Now buff Caitlyn or it's off to elo hell

It's been too long since I checked there, good reminder.

Stop being such a stick in the mud, Cait

Let's have some fun. In the bedroom. I know you like my hands.

how do you like my guns?

>thighs as thick as her head

>doing flex placements
>isn't going too bad
>veigar never pings zed missing so he dumpsters the xayah
>team can't figure out how to not fight illaoi in the jungle
>shrug it off
>akali pings her 984 MS at the start of the match
>"I'm just playing ranked for fun"
>keeps diving veigar under tower
>14 deaths in a 30 minute game

is this where it ends lads?

>Poppy and Rek'sai buffs
T-thanks, Riot.

In context, that make sense. I've yet to watch the original, just gotta' make time.


>200 bugs
Holy shit, why Mordefags play this shit?

What champs can carry from support even if your ADC had bad skills and game sense?

>Rek'sai buffs


*Puts on grey fox mask*
Heh, nothing personnel, cait

But nobody even plays Mordekaiser.

xth for (You)

Means you can lay your head on her lap and it'll be soft as a sweet dream, son.

>they can't even proc the passive easily?
??? A ranged champion coming out of FoW at 450+ movement speed can't proc the passive easily?

Everyone is getting buffed for pre-season user

She fucks Yordles.

xth for Cute Ashe

Worlds Soon Ediiton

>tfw no singed skin with a giant salt shaker on his back
>no dying from literally salt
Why live

He went that way, officer!

>Nobody likes her!
>being a green-eyed monster
What a sad user you are. I love her! I'm not the only one:

They're giving out 5 damage buffs to pretty much everyone

what the fuck did they do to All-Stars
are they literally making it a no-fun event without even having a prize pool?

There a little amount of Morde players that keep his winrate in a decent place, but when you see the playrate, you realize how little Mordeplayers are

You can confiscate my lp if you manage to catch me!

Because he's HEAVY and METAL

Wonder if few champs get nerfs.

Cause they're acting like Jhin, but with five.

>Just recently came back

What the fuck were they thinking?

>xth for punish passive poubelle players that leeched off of Janna for freelo
It should be a crime to make your lane partner pull all but double their wait. Hopefully coin nerfs mean I can get back to spellthief's poking now that she can do it more effectively.

Everyone getting these buffs

If the buffs are more than 5 damage it's going to happen next patch such as the gravesones

>ardent censer

>has been perfoming pretty lowly those months
>suddenly he picks Shen support
>10w of the last 12 games



>coming back to this shit game and garbage community

What the fuck were you thinking?

It used to be stronger.

Necessary chemo to handle the hypercarry ADC/ardent censer support cancer.

>playing video games

What the fuck were you thinking?

is it rape?

Why are you talking about yourself in the third person? That's kind of weird.

>Everyone gets only +5 damage buffs
>Pantheon gets +10 damage on both his main damage skills

Can't wait for the ardent and tank meta to end only for people to complain how broken assassins are

That's the only reason holding them back right now

>Now does physical instead of true damage
No big deal except for the slow

>is it rape?

Here you go /lolg/. I have a 10 game chat restriction, and pic related is the game that caused it. Vayne and Gnar were premade and constantly flaming, Gnar gave up after he fed 3 kills in 6 minutes to Morde 1v1, his buddy Vayne decided it was my fault, both wanted to open and were crying the whole fucking game. I did my absolute best to carry the game, was trying hard the whole game. I destroyed 5 towers completely by myself by split-pushing, and if these fucking crybaby faggots weren't sitting afk in base I could have won the game for them. I just wanted to play one fucking game of League before I went to bed after getting back from the fucking hospital.

Fuck you Riot, your game is fucking dogshit. You let fucking retards literally int in my fucking game but when I get upset I'M the one who gets fucking chat banned.

>go against maokai who has no damage items just straight tank
>still melts my health

I love league of tanks

Less Renekton getting a few nerfs.

Any safe bets for the pick'em?
I barely follow e-sports and I just wanna get those tokens

You mean VU or what?
Cuz I have a couple of ideas I'd love to see Riot use fro Malph

How do I unsubscribe to this blog?


Red Team.

Chem baron champion when? we don't really have a zaunite champion that really showcases the fucked up augmentation and "chems" that goes on in zaun
Urgots pretty tame.

Do we have lolisports today?

thanks i really like this 83%wr

>Vlad, Swain and Zyra
All on red



>pantheon buffs

Urgot is basically a chem baron though, as much as he denies it.

I definitely wouldn't mind another chem baron champ with a more traditional mobster/gangster feel though. Could see him being an ADC or a mid laner.

lolisports in 32 hours

For the user who was asking

>only cheesy


Is Leona finally good again? She feels better to play to all the other engage supports.

Why is everyone quoting Hokuto no Ken?


This seems pretty safe.
Have no idea on Group D so i keep changing it every day.
Might swap IMT with FNC too.

>get upset
>cry in chat
>get chat restriction
sounds extremely fair

What do you qualify as smut good enough to pay for? Some amount of pages? Do you care about the plot/genre? Please don't tell me you're the gurosmut dude and this many people wrote guro shit

She's definitely the best all in support

>But nobody even plays Mordekaiser.


it's le epic new meme by qtpie :D

>hopes King Grey gets hit by a bus
>but is smut user
I kind of want to like you but at the same time I hate you.

i was thinking a champion that REALLY uses the toxins and chems in zaun
urgots more about machinery and firepower.

He is that dude and that many people sold out for that shit.


Where did Fiora go


This. Forget Mordekaiser or Nunu, rockman deserves the update more


I think he could use a rework at this point tbqh. Keep seeing him more and more in my games now and all they do is feed.


Quinn top is my go to.

be glad you missed the actual duskblade meta

>not saying "Omai wa mou, shineiru" before casting Karthus ult